Londres, Macmillan et Cie, Londres, Macmillan et Cie1956 ; in-12 rel.éd., jaq. 126p. Recueil collectif.Préface de Gilbert Ryle
Reference : 35500497
Librairie du Manoir de Pron
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Citizens Frank. The Revolution in Philosophy. The Teaching of Henri Bergson In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Grazhdan Frank. Revolyutsiya v filosofii. Uchenie Anri Bergsona. E6
Allen & unwin 1971 176 pages in8. 1971. Broché. 176 pages.
Très Bon Etat de conservation intérieur propre bord légèrement frotté sur le dos bonne tenue
Gordon and Breach , Classics in the History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1990 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's brow printed wrappers, titles in gold grand In-8 1 vol. - 288 pages
Reprinted edition, 1990 (first was 1976) "Contents, Chapitres : Contents, Preface to the reprinted edition, Acknowledgments, Abbreviation, Text, 288 pages - Introduction - Latidudinarian social theory and the new philosophy - The Church and the Revolution of 1688-1689 - The Millenium - The Church, Newton, and the founding of the Boyle lectureship - The Boyle lectures and the social meaning of Newtonianism - The opposition : Freethinkers - Enthusiasts - Appendix, bibliographical note, Index - Margaret Jacob (born 9 June 1943) is an American historian of science. Best known for her studies of Isaac Newton and the development of Western scientific thought, Jacob has also written about the politics of writing history. - Newton and Robert Boyle's approach to the mechanical philosophy was promoted by rationalist pamphleteers as a viable alternative to the pantheists and enthusiasts, and was accepted hesitantly by orthodox preachers as well as dissident preachers like the latitudinarians. The clarity and simplicity of science was seen as a way to combat the emotional and metaphysical superlatives of both superstitious enthusiasm and the threat of atheism, and at the same time, the second wave of English deists used Newton's discoveries to demonstrate the possibility of a ""Natural Religion"". The attacks made against pre-Enlightenment ""magical thinking"", and the mystical elements of Christianity, were given their foundation with Boyle's mechanical conception of the universe. Newton gave Boyle's ideas their completion through mathematical proofs and, perhaps more importantly, was very successful in popularising them. (source : Wikipedia)" minor folding tracks on the wrappers which remains clean, inside is near fine, no markings, a rather nice copy
Cunningham (Andrew) and Jardine (Nicholas), eds. - 'D. Knight on Schelling - S.R. Morgan - E.S. Shaffer - D. von Engelhardt - F. Gregory - S. Schaffer - N. Tsouyopoulos -T. Lenoir - E. Richards - P.F. Rehbock - L.S. Jacyna on Alexander von Humboldt - M. Nicholson - D.L. Sepper on Goethe- Johan Wilhelm Ritter - W.D. Wetzels - Humphry Davy by C. Lawrence - Oersted by H.A.M. Snelders - N.A. Rupke - J. Adler - Kleist's Bedlam and Heinrich von Kleist - Coleridge by T.H. Levere - David van Leer - Georg Büchner by J. Reddick
Reference : 101404
Cambridge University Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1990 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's brow printed wrappers, illustrated by a colored painting, Aimé Bonpland and Alexander von Humboldt grand In-8 1 vol. - 367 pages
26 black and white illustrations 1st edition, 1990, paperback Contents, Chapitres : Contents, List of illustrations, Notes on contributors, Preface, Short list of introductory reading, xxii, Text, 345 pages - 1. Romanticism : Romanticism and the sciences, by D. Knight) - Schelling and the origins of his Naturphilosophie, by S.R. Morgan - Romantic philosophy and the organization of the disciplines, the founding of the Humboldt University of Berlin, by E.S. Shaffer - Historical consciousness in the German romantic Naturforschung, by D. von Engelhardt - Theology and the sciences in the German Romantic period, by F. Gregory - Genius in Romantic Natural Philosophy, by S. Schaffer - 2. Sciences of the Organic : Doctors contra clysters and feudalism : The consequences