Paris, Humbert, 1720.
Reference : 17316
Première traduction en français. Cette traduction de l' 'Opticks' a été faite sur la seconde édition de 1718 qui a été augmentée par l'auteur, de plusieurs "questions" à la fin. On y trouve la fameuse question 28, sur la nature de la lumière. Tous les scientifiques précédents étaient sûrs que la lumière blanche était pure et simple, considérant les couleurs comme des modifications du blanc. Newton a montré expérimentalement que c'est le contraire. La lumière blanche naturelle, loin d'être simple, est un composée de nombreuses couleurs élémentaires pures qui peuvent être séparées et recomposées à volonté". Illustré par 12 planches dépliantes hors-texte. Très petits défauts au second plat, papier légèrement bruni. Bon exemplaire. /// 2 tomes reliés en 1 volume in-12 de XV, (1), 328 pp. [329]-583 pp., (17) pp. de catalogue., 12 planches h.-t. Basane brune, dos à nerfs orné, tranches mouchetées. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// First edition in French. The translation by Pierre Coste of the second edition of "Opticks", published in 1718. In this edition, "the number of Queries at the end was increased from 16 to 31, including the celebrated Query No. 28 on the nature of light." "Coste, the translator, spent many years in England, where he fled on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and where he became intimate with Locke. His translations were of durable service and helped to introduce English thought to the French of the XVIIIth century." Babson N° 139. "The core of this work was the observation that the spectrum of colours (formed when a ray of light shines through a glass prism) is stretched along its axis, together with his experimental proof that rays of different colours are refracted to different extents. This causes the stretching, or dispersion, of the spectrum. All previous philosophers and mathematicians had been sure that white light is pure and simple, regarding colours as modifications or qualifications of the white. Newton showed experimentally that the opposite is true. Natural white light, far from being simple, is a compound of many pure elementary colours which can be separated and recompounded at will." PMM /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
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Amsterdam, Humbert, 1720, 2 tomes reliés en un volume in 12, plein veau, dos orné de fers dorés, tranches rouges (reliure de l'époque), T.1 : 15pp., (1pp.), pp. 1 à 328, T.2 : (1), pp., 331 à 583, (1pp.), 8 feuillets non chiffrés (catalogue du librairie), 12 PLANCHES DEPLIANTES
---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE BIEN COMPLET DE SES 12 PLANCHES DEPLIANTES ---- Babson N° 139 : "Coste, the translator, spent many years in England, where he fled on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and where he became intimate with Locke. His translations were of durable service and helped to introduce english thought to the French of the XVIIIth century" ---- DSB - Dibner N° 148, PMM N° 172 & Horblit N° 79b (1st english ed.)**7213/ARM2D