‎Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet dit (Edited by Theodore Besterman)‎
‎Correspondence V (5)‎

‎University of Toronto Press/Institut et Musée Voltaire In-8 Dust jacket in good condition Cloth Toronto and Geneva 1969 ‎

Reference : 6196

‎Fine 512 pages. Handwritten signature on endpaper. Vol. 89 of the Complete Works, volume 5 of Correspondence. ‎

€13.10 (€13.10 )
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Librairie Bonheur d'occasion
M. Mathieu Bertrand



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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 47166


‎The Absorption of Radiation by multiply periodic Orbits, and its relation to the Correspondence Principle and the Rayleigh-Jeans Law. Part I- (II). (I. Some Extensions of the Correspondence Principle. - II. Calculation of Absorption by multiply period...‎

‎Corning, N.Y., and Menasha, Wisc., The Physical Review, 1924. Royal8vo. Full buckram. Gilt lettering to spine. A stamp to top of titlepage and to front free endpaper. In: ""The Physical Review. A Journal of Experimental and theoretical Physics"", Vol. 24, Second Series. V,704 pp., textillustr. Van Vleck's papers: pp. 330-346 a. pp. 347-365. Internally clean and fine.‎

‎First appearance of Van Vleck's two importent papers in which he clarifies and extends the Principle of Correspondence.""Van Vleck made his greatest contribution to the old quantum theory in 1924, when he conceived his correspondence principle for absorption. He demonstrated that in the limit of high quantum numbers there would be a correspondence between absorption by classical, multiply periodic systems, and by their quantum analogues. His proof depended on interpreting net absorption in the quantum theory as the difference between gross absorption and stimulated emission of radiation (an interpretation prompted by a remark of Breit’s). Van Vleck was particularly pleased that his classical theory reproduced the quantum result without the need for stimulated emission, which he referred to as ""negative absorption."" (DSB).""Van Vleck’s theory of absorption by multiply periodic systems was consistent with the newly derived Kramers theory of dispersion, and it convinced Bohr that his correspondence principle applied not only to emission but also to absorption. Further, Van Vleck’s 1924 calculation made use of several of the ideas that Werner Heisenberg used in his matrix mechanics a year later. Van Vleck’s work, however, did not lead in the direction of matrix mechanics. His intent was to explain quantum phenomena (especially ""negative absorption"") in classical terms rather than to devise an internally consistent quantum theory."" (DSB).In 1977 he shared the Nobel Prize with Philip Anderson and N. F. Mott.Van der Waerden ""Sources of Quantum Mechanics"", pp. 203 ff.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,000.00 (€402.37 )


Reference : 46542


‎On the Quantum Theory of Line-Spectra. Part I-II. [Off-print from ""D. Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrifter"". - [BOHR'S CORRESPONDENCE PRINCIPLE - PRESENTATION-COPIES]‎

‎Copenhagen, Bianco Lunos, 1918. 4to. Both parts uncut and in the original printed wrappers. Wrappers detached and with small nicks and tears to extremities. Internally fine and clean. Part I unopened. 36 pp. + pp. (37) - 100.‎

‎First editions, author's off-prints (with ""Separate Copy"" printed to front wrappers), presentation-copies, of the first two parts of Bohr's seminal work ""On the Quantum Theory of the Line-Spectra"" (which appeared in three parts and which was never finished, the third part of which, published 4 years later, is almost never found in presentation-sets), in which Bohr gave his first clear presentation of his groundbreaking ""correspondence principle"": ""Which would play a pivotal role in the later development of atomic theory and its transformation into quantum mechanics."" (Kragh, Quantum Generations, p. 56). It eventually became a cornerstone in the quantum mechanics formulated by Heisenberg and Schrödinger. ""There was rarely in the history of physics a comprehensive theory which owed so much to one principle as quantum mechanics owed to Bohr's correspondence principle"" (Jammer 1966, p. 118). The evolution of quantum theory is divided into two distinct periods"" from 1900 to 1925, usually referred to as the period with the old quantum theory still grounded in classical physics and the second period with quantum mechanics from 1925 onwards. The general rules of quantum mechanics are very successful in describing objects on an atomic level. But macroscopic systems are accurately described by classical theories like classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics. If quantum mechanics were to be applicable to macroscopic objects, there must be some limit in which quantum mechanics reduces to classical mechanics. Bohr's correspondence principle demands that classical physics and quantum physics give the same answer when the systems become large. ""A major tool he developed for dealing with quantum problem, [...], was the correspondence principle, which establishes links between predictions of the classical theory and expectations for the quantum theory."" (Pais, Niels Bohr's Times, p. 20.). In this sense, the correspondence principle is not only an exceedingly important methodological principle, it also represents the transition to quantum mechanics and modern physics in general and it became the cornerstone of Bohr's philosophical interpretation of quantum mechanics which later would be closely tied to his thesis of complementarity and to the Copenhagen interpretation. Another version of the correspondence principle lives on in philosophical literature where it has taken form as a more general concept representing a development of new scientific theories.""By 1918 Bohr had visualized, at least in outline, the whole theory of atomic phenomena. ... He of course realized that he was still very far from a logically consistent framework wide enough to incorporate both the quantum postulates and those aspects of classical mechanics and electrodynamics that seemed to retain some validity. Nevertheless, he at once started writing up a synthetic exposition of his arguments and of all the evidence upon which they could have any bearing" in testing how well he could summarize what was known, he found occasion to check the soundness of his ideas and to improve their formulation. In the present case, however, he could hardly keep pace with the growth of the subject the paper he had in mind at the beginning developed into a four-part treatise, 'On the Theory of Line Spectra', publication of which dragged over four years without being completed" the first three parts appeared between 1918 and 1922 [of which the two first from 1918 are offered here], and the fourth, unfortunately, was never published. Thus, the full impact of Bohr's view remained confined to the small but brilliant circle of his disciples, who indeed managed better than their master to make them more widely known by the prompter publication of their own results"" (D.S.B. II: 246-47).Inscribed to ""Hr. Docent D. la Cour/ Venskabeligst/ fra/ Forfatteren"" on both front wrappers. The renowned Danish physicist and meteorologist Dan la Cour (1876-1942), was the son of the great Poul la Cour (1846-1908), who is considered the ""Danish Edison"". Dan la Cour was the assistant of Niels Bohr's father, Christian Bohr, and a well known scientist. From 1903, he was head of the department of the Meteorological Institute, and from 1923 leader thereof. From 1908 he was Associate Professor at the Polytechnic College. His original scientific works are highly respected, as are his original apparati for measuring earth magnetism which are considered highly valuable. ""His original intelligence, which in many ways resemble that of his father, also bore fruit in his patenting of various inventions: the ""Pyknoprobe"", developed to quickly determine the different layers of the sea"" a use of termite in quickly heating food and drinks out in the open under unfavourable weather conditions."" (From the Danish Encyclopaedia - own translation). He wrote a number of important and esteemed works and was member of the Danish Scientific Academy as well as many prominent international scientific commissions of meteorology and geophysics (i.e. president of the International Geodetical and Geophysical Union). He was also honorary Doctor at the George Washington University. Rosenfeld, Bohr-Bibliography, 15.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK54,000.00 (€7,242.59 )

