‎VILLERS (André) (1930 - 2016)‎

‎ Tirage argentique d'époque. 1990. Dim: 403 x 303 . Signée et datée par André Villers.‎

Reference : 2907


€230.00 (€230.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : 8672

‎Monumenta Serica Vol. I - 1935-1936, Cura Universitatis Catholicae Pekini Edita, Sumptibus Henrici Vetch - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Monumenta Serica Vol. II - 1936-1937, Cura Universitatis Catholicae Pekini Edita, Sumptibus Henrici Vetch - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Monumenta Serica Vol III- 1938 - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Henri Vetch - Peiping. Monumenta Serica Vol. IV - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Henri Vetch Peiping - Monumenta Serica Vol. V - 1938 - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Henri Vetch - Peiping - Monumenta Serica Vol VI- 1938 - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Henri Vetch - Peiping - Monumenta Serica Vol VII- 1938 - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Henri Vetch - Peiping - Monumenta Serica Vol VIII- 1938 - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Henri Vetch - Peiping - Monumenta Serica Vol IX- 1938 - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Henri Vetch - Peiping - Monumenta Serica Vol X - 1938 - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Henri Vetch - Peiping - Monumenta Serica Vol XI - 1938 - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Henri Vetch - Peiping - Monumenta Serica Vol XIII- 1938 - Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking - Henri Vetch - Peiping.‎

‎Pékin-Peiping, Henri Vetch, 1936-1937-1938 -1939-1940 - 1941 - 1942 - 1943 - 1944 - 1945 - 1946 - 1947 - 1948. 12 forts volumes in-8, enrichis de planches ou illustrations, reliure moderne plein cuir brun, couvertures conservées, très bon état. Ensemble de toutes les publications de Monumenta Serica du 1er numéro au numéro 13 (1949), sauf le No 12 de 1948. La publication sera ensuite éditée au Japon à partir de 1950. A full set of 12 volumes of Monumenta Serica, from Number I to Number XIII (except No XII), published in Peking by the french publisher Henri Vetch. A very scarce collection of books, nicely and identically rebound in fill brown leather,‎

‎Cet ouvrage collectif est une publication annuelle de l'Université Catholique de Pékin. Les 12 volumes (sur 13) parus à Pékin, entre 1935 et 1949 rassemblent les études et articles des meilleurs spécialistes de la Chine de cette époque. Ecrits dans de multiples langues, français, anglais, allemand, etc. Pour de plus amples informations sur la table des matières de chacun des volumes et sur les frais de port importants, merci de contacter le libraire. For further information about the summary of each books or about the expensive postage, please contact directly the bookseller.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR4,200.00 (€4,200.00 )


Reference : 5431

‎The China Journal - 3 issues - Vol XII - Nos 4-5-6 - April-May-June 1930 . Editors: Arthur de Sowerby and John C. Ferguson.‎

‎Shanghai, Printed by the North-China Daily News and Herald, 1930. 1 volume in-8, 206 pp. [177-382], 3 issues of China Journal rebound in modern full leather. The May edition is related and devoted to Shanghai, some light insect or mouse work on some pages (1 to 2 mm on the upper part), overall a good copy, With many black and white illustrations and advertisements.‎

‎This volume contains 3 consecutive issues of the China Journal. Contents of Vol XII, No 4, April 1930: The Insanity of War - The Chinese Lunar Calendar - Liang Ch'i-Ch'ao - Editorial Contents - Art Notes - Correspondence - Reviews - House-Boating in Kiangsu and Chekiang - Travel and Exploration Notes - Chemical Fertilizers in China - Enginnering and Industrial Notes - The Honey Bee as a Pollinating Agent - Notes on Trees ans Shrubs of North Manchuria - Scientific Notes and Reviews - Shooting and Fishing Notes - The Keenel - The Garden - Publications. Contents of Issue Vol XII, No 5, May 1930 (Shanghai Issue): Shanghai Industrially Considered - Labour in Shanghai - The German Industrial Mission to China - The Printed World in Shanghai - The Art-Crafts of Shanghai - Architecture, Interior Decoration and Building in Shanghai, Twenty Years ago and To-Day - Some Present Aspects of the Real Estate Business in Shanghai - The Chinese Rug - Art Notes - Reviews - Shanghai at the World' Cross-Roads - Shipbuilding in Shanghai - Travel and Exploration in Shanghai - The Cotton Industry in Shanghai - Shanghai and the Silk Industry - Engineering and Industrial Notes - The Scientist and Industry in China - Electricity in China - The Value of Coal Gas to China - Scientific Notes and Reviews - Shooting and Fishing Notes - Miscellanea. Contents of Volume XI, No 6, June 1930: THe Municipal Council and the R.A.S. Building - Chinese Lunar Calendar - Richard Wilhelm - The Sheng or Male Character of the Chinese Stage - Hyacinth - Editorial Contents - Art Notes - TRavels in Manchuria - Travel and Exploration Notes - China's Economic Position - Notes on Dead-Leaf Butterfly Kallima and a new Species of Papilio - A New Species of Swalloy Ray - Notes on Trresand Schrubs of North Nanchuria - Pole-Shift and Climatic Cycles - Scientific Notes and Reviews - Miscellanea.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR220.00 (€220.00 )


