London, Thames ans Hudson, 1955. 8°. 200 Seiten. Mit 6 farbigen und 182 s/w Abbildungen. Orig. Leinen (bestossen).
Reference : 1651CB
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World's Student Christian Federation. 1928. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos abîmé, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 90 à 240. Dos muet.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Contents: The Heritage of India. P. Chenchiah. India in 1928. K.T. Paul. The Womanhood of India. Mrs Margaret Cousins. India - A Land of Villages. Mason Olcott. Social Service in India. V. Venkatasubbaiyya. The Church of Christ in India. The Rev. N. Macnicol. India Moving towards Christ. A.J. Appasamy. Are Christian Missions still needed in India? B.L. Rallia Ram. Are Christian Missions still needed in India? J.S.B. Abraham. Movements of Student Life and Throught in India, (A) Among men students: R.F. Maccune, (B) Among women students: Miss L. Devasaatyam. The Student Christian Movement in India - past, present and future. Rev. E.C. Dewick. Some Indian Confessions of Faith, (A) Why I am a Hindu. Mahatma Gandhi, (B) Why Ihave not changed my religion. D.B. Ellepola, (C) Why I am a Christian. C.E. Abraham. India and the Federation. (A) What the Federation hopes to receive from India. H.L. Henriod, (B) What India hopes to receive from the Federation. A.M.K. Cumaraswamy. Book Reviews... Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Second edition. Trbner & Co., London, 1885-1887. In-8 p. (mm. 218x138), 14 volumi (di cui 1 di Indice), mz. pelle editoriale (con abras. e picc. mancanze; tracce d'uso ai piatti), ogni vol. di ca. 460/570 pagg. Seconda edizione, completa, di questa grandiosa opera statistica dell'intero Impero Britannico in India. La prima fu pubblicata in 9 volumi nel 1881.The publication of "The Imperial Gazetteer of India" marks the completion of the largest national enterprise in statistics which has ever been undertaken. This gigantic work has been carried out under the uninterrupted direction of Dr. Hunter, its original designer, from the initial stage of local inquiry in each of the 240 Districts of India to the final arrangement of the results in an alphabetical form.. The article "India" in volume IV (volume VI in this second ed.) is the touchstone of the work, and proves clearly enough the sterling metal of which it is wrought.. It is, moreover, the only attemps that has ever been made to show how the Indian people have been built up, and the evidence from the original materials have been for the first time sifted and examined by the light of the local researches in which the author was for so long engaged.. (see The Times, May 26, 1881).L'opera (che si occupa anche di geografia, storia, economia e governo dell'India) cos composta: 1 Abar to Balasinor - 2 Balasor to Biramganta - 3 Birbhum to Cocanada - 4 Cochin to Ganguria - 5 Ganjam to Indi - 6 India (pp. 747) - 7 Indore to Kardong - 8 Karens to Madnagarh - 9 Madras Presidency to Multai - 10 Multan to Palhalli - 11 Pali to Ratia - 12 Ratlam to Sirmur - 13 Sirohi to Zumkha - 14 Index. Ogni volume contiene una carta geografica a colori, pi volte ripieg. Sir William Wilson Hunter (1840-1900), funzionario e pubblicista, si laure nell'universit di Glasgow e nel 1861 entr nell'amministrazione dell'India, dove rimase 26 anni. Oltre a occupare varie cariche amministrative, fece importanti pubblicazioni economico-statistiche. Il vicer lord Mayo lo incaric di un vasto studio statistico di tutta l'India e nel 1871 lo nomin direttore generale della statistica. Il H. quindi ide il vasto Imperial Gazetteer of India', in cui si raccolse vasta messe di notizie su ogni provincia dell'impero, e mentre diresse tutto il lavoro, cur direttamente i volumi sul Bengala e l'Assam. In tutto furono pubblicati 128 volumi, che il H. riassunse nel 1881 in 9 volumi (IV ed., volumi 26, Oxford 1931). Lasciata l'India nel 1887, si stabil presso Oxford e divenne collaboratore del Times. Cos Enciclopedia Treccani,XVIII, p. 605.Tutti i testi della ns. raccolta sono ben conservati.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2022 Hardback, iv + 202 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:120 col., 2 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9781912554775.
Summary The return of a saint's body to its rightful resting place was an event of civic and spiritual significance retold in Medieval sources and substantiated by artistic commissions. Legends of Saint Thomas Apostle, for instance, claimed that the martyred saint had been miraculously transported from India to Italy during the thirteenth century. However, Saint Thomas's purported resting place in Ortona, Italy did not become a major stopping point on pilgrimage or exploration routes, nor did this event punctuate frescoed life cycles or become a subject for Renaissance altarpieces as one would expect. Instead, the site of the apostle's burial in Chennai, India has flourished as a terminus of religious pilgrimage, where a multifaceted visual tradition emerged, and where a vibrant local cult of 'Thomas Christians' remains to this day. An unlikely destination on the edge of the 'known' world thus became a surprising source of early modern Christian piety. By studying the art and texts associated with this little-known cult, this book disrupts assumptions about how knowledge of Asia took shape during the Renaissance and challenges art historical paradigms in which art was crafted by locals merely to be exported, collected, and consumed by curious European patrons. In so doing, Italy by Way of India proposes that we redefine the parameters of early modern visual culture to account for the ways that global mobility and the circulation of objects profoundly influence how cultures see and know each other as well as themselves. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS INTRODUCTION Translating Saints An Apostle in India CHAPTER I. SAINT THOMAS AND THE MAKING OF CHRISTIANITY IN SOUTHERN INDIA Re-situating Christianity in India Thomas, Builder of Churches The Cross and the Lotus Dar?an in the Church The Reform of Thomas Christianity in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries CHAPTER II. INDIAN CHRISTIAN ART IN THE AGE OF COLONIALISM Devotional Objects in Churches Devotional Objects for Domestic Use CHAPTER III. POSSESSING INDIA Indian Things in Italy Shopping in India Putting Saint Thomas on the Map Bringing Saint Thomas's India to Florence Experiencing Indian Objects in the Medici Collections CHAPTER IV. AN INDIAN SAINT IN ITALY The Deaths of Saint Thomas First Translation Mistranslation CONCLUSION NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY
Reference : lom-MS000314
Short description: [Map]. Geological Survey of India. Preliminary sketch of the geology of India. - Calcutta: Office of Surveyor General of India 1877. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUMS000314 kn_nat
Reference : albbbee0ecd6a11946e
Laman E. India. I.-On crop failures in India. II-Modern India. In Russian (ask u. Economic Study. St. Petersburg. Typical Newspaper Novosti. 1893. 2 X VI 4 441.2 p. 23 516 0 sm. SKUalbbbee0ecd6a11946e.