New-York Pierre Matisse Gallery 1973 1 in-4 New-York, Pierre Matisse Gallery, May 1973, in-4, broché, couverture de MIRO lithographiée en couleurs, 30 pp.
Reference : 17203
ISBN : *
"The catalogue has been printed on the occasion of an exhibition celebrating the artist's 80th birthday ath the Pierre Matisse Gallery on May 1st 1973 ; the cover was specially designed by Joan Miro and lithographied in color by the Studio Arte in Paris." Reproductions en couleurs ; joint le carton d'invitation du vernissage de la galerie. Petites usures.
Librairie Chrétien
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New-York Pierre Matisse Gallery 1973 1 in-4 New-York, Pierre Matisse Gallery, May 1973, in-4, broché, couverture de Miro lithographiée en couleurs, 30 pages.
"The catalogue has been printed on the occasion of an exhibition celebrating the artist's 80th birthday ath the Pierre Matisse Gallery on May 1st 1973 ; the cover was specially designed by Joan Miro and lithographied in color by the Studio Arte in Paris." Reproductions en couleurs ; joint le carton d'invitation du vernissage de la galerie. Petites usures, restauration à la couverture.