New York, Columbia University Press (1928), reprinted by Ch'eng-wen Publishing Co., Taipei, 1976. 1 volume in-12, 249 pp., 20 pp. Appendix, green hardcover, very good condition.
Reference : 8333
A scholarly, sociological analysis of all types of guilds in Peking during the 1920s based primarily on data obtained from a questionnaire. After tracing the origin and history of the guilds and examining three typical guilds, Burgess makes a comparative study of 42 guilds interns of their meeting places, membership, organization, meetings, finances, apprentices systems, charitable work, religious life, and major functions.
Librairie Ancienne Indosiam
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AMS Press, New York, 1970. 1 volume in-8, 270 pp., green paper hardback, a Chinese stamp on title page, enriched with multiple tables in texte, very good condition.
Contents: Foreword - Introduction - Method and Scope of Study - The Origin and History of the Guilds - A Descriptive Study of Three Peking Guilds - Number of Guilds, Guild Halls and Guild Offices - Guild Membership - Guild Organization - Guild Meetings - Guild Finance - The Apprentice System - The Charitable Work of the Guilds - The Regligious Life of the Guilds - The Function of the Guilds - Contemporary Trends in Guild Life and the Probable Future of the Guilds - Problems and Possibilities - Appendix - Bibliography - Index.