‎HERMANN (Gottfried)‎

‎Leipzig, Gerhard Fleischer, 1827-1839 7 vol. in-8, demi-veau havane, dos lisses ornés de filets, pointillés, fleurons et guirlandes dorés, tranches mouchetées (reliure de l'époque). Petites épidermures, rousseurs.‎

Reference : 183896

‎Collection presque complète des mélanges philologiques (en latin ou en allemand) de Gottfried Hermann (1772-1848), dont l'un des mérites fut d'avoir débrouillé la complexité de la métrique ancienne. Chaque volume regroupe entre 15 et 25 études séparées. Il a existé un volume VIII, publié de façon posthume en 1877 par Theodor Fritzsche, mais il n'est jamais joint aux séries ordinaires.Collation : I. VI-370 pp. - II. IV-370 pp. - III. II-366-II pp. - IV. VIII-398 pp. - V. IV-372 pp. - VI. VI-293-221 pp. - VII. IV-436 pp. - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT‎

€300.00 (€300.00 )
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Librairie Historique Fabrice Teissèdre
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5 book(s) with the same title


Reference : RO40166355



‎P. Lethielleux. 1927. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Tâchée, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. 506 + 668 + 335 + 552 + 484 pages. Etiquettes de code sur les dos. Tampons et annotations de bibliothèque sur les 1ers plats et en pages de titre.. . . . Classification Dewey : 470-Langues italiques. Latin‎

‎Tomus I: Opuscula Genuina Philosophica. Tomus II: Opuscula Genuina Theologica. Tomus III: Opuscula Genuina Theologica. Tomus IV: Opuscula Genuina Theologica, Opuscula Vix Dubia. Tomus V: Opuscula Spuria. Classification Dewey : 470-Langues italiques. Latin‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR149.00 (€149.00 )

‎Alexis L onas, Vladimir Cvetkovic (eds)‎

Reference : 64458

‎Studies in Maximus the Confessor?s Opuscula Theologica et Polemica. Papers Collected on the Occasion of the Belgrade Colloquium on Saint Maximus, 3-4 February 2020‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 255 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503600833.‎

‎Summary Opuscula theologica et polemica is a collection of minor works of Maximus the Confessor that has not received much scholarly attention so far. Nevertheless, it offers A unique insight into the Christological and personological universe of the Christian thinker. The present volume is the first attempt to bring together scholars of different traditions and to apply different approaches - theological, philosophical, philological and historical - to this seminal work. TABLE OF CONTENTS Alex L onas & Vladimir Cvetkovi?, Introduction Christian Boudignon, What are the Opuscula theologica and polemica? A Philological Question Bram Roosen, Maximian ??????? against the Monothelites Bronwen Neil & Ryan Strickler, Letters of Maximus in the Collectanea of Anastasius Bibliothecarius Aleksandar Djakovac, Maximus' Relational Ontology Kevin M. Clarke, Maximus the Confessor's Anti-Severan Polemics in the Opuscula Sebastian Mateiescu, Arguing with the Properties of Christ Romilo Aleksandar Kne?evi?, Maximus' Opuscula and the Concept of the Hypostatic Union Mikl s Vass nyi, A Problem of Identity in St Maximus' Opusculum 14 Dionisios Skliris, The Ambiguity of the Gnomic Will as Basis for a Theory of Human Individuality in the Thought of Saint Maximus the Confessor Index of Maximus Citations Index of Names Index of Theological and Philosophical Terms List of Contributors‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )


Reference : 116156



‎Ad systema in medicina rationali traditum exacta & in hac postrema editione recognita, emendata & aucta. ex Typographia Balleoniana, Venetiis, 1745. In-8 p. (mm. 230x170), p. pergamena coeva (picc. manc. ai risg. e antiche scritte), tit. ms. al dorso (restaurato per strappi), pp. (4),667, testo su due colonne. Vi sono contenuti: XIII Opuscula physica varii argumenti - XIV Opuscula de aquis mineralibus earumque salutari virtute - XVII Opuscula diaetetica, in quibus agitur.Cfr. Blake, p. 217 che cita solo questa edizione veneziana - Castiglioni, p. 597-8: "Federico Hoffmann (1660-1742), prof. di medicina a Halle, medico a Berlino alla corte di Federico I. Per le sue concezioni meccaniciste cercò di spiegare tutte le funzioni dell'organismo da un punto di vista matematico. Fu soprattutto un chimico e altresi' l'introduttore delle acque minerali nella terapia razionale".Qualche lieve fiorit. ma buon esemplare.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR250.00 (€250.00 )


