Paris, Baillière, 1826.
Reference : 11307
Première édition. Garrison & Morton 4797: "A classical description of general paralysis. Calmeil's work complements Bayle's earlier delineation of general paralysis. Between the two of them they established the clinical picture of general paralysis of the insane, associating it with chronic inflammation of the brain. This was the first breakthrough in neuro-psychiatric research, and it gave psychiatry the spur to precise and systematic clinical, pathological and statistical innovation on its own terms." Dos frotté. /// In-8 de (4), II, 446 pp. Demi-basane brune, dos orné. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
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P., Baillière, 1826, un volume in 8 relié en demi-basane noire, dos orné de filets dorés, (reliure de l'époque), (quelques rousseurs), (2), 2pp., 6pp., 446pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "A classical description of general paralysis. The first breakthrough in neuro-psychiatric research". (Garrison) ---- "A classical and a standard Work in Neurology". (MacHenry) ---- GARRISON N° 4797 : "Calmeil's work complements Bayle's earlier delineation of general paralysis. Between the two of them they established the clinical picture of general paralysis of the insane, associating it with chronic inflammation of the brain. This was the first breakthrough in neuro-psychiatric research, and it gave psychiatry the spur to precise and systematic clinical, pathological and statistical innovation on its own terms" ---- Hunter & Macalpine - Semelainge II p. 226 - Postel & Quetel p. 600 - Norman N° 389**1024/F2+1026/ARBA6