Paris NAGEL 1968 1 Paris, Les Editions Nagel, 1968, in-12, broché, couverture imprimée en noir et en bleu, 142 pp.
Reference : 9954
Jean-Paul SARTRE (1905-1980) commence à entretenir des relations difficiles avec le parti communiste. Il a développé les idées fondamentales exprimées dans ce livre à l'occasion d'une conférence faite au "Club Maintenant". Il l'a répétée en privé pour offrir aux adversaires de sa doctrine la possibilité d'exprimer leurs objections. Petites usures et salissures à la couverture.
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NAGEL. 1948. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos abîmé, Papier jauni. 141 pages. Quelques taches brunatresa l'interieur sans alterer la lecture - VENDU EN L'ETAT.. . . . Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
COLLECTION PENSEES. / NOTA : L'existentialisme est un humanisme est un ouvrage philosophique de Jean-Paul Sartre, publié en 1946 et considéré comme l'exposé de sa conception philosophique, l'existentialisme. Classification Dewey : 100-PHILOSOPHIE ET DISCIPLINES CONNEXES
København, 1946. Lille 4to. Ubesk. i orig. omsl. Ryggen med brugsspor, små rifter ved kapitæler, indre forreste fals lidt svag, ellers ren og pæn. 122, (2) pp.Small 4to. Uncut in the orig. wrappers. Spine a bit worn, small tears at capitals, inner front hinge a bit weak, otherwise nice and clean. 122, (2) pp.
Originaludgaven af den første danske oversættelse af det andet af Sartres to filosopfiske hovedværker, som begge udøvede stor indflydelse på det 20. århundredes filosofi og bidrog væsentligt til udviklingen af eksistentialismen. Den danske oversættelse er trykt samme år som originalen, og udgør formentlig den nydeligste udgave typografisk set. Værket er trykt særdeles nydeligt, med brede marginer og på godt papir. The first edition of the first Dansih translation of the second of Sartre's two main philosophical works, which have both influenced 20th century philosophy greatly, and contributed immensely to the development of existentialism in general. The Danish translation is printed the same year as the French first edition, and typographically probably constitutes the best edition. It is a very nice print with wide margins and on good, thick paper. ""Existentialism is a Humanism"" became one of Sartre's most widely read and most critcized works, and it caused great controversies and uproar at the time of its appearance"" -as opposed to his ""L'Être et le Néant"", all of Sartre's critics actually read this work, and so did huge parts of the population, causing the book to appear in huge numbers after the publication of the first edition.The work is the literary re-working of an exposition given by Sartre at a conference in October 1945, where he caused a scandalous discussion, which among other things led to the fact that all references to the existentialist T.E. Lawrence were omitted from the work when it appeared in print. ""Cette conférence marqua une date dans l'histoire anecdotique de l'existemtialisme..."" (Contat & Rybalka p. 131).""L'Existentialisme est un Humanisme"" fut l'un des ouvrages les plus lus et les plus critiqués de Sartre et suscita de considérables malentendus. Comme l'a bien vu M.-A. Burnier dans ""Les Existentialistes et la politique"" (p. 31), ""l'importance prise par ces pages semble due à la paresse d'un bon nombre de critiques qui hésitant à lire ""L'Être et le Néant"" et qui furent heureaux de pouvoir attaquer Sartre sans grande fatique et avec bonne conscience après avoir parcouru 141 pages."" Il est bon de rappeler cependant que l'ouvrage constitue une assez mauvaise introduction à la philosophie de Sartre, surtout pour un public non averti..."" (Contat & Rybalka p. 132). Sartre himself also disowned great parts of this work, which makes it all the more interesting, since it is the only one of his works of which he has done so. The work was reprinted numerous times during the first years, and the first edition (on vellum-paper) is very difficult to come by.
København, Kronos, 1946. Lille 4to. Ubesk. i orig. omsl. Omslag en anelse brnplettede, ellers et nydeligt, rent og friskt eksempler. 122, (2) pp.Small 4to. Uncut in the orig. wrappers. Minor light brownspotting to wrappers, otherwise a very nice, clean, and fresh copy. 122, (2) pp.
Originaludgaven af den første danske oversættelse af det andet af Sartres to filosopfiske hovedværker, som begge udøvede stor indflydelse på det 20. århundredes filosofi og bidrog væsentligt til udviklingen af eksistentialismen. Den danske oversættelse er trykt samme år som originalen og udgør formentlig den nydeligste udgave typografisk set. Værket er trykt særdeles nydeligt, med brede marginer og på godt papir. The first edition of the first Dansih translation of the second of Sartre's two main philosophical works, which have both influenced 20th century philosophy greatly, and contributed immensely to the development of existentialism in general. The Danish translation is printed the same year as the French first edition, and typographically probably constitutes the best edition. It is a very nice print with wide margins and on good, thick paper. ""Existentialism is a Humanism"" became one of Sartre's most widely read and most critcized works, and it caused great controversies and uproar at the time of its appearance"" -as opposed to his ""L'Être et le Néant"", all of Sartre's critics actually read this work, and so did huge parts of the population, causing the book to appear in huge numbers after the publication of the first edition.The work is the literary re-working of an exposition given by Sartre at a conference in October 1945, where he caused a scandalous discussion, which among other things led to the fact that all references to the existentialist T.E. Lawrence were omitted from the work when it appeared in print. ""Cette conférence marqua une date dans l'histoire anecdotique de l'existemtialisme..."" (Contat & Rybalka p. 131).""L'Existentialisme est un Humanisme"" fut l'un des ouvrages les plus lus et les plus critiqués de Sartre et suscita de considérables malentendus. Comme l'a bien vu M.-A. Burnier dans ""Les Existentialistes et la politique"" (p. 31), ""l'importance prise par ces pages semble due à la paresse d'un bon nombre de critiques qui hésitant à lire ""L'Être et le Néant"" et qui furent heureaux de pouvoir attaquer Sartre sans grande fatique et avec bonne conscience après avoir parcouru 141 pages."" Il est bon de rappeler cependant que l'ouvrage constitue une assez mauvaise introduction à la philosophie de Sartre, surtout pour un public non averti..."" (Contat & Rybalka p. 132). Sartre himself also disowned great parts of this work, which makes it all the more interesting, since it is the only one of his works of which he has done so. The work was reprinted numerous times during the first years, and the first edition (on vellum-paper) is very difficult to come by.