Reference : 60796


‎Ortus medicinae. Id est, initia physicae inaudita. Progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam (+) Opuscula medica inaudita. Editio secunda (+) Febrium Doctrina Inaudita. Editio Secunda (+) Tumulus Pestis. Editio altera. - [""THE FIRST TO USE THE TERM 'GAS'"" - PMM 135]‎

‎Amsterdam, Elzevir, 1648. 4to. In contemporary full vellum over wooden boards with title in contemporary hand to spine. Extremities with wear and soiling, boards spotted and corners bumped. Vellum loosened from edges of boards. Internally with a few occassional marginal annotations in contemporary hand and last blank leaf annotated, but generally internally very fine and clean. [Ortus medicinae:] (32), 88, 87-158, 161-176, 175-382, 373-452, 457-800 pp. + portrait." [Opuscula medica inaudita:] (8), 110, (2) pp. [Febrium Doctrina Inaudita:] 115, (1) pp." [Tumulus Pestis:] 88 pp. ‎

‎First edition of Helmont’s landmark work, in which he discovered gas. His experiment on a willow tree has been considered among the earliest quantitative studies on plant nutrition and growth and constitutes a milestone in the history of biology. ""Helmont was one of the founders of gases, and indeed invented the word ‘gas'. He introduced the gravimetric idea in the analysis of urine.” (Garrison & Morton). “In Medicine, he introduced the examination of the specific gravity of urine for diagnostic purposes. He investigated the fluids in the human body and advanced the study of digestion and other physiological changes by discovering acid digestion in the stomach, coming close to identifying gastric acid with hydrochloric acid some two hundred years before the actual discovery of this fact. He also appreciated the significance of bile in the gut digestion. Helmont’s significance in the development of chemistry is perhaps even greater"" he was the first to use the term ‘gas’. He realized that ‘gas’ was distinct from air and water vapour, and he distinguished the ‘gases’ derived from various sources, including that which we call carbon dioxide.” (PMM 135). Edited by his son and published posthumously, the present work established his name as one of the founders of biochemistry: “His discovery of digestive juices in the stomach and intestine, and especially his first use of the specific gravity of urine for diagnostic purposes, mark him as a man of no insignificant importance in the history of medicine”. (Heirs of Hippocrates) Johann Baptist von Helmont (1577-1644) was a Flemish chemist, physiologist, and physician known for his pioneering work in early chemistry and medicine. He is often considered one of the founders of modern chemistry and was a significant figure in the transition from alchemy to chemistry: ""Helmont devoted his life to exploring the first principles of nature through chemistry. He is best remembered as the discoverer of gas, a term he coined to describe the 'specific smokes' that remain after the combustion of solids and fluids" among the gases he identified were carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, chlorine gas and sulphur dioxide. He denied that metals dissolved in acid were either destroyed or transmuted, stating that such metals were recoverable in their original quantities, and correctly identifying the process of precipitation. Like Paracelsus, he rejected traditional humoral pathology and advocated an ontological concept of disease, regarding each disease as a specific entity caused by a specific pathogenic agent. He demonstrated that acid is the agent in animal digestion and came near to identifying it as hydrochloric acid" he also identified the causes of asthma and correctly described fever as a part of the body's natural healing process.” (Norman 1048) Though separately paginated, 'Opuscula medica inaudita' is considered a part of the whole volume. Originally published as a separate work in 1644, 'Opuscula medica inaudita' contains reprints of Helmont's treatises on the stone, on fevers, on the errors of humoral pathology, and on the plague"" (Norman 1048).'Ortus Medicinae' was translated into English by Christopher Packe in 1662. PMM 135 Heirs of Hippocrates 254 Osler 2929 Norman 1048 Garrison & Morton 665 Wellcome III, p. 241 ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK38,000.00 (€5,096.63 )


Reference : R320084400



‎BARRI-DUCIS - EX TYPIS CONSOCIATIONIS SANCTI PAULI. 1880. In-12. Relié demi-cuir. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. VII + 534 + 436 + 550 + 505 pages - 1 etiquette collée aux dos - Plats et contre-plats jaspés - Auteur, titre, filets et tomaison dorés au dos - 2 PHOTOS DISPONIBLES - . . . . Classification Dewey : 470-Langues italiques. Latin‎

‎OUVRAGES EN LATIN // DIVI THOMAE AQUINATIS DOCTORIS ANGELICI SERMONES ET OPUSCULA CONCIOLATORIA PAROCHIS UNIVERSIS ET SACRIS PRAEDICATORIBUS / Tome 1 : Sermones anno MDLXX Romae primum editos et in Vaticana bibliotheca tunc repertos + Tome 2 : Sermone de parisiensi et aliis bibliothecis nuperrime repertos + Tomee 3 : Opuscula dogmatica + Opuscula moralia et sacrementaria. Classification Dewey : 470-Langues italiques. Latin‎


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