‎[CORRESPONDENCE 1941-1945].‎

Reference : 1328712

‎Correspondence Between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. and the Presidents of the U.S.A. and the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.‎

‎Moscow, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1957, 2 vol. in-8, bradel skivertex vert foncé, 400 et 302 pp. (SC29A) ‎

‎ - Tome 1. Correspondence with Winston S. Churchill and Clement R. Attlee (July 1941-November 1945) - Tome 2. Correspondence with Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman (August 1941-December 1945). Marque d'appartenance manuscrite à l'encre bleue . Texte en anglais. ‎

Librairie HURET - Paris

Phone number : 33 01 40 50 15 40

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

Reference : alb0334577512f63972

‎A. B. Zakharov Commercial Correspondence. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Zakhar‎

‎A. B. Zakharov Commercial Correspondence. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Zakharov A. B. Kommercheskaya korrespondentsiya. In an identical case the presented rare edition published in Tiflis in 1913 sets out in detail the course of commercial correspondence of science taught in commercial schools both now and in pre-revolutionary Russia. This guide by Alexander Bogdanovich Zakharovich a lecturer at the Tiflis School of Commerce is published in the series The Public Library. Commercial correspondence is the basis of all trade especially since any more or less significant business begins with commercial correspondence is accompanied and ends with it. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb0334577512f63972‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,399.00 (€1,399.00 )

‎BESTERMAN (Théodore)‎

Reference : 553324


‎Voltaire's correspondence.‎

‎ Genève, Institut et musée Voltaire, Les Délices, 1953-1965 107 vol. in-8 br. regroupant 18162 lettres de Voltaire. Le vol. C est une bibliographie de la liste des correspondances des manuscrits cités dans les notes. Les 7 derniers volumes correspondent à l'index général. [JOINT du même auteur] : Travaux sur Voltaire et le Dix-Huitième Siècle, 2 vol. in-8 br., Les Délices, 1955-1956, 224, 318pp., ex. enrichi de 6 cartes postales représentant l'Institut et Musée Voltaire à Genève et d'un ENVOI AUTOGRAPHE SIGNE de Th. Besterman à Mr ****. / 107 vol. in-8, softcover, 18162 letters from Voltaire's correspondence. Vol. C is a bibliography of the correspondence list of manuscripts quoted in the notes. The 7 last vol. are general index. [JOIN from the same writer] : Travaux sur Voltaire et le Dix-Huitième Siècle, 2 vol. in-8, softcover, Les Délices, 1955-1956, 224, 318pp. Autograph signed by Th. Besterman to Mr ****. Included 6 postcards representing the Institute and Voltaire Museum in Geneva. ‎

‎Rarissime collection complète. P. Guillaud-Brandon explique dans une plaquette que nous joignons à cet exceptionnel ensemble, le travail monumental et ruineux fourni par Th. Besterman pour arriver à rassembler dans cette belle collection la grande partie de la correspondance de Voltaire de son vivant. "M. Besterman s'est efforcé de servir l'érudit sans incommoder le plaisir du simple lecteur. Les notes indispensables sont donc présentées sous quatre rubriques, manuscrits, éditions, textes, commentaires. Chaque volume contient une table chronologique des lettres, une table des noms des correspondants, un index des abréviations bibliographiques, une clef des pseudonymes et des surnoms utilisés dans la correspondance, une table de concordance avec l'édition Moland." / Rare complete collection. P. Guillaud-Brandon explains in a reprint book that we add to this exceptional ensemble the monumental and ruinous work provided by Th. Besterman in order to arrive at collecting in this beautiful collection the great part of Voltaire's correspondence during his lifetime. "Mr. Besterman has endeavored to serve the scholar without disturbing the reader's pleasure, so the essential notes are presented under four headings, manuscripts, editions, texts, commentaries, and each volume contains a chronological table of letters, the names of correspondents, an index of bibliographic abbreviations, a key of pseudonyms and nicknames used in correspondence, a table of concordance with the edition Moland. Qqs couv piquées, très bon état d'ensemble / Some foxing on cover, good condition. - ‎


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