P., Crapart, 1804, un volume in 8 relié en demi-basane, dos orné de fers et filets dorés (reliure de l'époque), (petit accroc sans gravité à la coiffe), 12pp. 438pp.
Reference : 997
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BON EXEMPLAIRE ---- "Despite its title, "Coup d'oeil sur les révolutions et sur la réforme de la médecine", the principal work of Cabanis, remains a purely speculative treatise. A history of medicine, retraced by Cabanis in the beginning of the book allows him to affirm that the succession of nosological systems and the erroneous application of other sciences to medicine have discredited the art of healing... An effective reform is now indispensable. The new medical doctrine will be constituted by the relations of order and of logical sequence established between methodically gathered tables of observations and experiments...". (DSB III) ----- Postel & Quetel pp. 117, 140, etc - Zilboorg pp. 283/284**997/H4
Librairie Bernard Maille
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[De l'Imprimerie de Crapelet, Chez Crapart, Caille et Ravier] - CABANIS, Pierre Jean Georges
Reference : 64212
1 vol. in-8 reliure pleine basane racinée, De l'Imprimerie de Crapelet, Chez Crapart, Caille et Ravier, Paris, An XII, 1804, xii-438 pp. et Firmin Didot, Paris, An VI [1798 ], 2 ff., VI-144 pp.
Rare exemplaire de l'édition originale de "Du degré de Certitude de la Médecine" de Cabanis, relié avec l'édition originale du "Coup d'oeil sur les Révolutions". Etat satisfaisant (dos frotté avec mq. en coiffe sup, bon état par ailleurs, ex-libris de Ladevèze, avec son ex-libris gravé "ex-musaeo Ladeveze P.M.M." armorié en garde)
un volume in 8 relié en demi-basane, dos orné de fers et filets dorés (reliure de l'époque), (petites épidermures aux mors, dos légèrement frotté)
---- Les deux ouvrages sont en EDITIONS ORIGINALES ---- 1. "Cabanis' "DU DEGRE DE CERTITUDE DE LA MEDECINE" contains a defense of medical empiricism enriched by a history of medical practice through the centuries ; in this account the Hippocratic concept of nature is once more paramount, and the clearest conclusion consists in the rejection of theoretical systems. This rejection is based on the philosophical conviction that the human mind, incapable of discovering causes, should content itself with organizing, without preconceived ideas, relations of facts" ---- 2. "Despite its title, "COUP D'OEIL SUR LES REVOLUTIONS ET SUR LA REFORME DE LA MEDECINE", the principal work of Cabanis, remains a purely speculative treatise. A history of medicine, retraced by Cabanis in the beginning of the book allows him to affirm that the succession of nosological systems and the erroneous application of other sciences to medicine have discredited the art of healing. The revolutions in medicine, he says, have been only revolution in ideas and have done nothing but engender the skepticism of the public and the arrogance of the charlatans. An effective reform is now indispensable. The new medical doctrine will be constituted by the relations of order and of logical sequence established between methodically gathered tables of observations and experiments. These relations will be extracted by philosophical analysis, combining the two procedures of decomposition and recomposition...". (DSB III) ---- Zilboorg pp. 283/284 - Postel & Quetel**992/E3