‎commandant Stany‎

‎Hachette 1894, in-8 reliure éditeur polychrome, tranches dorées, 268pp avec 60 vignettes dessinées par Edouard Zier; papier sans rousseurs - très bon état‎

Reference : 12107


€45.00 (€45.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

Reference : 067117


‎Die Sammlung C. Castiglioni, Wien. GemÀlde, Skulpturen - MÃbel - Keramik - Textilien‎

‎Die Sammlung C. Castiglioni, Wien. GemÀlde, Skulpturen - MÃbel - Keramik - Textilien. Sale: Berlin, Paul Cassirer, 1930. 168pp plus 105pp monochrome illustrations. Wrappers, 32x24.5cms.‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP30.00 (€33.21 )

Reference : 077900

‎Versteigerung der hinterlassenen Sammlung des Herrn Emil Weinberger, Wien. Keramik, Glas, Arbeiten aus Silber, Bronze, Elfenbein, Email, Uhren, astronomische Instrumente, Tapisseries, Skulpturen, MÃbel, GemÀlde usw‎

‎Versteigerung der hinterlassenen Sammlung des Herrn Emil Weinberger, Wien. Keramik, Glas, Arbeiten aus Silber, Bronze, Elfenbein, Email, Uhren, astronomische Instrumente, Tapisseries, Skulpturen, MÃbel, GemÀlde usw. Sale: Vienna, Wawra, 22-24 October 1929. 459 lots. 116pp. 131 plates. Cloth. 36x27cms. With annotated sale prices and buyer's names.‎

‎With annotated sale prices and buyer's names.‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP40.00 (€44.28 )

‎POLIGNAC (Armande de).‎

Reference : AMA-997

‎16 lettres (23 pp. de formats divers) et 8 cartes postales, autographes signées, à sa demi-sœur Mabel de Polignac comtesse Thierry Michel de Pierredon.‎

