Paris : 1649 In-4, 34 pages. Broché.
Reference : 42941
Très long commentaire de Moreau, 1837. «Naudé la cite comme un exemple de ce que sont les bonnes pièces dans leurs formes extérieures. [ …] Fort commune » mais une des bonnes pièces de la Fronde, par sa composition typographique et son style. Elle déclencha une intense polémique et suscita huit pamphlets en réponse.
Librairie Michel Bouvier
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75006 Paris
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Paris, 1649; in-4, 34 pp., un f. vierge, petit trou au f. 15-16, avec perte de quelques lettres, demi-vélin Bradel, pièce de titre en long (reliure moderne).
Longue pièce de critique politique, suscitée par l'opposition à la Paix de Rueil, mais qui a de surcroît suscité une ardente polémique et mainte réponse en raison de ses positions anti-absolutistes.Moreau 1837 (longue notice). - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
Reference : 17290
Paris, 1649. 34 pp. 4to. Modern half vellum, marbled boards, label with gilt lettering. Moreau 1837; not in Welsh, A Checklist of French Political Pamphlets 1560-1653 in the Newberry Library. Based on theories of François Hotman as exposed in his Franco-Gallia and on ideas expressed by Du Plessis Mornay in his Vindiciae contra tyrannos, this piece provoked quite some polemical replies. It is considered to be one of the most important pieces of the Mazarinades. - Annotation in ink on title, slightly waterstained.
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75
Reference : 17291
Paris, 1649. 34 pp. 4to. Modern half vellum, marbled boards, green label with gilt lettering to spine. Moreau 1837; not in Welsh. Based on theories of François Hotman as exposed in his Franco-Gallia and on ideas expressed by Du Plessis Mornay in his Vindiciae contra tyrannos, this piece provoked quite some polemical replies. It is considered to be one of the most important pieces of the Mazarinades.
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75
Reference : 17292
Paris, 1649. 34 pp. 4to. Modern half vellum, marbled boards, gilt lettering to spine. Moreau 1837; not in Welsh. Based on theories of François Hotman as exposed in his Franco-Gallia and on ideas expressed by Du Plessis Mornay in his Vindiciae contra tyrannos, this piece provoked quite some polemical replies. It is considered to be one of the most important pieces of the Mazarinades.
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75