Amsterdam, Marc-Michel Rey, 1762.
Reference : 1543
Première édition de l'ouvrage le plus important d'embryologie du XVIIIe. Bonnet s'attache à la théorie de la préformation de l'embryon. Très bel exemplaire. Ex-libris du XVIIIe: L. E. Midy. Garrisson-Morton 472. Norman 264a./// 2 tomes en un volume in-8 de XLII, (2), 274 /XX, 328 pp. Veau marbré, dos à nerfs orné, dos orné, encadrement sur les plats, tranches dorées. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// First edition of the most important work of embryology of XVIIIe. Bonnet believed to the theory of the preformation of the embryo. Very good copy. Ex libris of XVIIIe: L E Midy. /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
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Amsterdam chez Marc-Michel Rey 1762 2 voll. in-8°, pp. XLII, (2), 274; XX, 328, vignette calcografiche sui frontespizi, legatura coeva in piena pelle, dorso a cinque nervi, titolo su tassello e fregi in oro, tagli rossi. Leggere usure alle cuffie, bruniture marginali alle prime carte dei volumi. Edizione originale di una delle opere più importanti dell'embriologia del XVIII secolo, l'autore (considerato il padre della moderna biologia) sosteneva la teoria della preformazione dell'embrione, secondo la quale l'animale esisteva già in miniatura in cellule germinali. Garrison-Morton 472: “Bonnet’s theory of generation offered the best synthesis of 18th-century ideas of development and remained a leading authority until von Baer…He used many of Haller’s arguments to support his own opinions.”
Amsterdam, chez Marc Michel Rey 1768 2 tomes (complet), lx,234 + xvi,280 pp., 2e édition (la première date de 1762), 21cm., reliures plein-cuir d'époque (coiffes légèrement abimés, coins usés), texte frais avec peu de rousseurs, ex-libris-cachet sur f.d.g. blanche, bon état, W88381
1762 Amsterdam - Marc-Michel Rey - 1762 - 2 volumes in8 de XLII - 4 - 274 et XX - 328 pages - Reliures pleine basane d'époque - Dos cinq nerfs ornés mais frottés - coiffes arasées - deux mors fendus - Bon état intérieur -
Edition originale de cet important ouvrage -
Amsterdam, Rey, 1776, 2 TOMES reliés en un volume in 8 pleine basane, dos orné de fers dorés, filets dorés sur les plats, tranches mouchetées (reliure de l'époque), (coiffes légèrement usées, petite déchirure dans la mare extérieure des 3 premiers feuillets du tome 2 sans manque de papier, T.1 : 60pp., 242pp., T.2 : 16pp., 280pp.
---- Troisième éditon AUGMENTEE DE L'ANALYSE DE L'OUVRAGE QUE Charles BONNET AVAIT DONNEE DANS LA PREFACE DE LA CONTEMPLATION DE LA NATURE ---- "Bonnet is considered one of the fathers of modern biology. He is distinguished for both his experimental research and his philosophy, which exerted a profound influence upon the naturalists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries... A true theoretician of biology, he exercised an enormous influence in this field and published works that caused a considerable stir... Bonnet was an enthusiastic champion of preformation, the theory postulating that the animal already existed in miniature in the germ cell. His discovery of parthenogenesis was, to him, proof that the female germ cell contains the preformed individual... This theory, which he christened "palingenesis" set forth the functional and structural notion of the cell, which was not stated formally until a hundred years later...". (DSB II pp. 286/287) ---- "Bonnet's theory of generation offered the best synthesis of 18th century ideas of development and remained a leading authority until Von Baer. Bonnet believed in the preformation of the embryo. He used many of Haller's arguments to support his own opinions. J. Needham calls him an organicistic preformationist for his objection to epigenesis lay in the fact that it apparently did not allow for the integration of the organism as a whole". (Garrison N° 472 1st ed.) ---- Heirs of Hippocrates N° 947 1st ed**A2
Amsterdam, Marc Michel Rey, 1776. 2 tomes reliés en 1 volume in-8 dans une reliure demi-chagrin au dos à faux nerfs orné de filets dorés (reliure XIXème). 1 f. blanc, Lx, 242 pp, xvi, 280 pp, 1 f. blanc. Vignettes gravées en pages de titre. Frottements sur les plats et aux coins, et petit manque de cuir à la coiffe supérieure. Quelques rousseurs.