1730 Lugduni. Petrum Valfray. 1730. 1 volumein-4, pleine basane frottée, dos à nerfs orné, pièce de titre rouge. (4) ff. ; 586 pp. ; (30) pp.
Reference : 26724
Commentaires de Jansénius sur les Evangiles, publiés pour la première fois en 1639. Ex-libris manuscrit Bonnet. 1749. Quelques rousseurs et mouillures, défauts de papier avec perte de lettres sur les 4 derniers feuillets.
Librairie Pierre Prévost
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Cornelius Jansenii. Leerdamensis, S. Th Doct & Prof. Lovanienfis, Episcopi Iprensis, Tetrateuchus sive commentarus in sancta Jesu Christi, Evangelia Edition nova cui accessit in margine Sacer Textus Cornelius Jansen, plus souvent connu sous la forme latine de son nom, Jansénius, né le 28 octobre 1585 à Acquoy (Pays-Bas) et décédé le 6 mai 1638, fut évêque d'Ypres. Il est à l'origine du mouvement politico-religieux, le jansénisme, qui fut condamné par l'Église catholique romaine en 1653 volume relié pleine basane époque, début fendillement du mors, petit in4, 21x17, accrocs, bel état intérieur, 854pp + index. Bruxellis, Francisci Tserstevens, 1699
Lugduni (Lyon), Antonius Beaujollin, 1676, in-4to, 2 col., 4 ff. dont le titre en rouge et noir + 586 p. + 15 ff. (index), texte sur deux colonnes, rousseurs et brunissures surtout marginales, Exlibris Claudii Mauritii Ardieu à Clero Bullensi Presbyteri 1706, reliure pleine veau d’époque, dos à cinq nerfs, orné.
Seventeenth century edition of a voluminous exegetical commentary on the Gospels. By the founder of Jansenism, a religious revival movement which reached its height in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The religious principles of Jansenism were laid down by Cornelius Jansen in his «Augustinus» (published posthumously in 1640).In 1630 Dutch theologian author Jansen was appointed to the regius chair of Sacred Scripture at Louvain, in which capacity he delivered the lectures which constitute the present commentary on the Gospels, first published posthumously at Brussels, in 1639. Jansen's Biblical commentaries show a profound concern for literal exegesis, a relative discretion in the use of allegory, and at the same time a very extensive knowledge of patristics. Collation: 4 leaves, title in red and black + 586 p. + 16 leaves some foxing mostly marginal (mainly at beginning and end of the volume), calf binding on 5 raised bands, brown title label on richly gilt spine,
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Lutetia Parisiorum (Paris), apud Ludovicum Roulland filium, 1688, in-4to, 4 leaves + 4 p. + 400 p. + 364 p. + 15 leaves (index) + 1 leaf (extrait du privilège), some light browning and very rare foxing, marbled endpaper, ‘Exlibris Claudii Nic: Michel’, calf binding on raised bands, gilt red title label on spine, spine richly gold tolled, extreme top edge of spine chipped (tiny piece lacking), some rubbing, extremity of bottom corners scraped, interior gilt dentelle frame, redsprinkled edges. Excellent copy.
Seventeenth century edition of a voluminous exegetical commentary on the Gospels. By the founder of Jansenism, a religious revival movement which reached its height in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The religious principles of Jansenism were laid down by Cornelius Jansen in his «Augustinus» (published posthumously in 1640).In 1630 Dutch theologian author Jansen was appointed to the regius chair of Sacred Scripture at Louvain, in which capacity he delivered the lectures which constitute the present commentary on the Gospels, first published posthumously at Brussels, in 1639. Jansen's Biblical commentaries show a profound concern for literal exegesis, a relative discretion in the use of allegory, and at the same time a very extensive knowledge of patristics. Image disp.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Paris : Gervais Aliot, 1643 In-4, (4)-292-280-(40) pages. Basane de l'époque (us.).
Commentaires sur les évangiles, dont la première édition fut faite en 1639 à Louvain.