1939 Paris hyperion 1939 in4, , reliure cartonnée de l'éditeur, dos toilé, titre sur premier plat, 167pp nombreuses illustrations en noir et en couleurs contrecollées,
Reference : 15064
Librairie Chanut
Mme Valérie Chanut-Thiery
41, rue Mazarine
75006 Paris
01 43 54 04 70
conforme à la librairie ancienne
Marinelli, Sergio, ed. et al:: Veronese e Verona. Exhibition: Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, 1988. 393pp with 120 colour and 166 monochrome illustrations. Paperback. 28x21cms. Fully illustrated descriptive catalogue of 70 works by Veronese and others. Text in Italian.
Fully illustrated descriptive catalogue of 70 works by Veronese and others. Text in Italian
Huber, Hans Dieter: Paolo Veronese. Kunst als Soziales System. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2005. 660pp with 91 colour plates and 392 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 30x22cms. New interpretation of Veronese's studio and the co-ordination required by the master to organize the production of 1400 masterpieces in forty years, analysing the source material from socio-economic perspectives. Text in German.
New interpretation of Veronese's studio and the co-ordination required by the master to organize the production of 1400 masterpieces in forty years, analysing the source material from socio-economic perspectives. Text in German
Piovene, G and R Marini: L'opera completa del Veronese. Rizzoli, 1968. 144 pages, colour and black and white illustrations. Cloth. Text in Italian.
Text in Italian
[Paolo Veronese] - Finocchi Ghersi, Lorenzo
Reference : 122813
ISBN : 978883179213
Finocchi Ghersi, Lorenzo: Paolo Veronese Decoratore. Venice: Marsilio, 2007. 118 pages. Over 70 colour and black and white illustrations. Paperback. 24x16cms. Text in Italian.
Text in Italian
[Paolo Veronese] - Salomon, Xavier F.
Reference : 121586
ISBN : 9781857095548
Salomon, Xavier F.: Veronese. Exhibition: London, National Gallery, 2014. 272 pages, with 140 colour illustrations. Paperback. 29 x 25cms. Accompanies the first exhibition dedicated solely to Paolo Caliari (1528 - 1588) in the UK, reappraising his life and artistic development from his early years in Verona to his successes (and scandals) in Venice. Lavishly illustrated and with 50 catalogue entries, chronology, and bibliography. .
Accompanies the first exhibition dedicated solely to Paolo Caliari (1528 - 1588) in the UK, reappraising his life and artistic development from his early years in Verona to his successes (and scandals) in Venice. Lavishly illustrated and with 50 catalogue entries, chronology, and bibliography. . Text in English