København, Kronos, 1946. Lille 4to. Ubesk. i orig. omsl. Foromslag en anelse flamet for oven. Et nydeligt, rent og friskt eksempler. 122, (2) pp.Small 4to. Uncut in the orig. wrappers. Minor fading to top of front wrapper. A very nice, clean, and fresh copy. 122, (2) pp.
Originaludgaven af den første danske oversættelse af det andet af Sartres to filosopfiske hovedværker, som begge udøvede stor indflydelse på det 20. århundredes filosofi og bidrog væsentligt til udviklingen af eksistentialismen. Den danske oversættelse er trykt samme år som originalen og udgør formentlig den nydeligste udgave typografisk set. Værket er trykt særdeles nydeligt, med brede marginer og på godt papir. The first edition of the first Dansih translation of the second of Sartre's two main philosophical works, which have both influenced 20th century philosophy greatly, and contributed immensely to the development of existentialism in general. The Danish translation is printed the same year as the French first edition, and typographically probably constitutes the best edition. It is a very nice print with wide margins and on good, thick paper. ""Existentialism is a Humanism"" became one of Sartre's most widely read and most critcized works, and it caused great controversies and uproar at the time of its appearance"" -as opposed to his ""L'Être et le Néant"", all of Sartre's critics actually read this work, and so did huge parts of the population, causing the book to appear in huge numbers after the publication of the first edition.The work is the literary re-working of an exposition given by Sartre at a conference in October 1945, where he caused a scandalous discussion, which among other things led to the fact that all references to the existentialist T.E. Lawrence were omitted from the work when it appeared in print. ""Cette conférence marqua une date dans l'histoire anecdotique de l'existemtialisme..."" (Contat & Rybalka p. 131).""L'Existentialisme est un Humanisme"" fut l'un des ouvrages les plus lus et les plus critiqués de Sartre et suscita de considérables malentendus. Comme l'a bien vu M.-A. Burnier dans ""Les Existentialistes et la politique"" (p. 31), ""l'importance prise par ces pages semble due à la paresse d'un bon nombre de critiques qui hésitant à lire ""L'Être et le Néant"" et qui furent heureaux de pouvoir attaquer Sartre sans grande fatique et avec bonne conscience après avoir parcouru 141 pages."" Il est bon de rappeler cependant que l'ouvrage constitue une assez mauvaise introduction à la philosophie de Sartre, surtout pour un public non averti..."" (Contat & Rybalka p. 132). Sartre himself also disowned great parts of this work, which makes it all the more interesting, since it is the only one of his works of which he has done so. The work was reprinted numerous times during the first years, and the first edition (on vellum-paper) is very difficult to come by.
(Paris), Les éditions Nagel, (1946). 8vo. Uncut and in the original printed wrappers, w. black and blue printing. A very nice and clean copy with almost no markings . 141, (3) pp.
First edition (43e mille, on back wrapper), the regular issue (not one of the 500 numbered copies) of the second of Sartre's two main philosophical works, which have both influenced 20th century philosophy greatly, and contributed immensely to the development of existentialism in general. ""Existentialism is a Humanism"" became one of Sartre's most widely read and most criticized works, and it caused great controversies and uproar at the time of its appearance"" -as opposed to his ""L'Être et le Néant"", all of Sartre's critics actually read this work, and so did huge parts of the population, causing the book to appear in huge numbers after the publication of the first edition.The work is the literary re-working of an exposition given by Sartre at a conference in October 1945, where he caused a scandalous discussion, which among other things led to the fact that all references to the existentialist T.E. Lawrence were omitted from the work when it appeared in print. ""Cette conférence marqua une date dans l'histoire anecdotique de l'existemtialisme..."" (Contat & Rybalka p. 131).""L'Existentialisme est un Humanisme"" fut l'un des ouvrages les plus lus et les plus critiqués de Sartre et suscita de considérables malentendus. Comme l'a bien vu M.-A. Burnier dans ""Les Existentialistes et la politique"" (p. 31), ""l'importance prise par ces pages semble due à la paresse d'un bon nombre de critiques qui hésitant à lire ""L'Être et le Néant"" et qui furent heureaux de pouvoir attaquer Sartre sans grande fatique et avec bonne conscience après avoir parcouru 141 pages."" Il est bon de rappeler cependant que l'ouvrage constitue une assez mauvaise introduction à la philosophie de Sartre, surtout pour un public non averti..."" (Contat & Rybalka p. 132). Sartre himself also disowned great parts of this work, which makes it all the more interesting, since it is the only one of his works of which he has done so. The work was reprinted numerous times during the first years, and the first edition (on vellum-paper) is very difficult to come by. This copy states ""Achevé d'imprimer en février 1946..."" and ""(1946 1er trimestre)"" on colophon, as with the numbered issue.Contat & Rybalka 46/88.