P., Baudouin, An IX-An X (1801-1802, 11 VOLUMES in 8, brochés (brochures de l'époque)
Reference : 21620
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE BROCHE DANS SA BROCHURE D'ORIGINE ET NON ROGNE ---- EXEMPLAIRE BIEN COMPLET DU ONZIEME VOLUME DE TABLE QUI FAIT PARFOIS DÉFAUT ---- "THE BEST ACCOUNT OF THE STATE OF THE SCIENCE AT THE TIME". (Ferguson) ---- Norman N° 823 : "believing that the time had come for chemistry to separate from natural history, FOURCROY began in 1793 to compose his monumental treatise on the theory of chemistry, containing more information on the subject than any other work yet published. Fourcroy classed substances into eight categories according to their composition, form simple elements to complex organic compounds ; his discussions of each category drew both from his own extensive knowledge of chemistry and from the latest observations and discoveries of French and foreign colleagues. Fourcroy considered that chemistry could be understood only through study of its four parts - history, theory, practice and application - and at first had intended to write separate treatises for each, but ended up incorporating short accounts of the other parts in the present work, as he was not sure he would live to complete the project at first planned..." ---- Partington III - DSB V pp. 89/93 - Honeyman N° 1357 - Cole N° 480**21620/2162/cav.E1-2164/21640/O3
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P., Baudouin, An IX-An X (1801-1802), 11 VOLUMES in 8 reliés en pleine basane racinée, dos ornés de fers et filets dorés, filets dorés sur les plats, étiquettes rouges et verte (reliures de l'époque), (2 coiffes très légèrement émoussées sans gravité, petites épidermures sans gravité à 3 volumes)
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Signature de FOURCROY et de l'éditeur, BAUDOUIN, au verso des pages de titres ---- EXEMPLAIRE BIEN COMPLET DU ONZIEME VOLUME DE TABLE QUI FAIT PARFOIS DÉFAUT ---- "THE BEST ACCOUNT OF THE STATE OF THE SCIENCE AT THE TIME". (Ferguson) ---- Norman N° 823 : "believing that the time had come for chemistry to separate from natural history, FOURCROY began in 1793 to compose his monumental treatise on the theory of chemistry, containing more information on the subject than any other work yet published. Fourcroy classed substances into eight categories according to their composition, form simple elements to complex organic compounds ; his discussions of each category drew both from his own extensive knowledge of chemistry and from the latest observations and discoveries of French and foreign colleagues. Fourcroy considered that chemistry could be understood only through study of its four parts - history, theory, practice and application - and at first had intended to write separate treatises for each, but ended up incorporating short accounts of the other parts in the present work, as he was not sure he would live to complete the project at first planned..." ---- Partington III - DSB V pp. 89/93 - Honeyman N° 1357 - Cole N° 480**21640/2164/o3-2162/21620/cav.E1