Lexington, KY, Forgotten Books, 2011 (Reprinted Edition). 1 volume, in-4, 367 pp., softcover, with frontispiece of President Li Yuan-Hung, enriched with 28 black and white illustrations, stamp on front page, in excellent condition.
Reference : 8987
Contents: Chapter I: General Introduction, pages 1-16. Chapter II: The Enigma of Yuan Shih-kai, pages 17-29. Chapter III: The Dream Republic (From the Manchu Abdiction to the dissolution of Parliament), pages 30-43. Chapter IV: The Dictator at Work (From the Coup d'état of the 4th Nov. 1913 to the outbreak of the World-war, 1st August, 1914), Papes 44-53. Chapter V: The Factor of Japan, pages 54-66. Chapter VI: The Twenty-One Demands, pages 67-92. Chapter VII: The Origin of The Twenty-One Demands, pages 93-108. Chapter VIII: The Monarchist Plot ,1° The Pamphlet of Yang Tu, pages 109-127. Chapter IX: The Monarchy Plot ,2° Dr. Goodnow's Memorandum, pages 128-140. Chapter X: The Monarchy Movement is Opposed, The Appeal of the Scholar Liang Chi-chao, pages 141-158. Chapter XI: The Dream Empire ("The People's Voice" and the action of the Powers), pages 159-173. Chapter XII: "The Third Revolution", The Revolt of Yunnan, pages 174-183. Chapter VIII. "The Third Revolution" (continued), Downfall and Death of Yuan Shih-kai, pages 184-199. Chapter XIV: The New Régime, From 1916 to 1917, pages 200-215. Chapter XV: The Republic in Collision with Reality: Two Typical Instances of "Foreign Aggression", pages 216-228. Chapter XVI: China and The War, pages 229-272. Chapter XVII: The Final Problem: Remoddeling The Politico-economic Relationship Between China and The World, pages 273-292. Appendices, Documents and Memoranda pages 293-367.
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