Clarendon Press Dust Jacket in fine condition Hardcover Oxford 1983
Reference : 46910
Fine Strong quarto. 382 pages + plates. Nice bookplate on endpaper. Complete with the 5 technical sheets in the rear pocket.
Librairie Bonheur d'occasion
M. Mathieu Bertrand
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Macgregor, Arthur Ed.: Tradescant's Rarities. Essays on the Foundation of the Ashmolean Museum, 1683, with a Catalogue of the Surviving Early Collections. Clarendon Press, 1983. xiii, 382pp with 72 figures plus 126pp with 186 monochrome illustrations, and 5 microfiches (inside the back cover). Cloth, 28x22.5cms. Tercentenary publication, falling into two parts; a series of introductory essays including a description of the foundation of the museum, the life and career of the Tradescants, their importance as collectors and their bequest to Elias Ashmole; the catalogue of surviving material from the foundation collection, plus microfiches of the Ashmolean's early catalogues of c.1685 and its Book of Benefactors 1683-1766, as well as John Tradescant's 'Musaeum Tradescantianum' of 1656. Bibliography, index.
Tercentenary publication, falling into two parts; a series of introductory essays including a description of the foundation of the museum, the life and career of the Tradescants, their importance as collectors and their bequest to Elias Ashmole; the catalogue of surviving material from the foundation collection, plus microfiches of the Ashmolean's early catalogues of c.1685 and its Book of Benefactors 1683-1766, as well as John Tradescant's 'Musaeum Tradescantianum' of 1656. Bibliography, index