National Palace Museum, Taiwan, 1979 (蔣夫人山水蘭竹花卉册,Jiang fu ren shan shui lan zhu hua hui ce國立故宮博物院 Zhonghua Minguo Taibei : Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan, Minguo 68). Peintures de Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, l'épouse du vénérable président chinois. Le livre (58 x 42 cm) est protégé par un coffrage en soie dorée illustré de calligraphies et assorti de deux fermoirs en ivoire. 55 pages, 24 estampes en couleurs. The book is encased in a matching gold silk-covered three-panel folding case with calligraphic paste-down, 2 bone clasps. About 19.75" long x 13.25" wide . 55 pp., on double leaves. 24 beautifully reproduced color plates (8 landscapes, 2 orchids, 2 bamboos, 12 flower paintings (most never before reproduced) by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek. Bound in a beautiful soft wrapper of gold figured silk with calligraphic paste-down on front. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek brings to life this beautifully reproduced version of her artwork. This actual book was given to a War Admiral years ago and now it can be passed down to you. Madame Chiang Kai-Shek died October 2003 at the age of 105. She was the First Lady of the Republic of China from May 1948 to April 1975. She won critical acclaim for her paintings and her style has been compared with that of some Chinese classical masters of the last 2.000 years.
Reference : PPP-363
Excellent état.
Le Livre en Pente
M. Marc-Henri Jéru
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