P., Bossange, 1823/1825, 5 VOLUMES in 8 reliés en demi-basane, dos ornés de fers et filets dorés (reliures romantiques de l'époque), (petit défaut de papier dans la marge du feuillet 191-192 au tome 1, sallissure en bordure d'un feuillet au tome 2, petite épidermure à la partie inférieure du dos au tome 4), T.1 : 1 PORTRAIT DE CABANIS, 14pp., 531pp., T.2 : (2), 592pp., T.3 : (2), 500pp., T.4 : (2), 587pp., T.5 : (2), 457pp., (1)
Reference : 991
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- UN DES RARES EXEMPLAIRES AVEC UN PORTRAIT DE CABANIS EN FRONTISPICE AU TOME 1 ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE, en dépit des petits défaut signalés ---- "CABANIS undoubtedly influenced the general orientation of Pinel". (Zilboorg p. 284) ---- "In 1884, CABANIS became a doctor of medicine at Reims. In 1790 he was named a member of the commission de Réforme des hôpitaux and professor of hygiene in 1793. Following the creation of the Ecoles de santé, which replaced the Facultés de médecine in Paris, Montpellier and Strasbourg, Cabanis held successively, in Paris, the positions of assistant professor at the Ecole de perfectionnement, of assistant to Corvisart in the chair of internal medicine and of titular professor in the chair of the history of medicine and of legal medicine. Cabanis applied medicine to philosophy and philosophy to medicine from a purely theoretical point of view, even when he acted as a reformer. As a philosopher, Cabanis sought in medicine an instrument for the analysis of ideas, that is to say, for the reconstruction of their genesis. His fundamental philosophical work Rapports du physique et du moral de l'homme, is presented as "simple physiological researches". In this work, Cabanis sets forth a psychology and an ethical system based on the necessary effects of an animal's organization upon its relationships with its environment... As a physician, Cabanis considered the influence of illnesses on the formation of ideas and values... Cabanis simultaneously sought to render physicians more knowlegeable and more effective by the reform of medical instruction... In 1790, Cabanis published his Observations sur les hôpitaux, in which he advocated the establishment of small hospital units outside the large cities because, according to him, large hospitals preclude individual care, are conductive to the spread of contagious diseases... Cabanis's Du degré de certitude de la médecine contains a defense of medical empiricism enriched by a history of medical practice through the centuries. In this account the Hippocratic concept of nature is one more paramount and the clearest conclusion consists in the rejection of theoretical systems... Coup d'oeil sur les révolutions et sur la réforme de la médecine, the principal work of Cabanis the physician, remains a purely speculative treatise. Cabanis affirms that the succession of nosological systems and the erroneous application of other sciences to medicine have discredited the art of healing. The revolution of medicine have been only revolutions in ideas and have done nothing but engender the skepticism of the public and the arrogance of the charlatans. An effective reform is now indispensable. The new medical doctrine will be constituted by the relations of order and of logical sequence established between methodically gathered tables of observations and experiments... Cabanis states that he attaches the greatest importance to making "complete collections of observations on all the human infirmities" and to their comparaison, in the clinical schools attached to the hospitals...". (DSB III pp. 1/3). ---- Révolutions et réforme de la médecine - Rapport fait au conseil des Cinq-Cents sur l'organisation des écoles de médecine - Du degré de certitude de la médecine - Journal de la maladie et de la mort de Mirabeau - Observations sur les affections catarrhales - Note sur le supplice de la guillotine - Quelques principes et quelques vues sur les secours publics - Observations sur les hôpitaux - Travail sur l'éducation publique - Note sur un genre particulier d'apoplexie - Rapports du physique et du moral de l'homme - Lettre à M. S** sur les causes premières - Discours d'ouverture du cours sur Hippocrate - Discours de clôture pour le cours sur Hippocrate - Eloge de Vicq-d'Azyr - Notice sur Benjamin Franklin - Lettre à M. T** sur les poèmes d'Homère - Fragments de la traduction de l'IIiade - Serment d'un médecin**991/H4+7716/F1
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