P., Crochard, 1838, 2 volumes in 8 reliés en demi-basane havane de l'époque, dos ornés de fers et filets dorés (reliures de l'époque), (quelques rousseurs - le relieur a indiqué par erreur le nom du traducteur sur les pièces de titre), T.1 : 16pp., 545pp., (1), T.2 : 7pp., 149pp., 87 PLANCHES certaines dépliantes et une en couleurs
Reference : 959
---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- EXEMPLAIRE BIEN COMPLET DE SES DEUX VOLUMES ET DES 87 PLANCHES QUI DOIVENT L'ACCOMPAGNER ---- "Cet ouvrage fait partie de la série publiée en Angleterre sous le nom de Traités de Bridgewater... Celui de W. Buckland sur la géologie et la minéralogie a obtenu en Angleterre un succès prodigieux... M. Buckland a revu lui-même cette traduction". (Préface du traducteur) ---- "In 1830 Buckland was nominated to write the geological work in a series of books on natural theology that stemmed from the will of the eccentric eighth earl of Bridgewater... We may assume that most of his energies until 1836 were directed to this project. Thus his celebrated explanations of the habits of the fossil Megatherium and the present-day sloth were devoted to showing how perfect their organization is for their mode of life and the same examples reappear in the Bridgewater treatise... It was Buckland's last sustained independent scientific work. It became increasingly interested in Roman archaeology and in the practical applications of geology, particularly the drainage of farms and the use of manures. He spread knowledge of Liebig's work but also advocated the widespread use of the natural phosphates contained in the large beds of coprolites he had identified... Buckland emphasized William Paley's position that the world was not made for man alone but for the pleasure of all species of life... He reasserted that it is futile to try to reconcile geological epochs with the days of creation in Genesis and now openly renounced the identification of his geological deluge with the Mosaic flood... He was insistent that the past was regulated by the same laws and processes as the present and showed the same kind of ecological balance... As geological system Buckland chose progressive development form an initially hot earth, with discontinous assemblages of organic life being created and dying out. To express a secular development while simultaneously rejecting continous progress and mutation, he deliberately kept the rhetoric of the Great Chain of Being, but with missing links or gaps in the present creation being filled up by fossil organisms from past time periods. This was a noteworthy change from Cuvier and a major step in the conversion of a balanced Malthusian ecology into a system maintaining its balance while it changed over time...". (DSB II p. 570) ---- Jusqu'où s'étend le domaine de la géologie - Les découvertes géologiques sont d'accord avec les livres sacrés - Rapports des roches non stratifiées avec les roches stratifiées, roches volcaniques, roches stratifiées primitives - Rapports de la terre et des êtres qui l'habitent avec l'espèce animale - Preuves d'un plan primitif tirées de la structure des animaux vertébrés fossiles, des végétaux fossiles - etc**959/A6DE
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