Bastia, Typ. Fabiani, s.d. (mai 1848) in-4, un feuillet anopisthographe, en feuille, petite déchirure à une pliure verticale. Page brunie et salie.
Reference : 207552
Tract électoral du 7 mai 1848, consécutif à la renonciation de Louis Blanc à son siège corse (il avait été élu aussi par le département de la Seine). Le candidat, qui signe modestement (République oblige), E. Arrighi, ancien élève de l'Ecole polytechnique, est en fait Ernest-Louis-Henri-Hyacinthe Arrighi de Casanova (1814-1888), fils du premier duc de Padoue, et futur préfet et sénateur de Napoléon III. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
Librairie Historique Fabrice Teissèdre
M. Fabrice Teissèdre
06 46 54 64 48
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Bastia. Ollagnier. 21 septembre 1870. Une feuille in-4 (205 x 285mm) sans doute tirée d'un recueil. L'auteur sollicite les suffrages de ses concitoyens, se recommande de Charles Delescluze qu'il avait rencontré en Angleterre et qui à son retour de Cayenne lui envoya son bon souvenir. Il encourage également les électeurs à voter pour Louis Blanc pour éviter une sécession avec la France. Bon exemplaire sans dote peu courant.
Marseille, Imprimerie de Jules Barile, s.d. (mai 1848) placard in-folio (49 x 33 cm), texte sur deux colonnes, imprimé sur papier bleu.
Du 18 mai 1848. - Bonapartiste de toujours, François-Xavier-Joseph de Casabianca (1796-1881) avait été élu à l'Assemblée constituante de 1848, qui siégea du 4 mai 1848 au 26 mai 1849. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
In total 28 pieces in 1 volume. (4), 116 pp.; 34 pp.; 36 pp.; 2 pp.; 26 pp.; 21 pp.; 24 pp.; 16 pp.; 8 pp.; 16 pp.; 4 pp.; 8 pp.; 8 pp.; 7 pp.; 7 pp.; 6 pp.; 4 pp.; 6 pp.; 18 pp.; 14 pp.; 8 pp.; 16 pp.; 15 pp.; 30 pp.; 11 pp.; 38 pp.; 4 pp.; 20 pp. 4to. Contemporary half calf, spine with raised bands, marbled boards. First work: Not in Kress (cf.: B.360 & B.361); not in INED; not in Einaudi; Goldsmiths 12183 & 12184. At least three issues appeared in 1781: two from the Imprimerie Royale and 1 from the Imprimerie du Cabinet du Roi. The latter was intended for royal use only and was not put in the trade. The Compte rendu was published in Monday, February 19 and fell on such fertile soil that even Necker must have been astonished at the eagerness with which the public seized upon the treatise, noting minutely every figure in the account, toting up the sums of revenue and expenditure, seeing how much the king spent on favors and pensions, adn what the royal household cost, and exactly what tribute was levied upon the people. .... But there was much more than figures in the treatise. Necker surveyed for the king (and the public) everything he had accomplished during his ministry. He expressed his ideas on reform and summarized what had been accomplished, and what he hoped to accomplish when the war (the American War of Independence) ended. The principles of moderate reform generated strong public support.Second work: Goldsmiths 13421; Einaudi 798; cf. Kress B.1173; not in INED.Third work: Discourses by Louis XVI, De Lamoignon, Loménie de Brienne, Dillon, d'Aligre, a.o.5th text: Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi.9th-16th text: Each text is the separate convocation of each individual province of France and it is interesting to note the differences of textual wording for each part of France.19th-20th texts: These are the formal texts with open spaces in the text where the names and dates were to be filled in.21st text: Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi.22nd text: Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi.23rd text: Kress B.1618; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi.24th text: Kress B.1617; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi.25th text: Kress B.1612; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi.26th text: Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi.27th text: Kress B.1615; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi.28th text: Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi.- At end one leaf loose. A very interesting collection detailing the financial situation, the convocation of the Estats and ending with the various financial reports to the thus assembled representatives.
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