Paris, Olivier de Varennes, 1671.
Reference : 4183
Première édition de cet ouvrage qui traite de construction du cylindre arithmétique. Mathématicien et physicien, intendant général des ports et fortifications de France, Pierre Petit (1598-1667) faisait parti du groupe de savants qui se réunissait autour de Marin Mersenne. Catalogue Weil 19, 56. Maire, Biblio. de Blaise Pascal 1, 226. La planche est un bon fac-similé sur papier d'époque. /// In-12 de (22), XXXVII, (3), 237 pp., 1 f. bl., (6), 22, (24) pp., 1 planche dépliante. Veau, dos à nerfs orné, tranches marbrées. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// First edition. It deals with construction of the arithmetic cylinder. It is a development of Napier's bones. Petit refers to Napier's invention of logarithms, but he believes that this apparatus in form of a band instead of "bones" is an improvement. Rare."Petit "exemplified thoses investigators who, in contrast to the increasingly doctrinaire Cartesians, emphasized the importance of accurate experimental observation in validating scientific theories. (...) He worked with or knew many of the major scientists of the period. In 1646 he collaborated with Blaise Pascal in Rouen and repeated Torricelli's experiment on the barometric vacuum." DSB 10, 546. The plate is a good facsimile on contemporary paper. /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
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