Paris. DEVAMBEZ 1914 Estampe au pochoir signée en bas à droite dans la planche, titrée et signée à la mine de plomb sous le dessin, Paris, Devambez, (1914), 28,5 x 38,5 cm., encadrée.
Reference : 24676
Jean RAY (né à Pise en 1881), artiste italien installé en France (41 rue Monge à Paris), marque par ses dessins de presse dans La Baïonnette, Fantasio, Froufrou, Le Rire, Le Sourire, La Vie Parisienne, La Guirlande ... Spécialiste des dessins d'enfants, Il réalise deux albums et des estampes avec Devambez. Il expose au Salon de la Comédie Humaine, au Gil Blas, au Palais de la Mode, aux Humoristes, au Salon d'Automne ... Scène comique et joviale où la ligne claire domine ainsi que les couleurs tendres. Sous un ciel bleu horizon, nos poilus en herbe escortent un jeune aviateur : "L'As des As". La figure de l'enfant soldat soulève l'esprit patriotique. Infimes piqûres, salissures et infimes marques.
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London, Printed for John Clark and Richard Hett, 1725. Small 8vo. Cont. full calf, expertly rebacked in old style w. five raised bands on back and gilt leather title-label. Some scratches to boeards and some bumbing to corners. (2), VI, (8, -table of contents + books published by the same author), 534 (2, -advertisements, i.e. errata) pp.
First edition of Watt's standard text book of philosophical logic, which was used as the basic introduction to this field for more than 100 years at Oxford University, also occupying the place as the standard text on logic at Cambridge, Harvard and Yale throughout the 18th century and well into the 19th. Isaac Watts (1674-1748) is considered the father of English hymnody and is considered one of the most important hymn-writerS ever in Great Britain. But Watts was not only a hymn-writer, he was also a renowned logician and theologian, and today he is primarily famous within these fields as the author of his text book in logic, ""Logick..."" from 1725, which became hugely popular and served as a standard introduction to the field for more than 100 years. The work went through twenty editions, bearing witness to its great popularity.The work is arranged systematically and divided into four general parts: 1. Of Perceptions and Ideas, II. Of Judgment and Proposition, III. Of Reason and Syllogism, IV. Of Method. The work not merely served as a basic text book for beginners of logic, though, it also contains new ideas and new approaches to old problems. The influence of Watts' contemporary John Locke is especially noticeable with many references to his ""Essay on Humane Understanding"". But a thing that distinguishes Watts' Logic from others of the time, and perhaps the reason why it became so hugely popular, is his constant focus on the practicability of logic instead of the merely speculative approach to it, which again made his logic useful in connection with general problems of philosophy and science. Unusual for his time, Watts here distinguishes between the practical and the speculative part of logic and treats of both parts, anticipating later logicians such as Peirce. C.S. Peirce also described Watts' ""Logick"" as being ""far superior to the treatises now used in colleges, being the production of a man distinguished for good sense"" (see The Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vol.II, 1933).
BUREAU DE LA REVUE. 18 AVRIL 1918. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Paginé de 361 à 376. Nombreuses photographies en noir et blanc dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 629.1-Aviation
Sommaire :L'effort de l'aviation française par Daniel Vincent, L'as des as au combat - souvenirs sur Guynemer par Jacques Mortane, La bataille aérienne de Trévise par Jean Daçay, Un document précieux de l'as des as, Héros disparu : le capitaine Rémy Classification Dewey : 629.1-Aviation
Reference : albabc1541464e550cb
2. Honey as medicine as food and as a product of home consumption In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Potekhin L. A. Dubini Anzh. Konvolyut knig po pchelovodstvu. 1. Estestvennaya istoriya pchely (V primenenii k prakticheskomu pchelovodstvu). 2. Med kak lekarstvo kak pishcha i kak produkt domashnego upotrebleniya The Natural History of Bees is presented in the first edition. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbabc1541464e550cb
Les frères Douladoure, Toulouse 1919, 14x22,5cm, broché.
Édition originale de cet ouvrage publié à Toulouse, berceau de l'aéronautique. Précieux et rare envoi autographe signé de Clément Ader à René Fonck, «?l'As des As?» de l'aviation française qui comptabilisa le plus de victoires dans le ciel au cours de la Première Guerre Mondiale?: «?à monsieur René Fonck membre du Comité de Direction de l'Aéro-Club. En souvenir du 2mars reconnaissant hommage.?» Cette précieuse dédicace fut vraisemblablement rédigée le 2 mars 1922 à l'occasion d'un banquet d'honneur organisé par l'Aéro-Club de France, au Palais d'Orsay, afin de célébrer la remise de la cravate de commandeur de la Légion d'honneur à Clément Ader, le premier Français qui dès 1890 effectua des tentatives de vols sur ses prototypes baptisés «?Éole?» et «?Zéphyr?». Cet ultime hommage marqua l'apogée de la carrière de ce génial inventeur dont l'armée française s'était pourtant détournée après la démonstration de décollage peu concluante de son « Aquilon» à Satory en 1897. Rare et agréable exemplaire enrichi d'un exceptionnel envoi autographe signé du père de l'aéronautique au héros militaire de l'aviation française et alliée René Fonck, surnommé «?l'As des As?» pendant la Première Guerre mondiale avec à son actif soixante-quinze victoires homologuées. - Photos sur -
Phone number : 01 56 08 08 85
Reference : alb02c4f4b57ef01139
Supporting tables to determine as soon as possible the weight of pure metals in alloys the marginal price of pure metals by weight and vice versa the weight of their sum of money In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vspomogatel'nye tablitsy dlya skoreyshego opredeleniya vesa chistykh metallov v ligaturnykh splavakh peredel'noy tseny chistykh metallov po vesu i obratno vesa ikh po summe deneg As well as for calculating the charge for reimbursement of treasury expenses: for the division of silver alloys gold from conversions into coins and for determining the natural mining tax levied on gold silver and platinum We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb02c4f4b57ef01139