Paris, Rignoux, 1843.
Reference : 7748
Première édition. Thèse de Claude Bernard pour le doctorat en médecine, soutenue le 7 décembre 1843. Envoi manuscrit sur la couverture imprimée; le nom du destinataire a été malheureusement déchiré : "A Monsieur ... de la part de l'auteur". /// In-4 de 34, (2) pp. Broché, couverture imprimée, dans un emboîtage moderne de maroquin rouge. //// First edition. The very rare Claude Bernard's thesis. "Bernard showed that if sucrose is injected directly into the blood it is eliminated by the kidneys while glucose is retained, and that gastric juice transforms sucrose into assimilable sugar. This includes a history of research on digestion from 1750-1848." Garrison-Morton 992.3. "Bernards doctoral thesis on the gastric juice published the first results of his experiments on the artificial ingestion of food substances. It linked two important discoveries: first, that when sucrose (a complex sugar) is injected into the bloodstream, it is eliminated in the urine, while injected glucose (a simple sugar) is retained in the organism; and second, that gastric juice transforms sucrose into physiologically usable sugar; i.e. one that, when injected, is not eliminated." Norman 198. Inscribed by the author. /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
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