of the Romantic Revolution, by N. Tsouyopoulos - Morphotype and historical-genetic method in Romantic biology, by T. Lenoir - Metaphorical mystifications : The Romantic gestation of nature in British biology, by E. Richards - Transcendental anatomy, by P.F. Rehbock - Romantic thought and the origins of cell theory, by L.S. Jacyna - Alexander von Humboldt and the geography of vegetation, M. Nicholson - 3. Sciences of the Inorganic : Goethe, colour and the science of seeing, by D.L. Sepper - Johan Wilhelm Ritter, Romantic physics in Germany, by W.D. Wetzels - The power and the glory of Humphry Davy and Romanticism, by C. Lawrence - Oersted's dicovery of electromagnetism, by H.A.M. Snelders - Caves, fossils and the history of the Earth, by N.A. Rupke - 4. Literature and science : Goethe's use of chemical theory and his Elective Affinities, by J. Adler - Kleist's Bedlam : Abnormal osychology and psychiatry in the work of Heinrich von Kleist - Coleridge and the sciences, by T.H. Levere - Nature's book : The language of science in the American Renaissance, by David van Leer - The shattered whole : Georg Büchner and Naturphilosophie, by J. Reddick - Index near fine copy, no markings
Canguilhem (Georges) et Taton (René), eds. - Joseph Agassi - I. Batjushkova - Luigi Belloni - John F. Bennett - Georges Bouligand - I. Dambska on Pierre Duhem, Percy Williams Bridgman et Niels Bohr - Goerges Dubal - C. Eisele on C.S. Peirce and Ernst Mach - A. Ferraz - Alan Gabbey - E. Herlitzius - C. Joja - I. Konfederatov - Paul McCartney et Vinaty Thomas sur Galilée - Noel Mouloud - Derek J. de Solla Price - Jerome Ravetz - Naum Rodnyi - Vadim Sadovsky - Charles B. Schmitt on Galileo - Pierre Speziali - Magda Whitrow - Anatoli A. Zvorikin
Reference : 101073
Librairie Scientifique et Technique Albert Blanchard , Congrès International d'Histoire des Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1971 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur verte grand In-8 1 vol. - 119 pages
1ere édition, 1971 "Contents, Chapitres : Joseph Agassi : Can we learn from history ? - I. Batjushkova : Regularities in the development of science as manifested in the evolution of notions of the structure of the Earth - Luigi Belloni : La répétition des expériences anciennes et son utilité pour l'histoire des sciences - John F. Bennett : An appeal for the history of scientific inspiration - Georges Bouligand : Unité du théorique, du cognitif et création du libre - I. Dambska : L'instrument et l'objet de recherche à la lumière de la théorie physique, d'après Pierre Duhem, Percy Williams Bridgman et Niels Bohr - Goerges Dubal : Le cheminement vers la pensée scientifique - C. Eisele : C.S. Peirce and the scientific philosophy of Ernst Mach - A. Ferraz : L'histoire de la science et l'épistémologie - Alan Gabbey : Les trois genres de découvertes selon Descartes - E. Herlitzius : History of science and development - C. Joja : Pour une histoire de la philosophie des sciences - I. Konfederatov : Exponential or logistical law of scientific development - Paul McCartney et Vinaty Thomas : Expériences et comptes rendus d'expériences chez Galilée - Noel Mouloud : Le développement axiomatique des sciences et les perspectives actuelles de la philosophie des sciences - Derek J. de Solla Price : Who's who in the history of science, a survey of our profession - Jerome Ravetz : The problem of the ""Scientific Revolution"" - Naum Rodnyi : La logique et l'histoire des sciences - Vadim Sadovsky : General System Theory : Evolution of ideas - Charles B. Schmitt : Experience et experiment in Galileo's De Motu - Pierre Speziali : Aperçu historique des principaux essais de classification des sciences - Magda Whitrow : The Isis Cumulative Bibliography - Anatoli A. Zvorikin : The results of a socio-psychological study of creative activity in science and technology" bords des plats à peine jaunis, sinon bel exemplaire, intérieur frais et propre, papier à peine jauni - Actes du XIIeme Congrès International d'Histoire des Sciences - Tome 2 seul, complet en lui-même sur les problèmes généraux de l'histoire des sciences et l'épistémologie