1991 Paris: Fondation Dapper, 1991 in-4, 324 pages , illustrations, carte. Reliure toile, jaquette, Edition originale.
Reference : 14048
une petite dechirure haut jaquette avec manque papier
Librairie Chanut
Mme Valérie Chanut-Thiery
41, rue Mazarine
75006 Paris
01 43 54 04 70
conforme à la librairie ancienne
1967-1974 222, 122, 288 p., 141, 115, 174 figures, paperbound. Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei. Small faint stain on title-page of volume I. Volume I in third edition, volume II in first edition, volume III in second edition.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences - Ethan Pollock - Peter Westwick - Finn Aaserud on Niels Bohr - James H. Williams on Fang Lizhi - H. Lyman Miller on Xu Liangying and He Zuoxiu - Cathryn Carson on Heisenberg - David Holloway - Morris Low - Alexei Kojevnikov - Zuoyue Wang - Jessica Wang
Reference : 100932
University of California Press, History of Science and Technology , Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1999 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's white wrappers, title in blue grand In-8 1 vol. - 306 pages
few black and white illustrations and text-figures 1st edition, 1999 Contents, Chapitres : Cathryn Carson, Ethan Pollock, Peter Westwick, James H. Williams : Editors' Foreword - Finn Aaserud : The scientist and the statesman : Niels Bohr's political crusade during World War II - James H. Williams : Fang Lizhi's big bang : A physicist and the state in China - H. Lyman Miller : Xu Liangying and He Zuoxiu : Divergent responses to physics and politics in the post-Mao period - Cathryn Carson : New models for science in politics : Heisenberg in West Germany - David Holloway : Physics, the state, and civil society in the Soviet Union - Morris Low Science and civil society in Japan : Physicists as public men and policymakers - Alexei Kojevnikov : Dialogues about knowledge and power in totalitarian political culture - Zuoyue Wang : U.S.-China scientific exchange : A case study of state-sponsored scientific internationalism during the Cold War and beyond - Jessica Wang : Merton's shadow : Perspectives on science and democracy since 1940 near fine copy, no markings - pages 1 to 306
Neuchâtel, Henri Messeiller, 1964. In-8°, 588p. Reliure pleine toile d'éditeur, sous jaquette illustrée.
Le fang est une langue bantoue parlée notamment au Cameroun et au Gabon. Exemplaire à l'état de neuf.
Paris: Galerie Ratton Hourdé, 2006 in-4, 76 pages, 36 illustrations, 2 cartes. Bibliographie. Broché, très bon état.
Fang. (Paris: Galerie Ratton Hourdé, 2006). [M.C.: catalogue d'exposition, Art africain, Fang, Gabon, Cameroun, Guinée espagnole]
Musée Ariana du 11 novembre 2016
Neuf sous cellophane!!