Hambourg : Abraham Vandenhoeck, 1734 Petit in-4, (20)-576-(44) pages. Veau marbré de l'époque, dos à nerfs orné.
Reference : 12364
Coiffes manquantes, mors fendus, coins un peu émoussés. Troisième édition."A detailed study of prognostics in which attention is devoted to the patient's mental state and its bearing on health, as well as to the usual physical and diagnostic signs". (DSB I, pp. 124-125) Wellcome II, 36 ; NLM p. 12 ; Garrison et Morton 2194.
Librairie Michel Bouvier
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Reference : 42661
Bassani, 1774. Sed Prostant Venetiis, Remondini. 4to. Contemp. hcalf, richly gilt spine, titlelabel with gilt lettering. Top of spine worn. Slightly rubbed. Engraved portrait as frontispiece. XVI,286 pp. a. Addenda (2),31 pp. Addenda with separate tilepage. A few scattered brownspots. Internally fine.
A classic work on prognosis (Editio tertia).""""Alpini's interest in medicine was expressed in several books, of which the most importent were """"De Medicina Aegyptiorum"""" (1591) and """"De praesagienda vita"""" (1601) (the third edition offered here)...Alpini was sufficiently impressed by novel therapeutic practices to introduce the technique of """"moxa"""" into European medicine. The """"De praesagienda vita"""" is a detailed study of prognosticss in which attention is devoted to the patient's mental state and its bearing on health, as well as to he usual physical and diagnostic signs.""""(DSB I, p. 125). - Waller: 372. - Wellcome II: 36 (but not this edition). - Garrison & Morton: 2194.
Hamburgi, Vandenhoeck, 1734; un volume in 4 relié en plein veau, dos orné de fers dorés, tranches rouges (reliure de l'époque), (coiffe et coins émoussés), (10), 576pp., (22)
---- EX-LIBRIS J.C.A. RECAMIER ---- Troisième édition AUGMENTEE ---- "A detailed study of prognostics in which attention is devoted to the PATIENT'S MENTAL STATE". (DSB) ----- "A CLASSICAL WORK on PROGNOSIS". (Garrison N 2194 1st ed) ---- "De Praesagienda vita is a detailed study of prognostics in which attention is devoted to the patient's mental state and its bearing on health, as well as to the usual physical and diagnostic signs". (DSB I pp. 124/125) ** 67.D5AR
Leiden, ex officina Isaaci Severini, 1733, in-8°, en frontispice le portrait de P. Alpino (gravé par R. Blokhuysen), légèrement déchiré + XXII + 558 p. (recte: 564 p.) + 46 p. (index), titre en rouge et noir, exlibris manuscrit ‘Thomas Darnbrough anywhere’, reliure en veau à nerfs, quelques taches et frottements, accrocs aux coiffes, tranches brunes.
» A classical work on prognosis « (Garrison-Morton)Edizione olandese rivista e aumentata da J.D. Gaubius (1705-1780), professore di chimica a Leiden, con la premessa del famoso Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738), della grande opera medicale di Alpini, professore di Botanica medicale a Padova, pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1601.Edition corrigée et augmentée par J.D. Gaubius (1705-1780), professeur de chimie à Leyde, avec la préface de Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738), du grand ouvrage médical de Alpini, professeur de botanique médicale à Padova, publié pour la première fois en 1601.Dictionnaire Encyclopédique des Sciences Médicales III/391; Hirsch VI/408; Blake 12; Eimas, Heirs of Hippocrates 386; Waller 371; Garrison-Morton 2194 (edizione originale del 1601). Image disp.
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