Basle, Robert Winter, 1543.
Reference : 18166
Seconde édition, la première en 1538 par le même imprimeur, mais celle-ci est la première avec les commentaires de Philipp Melanchton. Plus qu'un énième commentaire d'Aristote, ce texte devance les oeuvres de Bacon, Descartes et Spinoza. "Par son étude originale des opérations mentales, Vivès est un des précurseurs de la psychologie moderne. Il en est même le père, disait Foster Watson, puisqu'il a séparé la psychologie de la métaphysique." (Jean-Pierre Deschepper). Très bon exemplaire. /// In-8 de 768, (32) pp. Vélin à rabats. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// Second edition, the first in 1538 by the same printer, but this is the first with comments by Philipp Melanchton. More than just another commentary on Aristotle, this text anticipated the works of Bacon, Descartes and Spinoza. "Through his original study of mental operations, Vives is one of the precursors of modern psychology. He is even its father, said Foster Watson, since he separated psychology from metaphysics." (Jean-Pierre Deschepper). "Vives anticipated Bacon and Descartes in developing an empirical psychology in which the mind was to be studied both through introspection and observation of others. From his exhaustive analysis of memory he developed a theory of association of ideas, which recognized the emotional origin of certain associations, as well as the link between associations, emotions and memory. He was also the first to describe the physiological effects of fear." Garrison-Morton 4963.2. A very good copy. USTC 667550. /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
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