‎TARGET (Guy-Jean-Baptiste)‎
‎Suite de l'écrit intitulé : Les États-Généraux convoqués par Louis XVI.‎

‎S.l.n.d. (1788) in-8, 31 pp., dérelié. ‎

Reference : 661299


€40.00 (€40.00 )
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Librairie Historique Fabrice Teissèdre
M. Fabrice Teissèdre


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1 book(s) with the same title

‎TARGET, (G.J.B.)‎

Reference : 13162

‎Les Etats-Généraux convoqués par Louis XVI. (Drop-head title.) No place, (1789). - (Bound with:) TARGET, (G.J.B.) Suite de l'Écrit intitulé: Les Etats-Généraux convoqués par Louis XVI. (Drop-head title.) No place, (1789). - (Bound with:) TARGET, (G.J.B.) IIe Suite de l'Écrit intitulé: Les Etats-Généraux convoqués par Louis XVI. (Drop-head title.) No place, (1789). - (Bound with:) TARGET, (G.J.B.) Projet de déclaration des droits de l'homme en société. (Drop-head title). (Versailles, 1789). - (Bound with:) TARGET, (G.J.B.) Rapport fait au nom du Comité de constitution. (Drop-head title). Paris, Baudouin, 1789. - (Bound with:) TARGET, (G.J.B.) Rapport fait au nom du Comité de constitution à la séance du 31 mars 1790.‎

‎Paris, Imprimerie nationale, (1790). 6 volumes in 1. 75 pp.; 41 pp.; 62 pp.; 7 pp.; 8 pp.; 16 pp. 8vo. Modern boards. Martin & Walter 32253, 32259, 32260, 32263, 32264, 32265. All first or only editions. Among others against any right of veto in whatever form.Guy-Jean-Baptiste Target (1733-1806), lawyer and jurisconsult. Was received as avocat before the Parlement of Paris in 1752, and over the next thirty-five years earned a reputation as the foremost legal expert at the Parisian bar. Target was one of the prime movers in the Revolutionary national patriot party in 1788-1789. He contributed notably to the Constituent Assembly's legal, constitutional and administrative reforms. With the institution of the new judiciary in Revolutionary France, Target entered the magistracy, becoming judge and later president of one of the capital's civil tribunals. He helped prepare the Civil and Criminal Codes under Napoleon. Target's lifelong stature in legal affairs was reflected in his election to the Académie Française in 1785 and his later appointment to the Institut national (Historical Dictionary of the French Revolution, ii, 936). ‎

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