‎Benn, Gottfried:‎

‎Wiesbaden, Limes Verlag, 1951. 8°. 184 S. Goldgeprägter Orig.-Leinenband mit Schutzumschlag (Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren).‎

Reference : 2757BB

‎Erste Ausgabe. WG 98/37.‎

€37.52 (€37.52 )
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‎Constructive formalism. Essays on the foundations of mathematics‎

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‎Serafimovich A.S. A collection of essays in 7 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in ‎

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FoliBiblio - Malden
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‎S. Echard, G.R. Wieland (eds.); ‎

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‎Anglo-Latin and its Heritage Essays in honour of A.G. Rigg on his 64th birthday,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2001 Paperback, 298 p., 16 x 25. ISBN 9782503508382.‎

‎For some 40 years, A.G. Rigg has been defining the field of later Anglo-Latin scholarship, a task culminating in his History of Anglo-Latin Literature 1066-1422. 'Anglo-Latin and its Heritage' is a collection of thirteen essays by his colleagues and students, past and present, which pays tribute to him both by exploring the field he has defined, and by making forays into its antecedents and descendants. The first section, Roots and Debts, includes essays on the migration of classical and late antique motifs and patterns of thought into early medieval Latin, and concludes with an essay which shows how a 12th-century writer reached back into that earlier period for stylistic models. The central section of the book, Anglo-Latin Literature 1066-1422, concentrates on Anglo-Latin writers of the period most studied by Rigg himself, and the seven essays in this section include analyses of poetic style and borrowing discussions of patterns of reading and essays which read Anglo-Latin works through their specific historical and cultural contexts. Two of the essays are elegant translations of significant Anglo-Latin poetic works. The final section of the book, Influence and Survival, offers three essays which consider Anglo-Latin literature in the late medieval and post-medieval world, from an edition of a Latin source for a late Middle English saint's life through an account of the migration of Latin texts into the royal libraries of Henry VIII to the concluding essay, which explores a mechanical means of producing perfect Latin hexameter. A complete bibliography of Rigg's works closes the volume. The chronological and methodological range of the essays in this collection is offered as a fitting tribute to one of Anglo-Latin's most learned and indefatigable scholars. Languages : English, Latin.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR60.50 (€60.50 )

‎REY (Jean)‎

Reference : 44610

‎The essay of Jean REY -- ESSAYS DE JEAN REY, docteur en médecine, SUR LA RECERCHE DE LA CAUSE POUR LAQUELLE L'ESTAIN & LE PLOMB AUGMENTENT DE POIDS -- A facsimile reprint of THE ORIGINAL EDITION OF 1630 with an introduction by Douglas McKie‎

‎London, Arnold, 1951, un volume in 8 relié en demi-toile éditeur, jacquette, 1 frontispice, 44pp., 142pp., pp.45/83‎

‎---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- Introduction by Douglas McKie - The Essays - Letter from Mersenne to Rey, 1631 - Letter from Mersenne to Rey, 1632 - Letter from Brun to Mersenne - Letter from Rey to Mersenne, 1643 - Letter from Brun to mersenne, 1644 ---- "REY's fame rests on his Essays de Jean REY sur la recherche de la cause pour laquelle l'estain et le plomb augmentent de poids quand on les calcine. The fascination of the Essays lies in its succinctness and the matrix of ideas presented at a time of far-reaching changes in science- appeals to reason, observation and experiment, as well as skepticism about earlier writing. The essays created some contemporary reaction but its intrinsic interest lies in its anticipation of LAVOISIER's recognation in 1772 that calcination involves combination with air. In 1775, Pierre BAYEN drew attention to the Essays and LAVOISIER initially believed the work to be a forgery, later, however, HE SPOKE OF IT WITH ADMIRATION...". (DSB XI p. 389) --- Partington II p. 631-636 - Cole 1111 - Hoover 683 - Duveen p. 505**44610/4461/K4‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

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