Reference : 11458

‎Le Petit Journal (Année 1897) ‎

‎Paris, 1897. 1 volume in-folio, demi-reliure toilée, plats cartonnés à l'image du vendeur du Petit Journal, 416 pp, 104 illustrations en couleurs, bel exemplaire. ‎

‎Ensemble des 52 numéros hebdomadaires du Supplément Illustré du Petit Journal de l'Année 1897 (du numéro 320 du 3 Janvier 1897 jusqu'à au numéro 371 du 26 Décembre 1897). Ce volume comporte les célèbres illustrations du Roi de Siam.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR280.00 (€280.00 )


Reference : 3661

‎The China Journal‎

‎North-China Daily News and Herald Ltd, April 1929-May 1929-June 1929, Vol. X, Nos 4-5-6. 1 volume in-8, with 3 issues of China Journal bound together, modern full leather binding, illustrated covers kept, with many black and white photographs and advertisements, a very good copy. First issue, XXVI-[161-216]-XXVII-XLII pp., Second issue, LII-[217-284]-LIII-XCII, Third issue: XXXIV-[285-352]-XXXV-L pp.‎

‎Contents for April 1929: China's Wheelbarrow Civilization by Arthur de C. Sowerby The Description and Determination of Sung Dynasty Porcelain Unearthed at Ping-Yang Hsien, Shansi by Aitchen K. Wu - A Comparison of Ancient Chinese Philosophy with that of Greece by Homer H. Dubs - Editorial Comments - Art Notes - Replies to Enquiries - Reviews - Some Aboriginal Tribes of South-Eastern China by W. R. Price - Travel and Exploration Notes - Migration Notes by G. D. Wilder - Description of A New Species of the Genus Polypedate by L. S. Chen - A Second Species of Stonefly from Peiping by Chenfu F. Wu - Scientific Notes and Reviews - Shooting and Fishing Notes - The Kennel - The Garden - Societies and Institutions - Education Notes and Intelligence - Publications Received. Contents for May 1929: China's Transport Problem by Arthur de Sowerby - Water Transport in China by Dr. H. Chatley - Economics of Transportation for China by Dr. J.A. L. Waddell - Transport in Chinese Art - China's Transport Workers, Men and Beasts by Arthur de C. Sowerby - The Junks, Sampans and Inland Waterways of China by Arthur de Sowerby - Transportation on the Yangtze Kiang by H. Foote Carey - Harbours and Conservancy Work in China - The Motor Roads in China - The Railway in China - Motor Transport in China - Aviation in China by Captain B. Holland, The History of Aviation in China - China's Overseas, Coastal and Riverine Shipping - Transportation Notes. Contents for June 1929: In Shanghai to have a Museum? by Arthur de Sowerby - Kuan-Yin: Goddess of Mercy by Clarence Burton Day - The Hibiscus Painting translated by Elfrida Hudson - Formosa, The Island Beautiful by Franklin Metcalf - Travel and Exploration Notes - An Autogenous Chimera in Chrysanthemum and its Bearing upon certain biological problems by W. M. Portefield - Notes on Trees and Shrubs of Northern Manchuria by W. Skvortzow - Description of a new species of Microhyla from Kwantung by L. S. Chen - Scientific Notes and Reviews - Shooting and Fishing Notes - The Kennel - The Garden - Societies and Institutions - Publications received.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )


Reference : 5557

‎The China Journal - 3 issues Vol XIII - Nos 4-5-6 - October-November-December 1930 . Editors: Arthur de Sowerby and John C. Ferguson.‎

‎Shanghai, Printed by the North-China Daily News and Herald, 1930. 1 volume in-8, 185 pp. [161-346], 3 issues of China Journal rebound in modern full leather, original covers not kept. The October edition is related and devoted to Netherlands India, a good copy, with many black and white illustrations and advertisements.‎

‎This volume contains 3 consecutive issues of the China Journal. Contents of Vol XIII, No 4, October 1930: Netherlands India - The Government and Administration of Netherlands India - A brief Outline of Javanese History - The Dance and Drama in Bali and Java - Some Javanese Legends - Mariage and Funeral Customs of the Balinese - Touring Netherlands India - Travel and Exploration Notes - The Economixc Importance of Netherlands India - Engineering and Industrial Notes - Animal and Plant Life of the East Indies - The Geology of the Malay Archipelago - Malaya, the Human Melting Pot - Archaelogy in Java and Bali - Scientific Notes and Reviews. Contents of Volume XIII No 5 November 1930: China's Opportunity - The Chinese Lunar Calendar - The Story of the "Meen Keah" or Tibetan nut - Bretschneider - Editorial Comments - Art Notes - The wider Environs of Peking - Travel and Exploration Notes - Railway Development in China - Engineering and Industrial Notes - The Peking Man - Some chinese Birds of Prey - Scientific Notes - Shooting and Fishing Notes. Contents for Vol. XIII, No 6, December 1930: The Christmas Tree - The Chinese Lunar Calendar - Pictorial Art and Criticism - Editorial Comments - Art Notes - Reviews - New Guinea and the Papouans - Travel and Exploration Notes - Dates for planting Wheat in China - Engineering and Industrial Notes - China's Winter Birds - Contributiond to the Ichthyology of China - Scientific Notes and Reviews - Shooting and Fishing Notes.‎

Phone number : 852 95539385

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )
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