London, Routledge, 1951, un volume in 8, relié en pleine toile éditeur, 180pp., figures dans le texte
Reference : 5278
---- The spatial structure of the Universe - The time structure of the universe - Infinity - Stars systems - Stars - The earth - Life - The soul - etc**5278/
Librairie Bernard Maille
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Reference : alb512809e69578bfcc
Kremer Hans. The Universe and Humanity. The History of Nature Exploration and the Application of its Powers to the Service of Humanity in 5 Volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kremer Gans. Vselennaya i chelovechestvo. Istoriya issledovaniya prirody i prilozhenie ee sil na sluzhbu chelovechestvu v 5-ti tomakh. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).S-Pb. Enlightenment. 1908 Encyclopedic Format. Translation from it under the general editorship of Prof. A. S. Dogel. About 200-t of art applications (color and black illustrations) and about 1 500 drawings in the text. Stunning in terms of information and the quality of illustrative material edition. Contents: T.I. General introduction. Exploration of the Earth's crust. Earth's crust and its relation to humanity. Geophysics. 516 pp. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb512809e69578bfcc
Peeters 2007 172 pages 25x30x1cm. 2007. Cartonné. 172 pages. iconographie en noir et blanc et en couleurs
Bon état intérieur frais cependant page de garde et page du faux titre marquées d'un plis pages un peu gondolées sans jaquette couverture légèrement marquée
Peeters 2007 172 pages 25x30x1cm. 2007. Cartonné jaquette. 172 pages. iconographie en noir et blanc et en couleurs
Très Bon Etat de conservation avec sa jaquette et document dans le 4e plat dans une pochette intérieur frais cependant pages légèrement gondolées
Cunningham (Andrew) and Jardine (Nicholas), eds. - 'D. Knight on Schelling - S.R. Morgan - E.S. Shaffer - D. von Engelhardt - F. Gregory - S. Schaffer - N. Tsouyopoulos -T. Lenoir - E. Richards - P.F. Rehbock - L.S. Jacyna on Alexander von Humboldt - M. Nicholson - D.L. Sepper on Goethe- Johan Wilhelm Ritter - W.D. Wetzels - Humphry Davy by C. Lawrence - Oersted by H.A.M. Snelders - N.A. Rupke - J. Adler - Kleist's Bedlam and Heinrich von Kleist - Coleridge by T.H. Levere - David van Leer - Georg Büchner by J. Reddick
Reference : 101404
Cambridge University Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1990 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's brow printed wrappers, illustrated by a colored painting, Aimé Bonpland and Alexander von Humboldt grand In-8 1 vol. - 367 pages
26 black and white illustrations 1st edition, 1990, paperback Contents, Chapitres : Contents, List of illustrations, Notes on contributors, Preface, Short list of introductory reading, xxii, Text, 345 pages - 1. Romanticism : Romanticism and the sciences, by D. Knight) - Schelling and the origins of his Naturphilosophie, by S.R. Morgan - Romantic philosophy and the organization of the disciplines, the founding of the Humboldt University of Berlin, by E.S. Shaffer - Historical consciousness in the German romantic Naturforschung, by D. von Engelhardt - Theology and the sciences in the German Romantic period, by F. Gregory - Genius in Romantic Natural Philosophy, by S. Schaffer - 2. Sciences of the Organic : Doctors contra clysters and feudalism : The consequences of the Romantic Revolution, by N. Tsouyopoulos - Morphotype and historical-genetic method in Romantic biology, by T. Lenoir - Metaphorical mystifications : The Romantic gestation of nature in British biology, by E. Richards - Transcendental anatomy, by P.F. Rehbock - Romantic thought and the origins of cell theory, by L.S. Jacyna - Alexander von Humboldt and the geography of vegetation, M. Nicholson - 3. Sciences of the Inorganic : Goethe, colour and the science of seeing, by D.L. Sepper - Johan Wilhelm Ritter, Romantic physics in Germany, by W.D. Wetzels - The power and the glory of Humphry Davy and Romanticism, by C. Lawrence - Oersted's dicovery of electromagnetism, by H.A.M. Snelders - Caves, fossils and the history of the Earth, by N.A. Rupke - 4. Literature and science : Goethe's use of chemical theory and his Elective Affinities, by J. Adler - Kleist's Bedlam : Abnormal osychology and psychiatry in the work of Heinrich von Kleist - Coleridge and the sciences, by T.H. Levere - Nature's book : The language of science in the American Renaissance, by David van Leer - The shattered whole : Georg Büchner and Naturphilosophie, by J. Reddick - Index near fine copy, no markings
Lakatos (Imre) and Musgrave (Alan), eds. - Thomas S. Kuhn - J.W.N. Watkins - S.E. Toulmin - L. Pearce Williams - K.R. Popper - Margaret Mastermann - P.K. Feyerabend
Reference : 101351
Cambridge University Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1979 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's blue and yellow printed wrappers grand In-8 1 vol. - 287 pages
reprinted edition, 1979, with corrections "Contents, Chapitres : Contents, Preface, Note on the 3rd edition (1974), v, Text, 282 pages - Thomas S. Kuhn : Logic of discovery or psychology of research ? - J.W.N. Watkins : Against ""normal"" science - S.E. Toulmin : Does the distinction between normal and revolutionary science hold water - L. Pearce Williams : Normal science, scientific revolutions and the history of science - K.R. Popper : Normal science and its danger - Margaret Mastermann : The nature of paradigm - Imre Lakatos : Falsification and the methodology of scientific research programmes - P.K. Feyerabend : Consolations for the specialist - T.S. Kuhn : Reflections on my critics - index" wrappers very lightly yellowing, minor wear on the bottom of the spine with a very small missing of paper, else near fine copy, inide is clean, no markings