2 aquarelles originales sur carton (285 x 365 mm).
Reference : 11628
Maquettes publicitaires, vers 1935, en noir et blanc, signées, pour la marque Make, située au 14, Boulevard Saint-Martin à Paris, et proposant des accessoires de mode en cuir : porte billets avec étui, porte tickets, étui à peigne et sac. D'après nos recherches, ces publicités n'ont jamais été réalisées.
Librairie Pierre Prévost
M. Pierre Prévost
75, rue Michel-Ange
75016 Paris
01 40 56 97 98
Conditions de vente conformes aux usages de la profession. Les prix sont nets, en Euros, port en sus. Emballage gratuit.
Reference : albce80d68c7a7e9d0f
Eldin Peter. Lets make magic. In English (ask us if in doubt)/Eldin Peter. (Eldin Piter. ) Lets make magic. In English. London. Octopus Books Limited. 1981. 45 p. . SKUalbce80d68c7a7e9d0f.
, Ryland Peeters and Small 2022, 2022 Hardcover, 192 pages, ENG, 285 x 225 mm, New , about 230 coloured images, clear pictures , examples, . ISBN 9781788794220.
Books fulfil myriad functions in our lives. They provide information, foster our enthusiasms and spark our memories. But these personal treasures also add colour and a true sense of personality to our homes. Books Make a Home explores the important role books play as decorative as well as functional items. Bibliophile Damian Thompson tours the rooms of the home in turn - Living Rooms, Home Libraries & Studies, Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms, Corridors & Staircases and Children's Rooms - discovering a host of techniques for stacking, shelving and closeting volumes, and a wealth of practical design solutions for each space and every size of collection. You will learn how to make the best use of existing storage and create new space for an ever-growing collection; how to combine books with other personal effects to create eye-catching displays; and how to organize and care for your books. Books Make a Home is an insightful guide to enjoying books with the eye as well as with the mind.
MINI SCHOOLS. 1992. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Agrafes rouillées, Intérieur frais. 19 pages. En anglais. Nombreuses illustrations couleur + quelques unes en noir et blanc, dans et hors texte. Dos légèrement frotté.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
BIMESTRIEL. SOMMAIRE : things to do and things to make, a 1993 diary to make yourself, story time special: aladin's lamp, diary of events: christmas, christmas tree decorations, the united states at the tip of the wing, a snow storm in a jar.... Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
MINI SCHOOLS. 1993. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Agrafes rouillées, Intérieur frais. 19 pages. En anglais. Nombreuses illustrations couleur + quelques unes en noir et blanc, dans et hors texte. Dos légèrement frotté.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
BIMESTRIEL. SOMMAIRE : enjoy your english, make and do activities, story time: alice in wonderland, tricks and treats, a pop up greetings card, kenya a zoo without cages, two fat gentlemen, make your own height chart, safari game, train salad, finger tricks... Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Reference : bd-361c754f4704a3d7
Petrov M.P. How to make fireworks yourself. Public pyrotechnics. Manufacture and launching of all kinds of fireworks, large and small, with 35 images./Petrov M.P. Kak sdelat samomu feyerverki. Obshchedostupnaya pirotekhniya. Izgotovlenie i spusk vsevozmozhnykh feyerverkov bolshikh i malykh razmerov. S 35 ris. Petrov M.P. How to make fireworks yourself. Public pyrotechnics. Manufacture and launching of all kinds of fireworks large and small. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-361c754f4704a3d7.