‎[1907-1922], la plupart avec enveloppes. En anglais.‎

‎Armande de Polignac (1876-1962) est la fille de Camille de Polignac et de sa première femme Marie Adolphine Langenberger qui meurt en la mettant au monde. Il se remarie avec Elizabeth Margaret Knight. Le couple a trois enfants dont Mabel l’aînée dite Bob. Armande et ses demi-frère et sœurs passent leur enfance en Angleterre et Armande gardera l’habitude de s’exprimer en anglais avec Mabel. En 1895, elle épouse le comte Alfred de Chabannes La Palice, mélomane et chanteur amateur. Ils auront un unique enfant, Hedwige. Le correspondance, chaleureuse, montre la profonde affection qui unissait les deux femmes depuis leur enfance. Armande de Polignac avait conservé des lettres que lui avait envoyées sa petite sœur et qu’elle lui expédie. Elle donne des nouvelles des uns et des autres, organise le séjour de sa sœur de et son époux à son domicile parisien. On devine les activités de Mabel (docteure en médecine elle faisait des recherches) et de son époux (bailli, ministre plénipotentiaire de l’Ordre souverain de Malte). Mais une grande partie de la correspondance a trait à la carrière musicale d’Armande de Polignac (compositrice, chef d’orchestre), notamment lors des représentations de son opéra La Petite Sirène qu’elle dirigea à l’opéra de Nice en 1907. On voit aussi combien le couple Pierredon était attentif à la carrière d’Armande ce Polignac. - S.d. [Janvier 1907] : There is an artist here [Nice] who is going to sing some of my songs with the orchestra at the concerts. But my songs are in Paris (the scored ones) so could you send them ? Only they will be difficult to find. This is where they are : In my little studio next to my room there is a sort of white buffet in which all my m.s. music is classed. […] you will try to find Chanson also the full score and all the parts but for the latter you may have to look in different covers as it may possibly be in with some other pieces. […] If, in all that rummaging you see my yellow printed Violin Sonata send it too […] The concerts are very good here and it is a great thing for me to be played there”. - S.d. [Janvier 1907] : “I am having triomphs here and after all my difficulties and sadness I think the reward is coming at last. There is quite a boom on me. I am going to conduct the 3 first representations and a great festival concert is to be given with only my works for 4000 people. […] I am hard at work orchestrating more songs here. I lead such a life”. - 26 décembre 1907 : “I was to go down to Bonnelles today to the d’Uzès for some days but had to give up the plan as a critic has arranged a meeting for me with Sechiari the chef d’orchestre. I have has 2 concerts later with much success, one here at the club + the other at the Capucines. Another is coming off on the 15th of January.” - 6 février 1909 : “The Chatelet matinée went off beautifuly, but I am worn out and Alfred needs air after his phlébite so we are going off to Lausanne for 10 days.” - [août ? 1910] : “Not comet ! Poor Marchand ! He must have been mad, I am afraid. That is what every ones says. Or at any rate he must have gone mad now. I have heard nothing of him since. Of course he will not date show himself before no ever again. It is rather piteous. I have been working a good deal but resting well too.” - 1er juillet 1912 : “Your dear letter came this morning. Your matinée must have been very “chic” from what we saw in the Figaro. Thanks awfully for having given my music, darling Bob. The programme was very well composed and altogether your matinées seem to be very successful.” - 5 août 1921 : “I bathed one in the lake here, during the great heat but prefer sea-bathing. The mountain air I delicious. I go over to Switzerland now and then were I have musical friends and my editor. There is a lady here, a rather well-known painter who I doing a very amusing cubist portrait of me for the “Salon d’Automne”. I work a little and writes articles for a magazine called “Gazette de Paris” in which I am collaborator now. Have also written a splendid “Prélude et tango” (!) which I hope you will hear this autumn. Will you spend the winter in Paris, I wonder ?” - s.d. : “I have had a wonderful press + all for nothing except the Figaro. All the other papers said they would speak of me on condition I should not pay them or pay any other papers. So it would be dreadful if they thought I paid the Figaro. We were much upset when we heard Thierry had given some money as that was quite out of the question. In the beginning Heftler had persuaded us to give something for the annonces but of course pocketed it himself and that what we wanted to find out. I have had quite enough articles. The next representation is on Thursday.” Joint - Alfred de Chabannes La Palice. 2 lettres autographes signées. - [Alfred de Chabannes La Palice] – Manuscrit autographe signé « Le Prophète », s.d. [début 1907]. 4 pp. in-4. Compte-rendu (inédite) des représentations de La Petite Sirène à l’opéra de Nice.. - Affichette in-8. Théâtre des Arts (Théâtre des Batignolles), Mercredi 11 mars 1908. Audition d’Œuvres d’Armande de Polignac et Charles Kœchlin. Sous la direction de M.D.E. Ingelbrecht. ‎


Phone number : 33 (0)6 08 03 44 17

EUR1,750.00 (€1,750.00 )

‎Silver Mabel‎

Reference : BNE19AP

ISBN : B001BQ3Y32

‎Jules Sandeau l'homme et la vie thèse présentée à la Faculté des lettres de Paris... par Mme Mabel Silver‎

‎L'Entente linotypiste Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1936 247 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR33.00 (€33.00 )


Reference : RO60088916


‎PARTY, Nr. 43, OKT. 2003 (Inhoud: Bruinsma's topbodygard: Hij wilde zwartgeld witwassen... Mabel lokaas ? Liet prinses laurentien Mabel in val lopen ? Babette van veen zwanger, Viola Holt: Ik ben niet afgedankt ! ...)‎

‎Non précisé. 2003. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Env. 50 pages (non paginé). Illustré de nombreuses photos en couleur. Texte en néerlandais.. . . . Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues‎

‎Inhoud: Bruinsma's topbodygard: Hij wilde zwartgeld witwassen... Mabel lokaas ? Liet prinses laurentien Mabel in val lopen ? Babette van veen zwanger, Viola Holt: Ik ben niet afgedankt ! ... Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues‎


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