Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1908.
Reference : 10001
Edition originale. Ces oeuvres contiennent toutes les publications de Pierre Curie sur la radioactivité. Printing and the man of man 394. Bel exemplaire. /// In-8 de portrait, XXII, 621 pp., 2 planches hors-texte. Demi-chagrin brun, dos à nerfs avec filets dorés. (Reliure de l'époque.) //// First edition. "The tragic death of Pierre Curie at the age of forty-seven put an end to what was certainly one of the most famous scientific collaborations in history. Despite his abbreviated career and the fact that his work was sometimes overshadowed by that of his gifted wife (see No. 2261), Pierre Curie must be credited with a remarkable amount of original work of extreme importance in the understanding of radioactivity and atomic structure. He shared the 1903 Nobel prize in physics with his wife and Henri Becquerel (see No. 2142). This volume of collected writings includes works on magnetism, crystal symmetry, pyroelectric phenomena, and an account of the discovery of radium. The laudatory introduction by Marie Curie gives some interesting bits of family history."Heirs of Hippocrates No. 2223. /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
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Books are guaranteed to be complete and in good condition unless otherwise stated.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1908
In-4 (25,2 x 16,8 cm), broché, non coupé. Edition originale, ornée d’un beau portrait de Pierre Curie en héliogravure, et de 2 planches. Préface de Marie Curie. (quelques défauts et déchirures, pliures sur la couverture, les 2 planches en fin d'ouvrage et au bas des pages 209 à 240, piqûres sur les tranches). // Quarto (25,2 x 16,8 cm), softcover, unopened. First edition, illustrated with a fine portrait of Pierre Curie in heliogravure, and 2 plates. Introduction by Marie Curie. (some defects and tears, foldings on cover, on the 2 plates at the end and on bottom of pages 209 to 240, spots on edges).
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1908, in-8, portrait, XXII-621 pp, 2 pl, Broché, Première édition. Beau portrait héliogravé de Pierre Curie et 2 planches représentant des vues du laboratoire de l'École de Physique et de Chimie de la ville de Paris où ont été effectuées les recherches relatives à la découverte du radium ; nombreuses figures dans le texte. Bon exemplaire. DSB III, p. 508. P.M.M. n° 394. Couverture rigide
Bon portrait, XXII-621 pp., 2 pl.
P., Gauthier-Villars, 1908, un volume in 8 relié en demi-basane noire (reliure de l'époque), 1 portrait, 22pp., 621pp., 2 planches, figures dans le texte
---- PREMIERE EDITION des Oeuvres de PIERRE CURIE et MARIE CURIE. Préface de Madame Pierre Curie ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "In close collaboration with his wife, P. Curie was to study radioactivity and discover polonium and radium, discoveries that made both of them famous...Many of Curie's writings were brought together in Oeuvres de Pierre Curie (Paris, 1908)". (DSB III p. 508). Heirs of Hippocrates N° 2223 : "The tragic death of Pierre Curie put an end to what was certainly one of the most famous scientific collaborations in history. Despite his abbreviated career and the fact that his work was sometimes overshadowed by that of his gifted wife, Pierre Curie must be credited with a remarkable amount of original work of extreme importance in the understanding of radioactivity and atomic structure. He shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics with his wife and Henri Becquerel. This volume of collected writings includes works on magnetism, crystal symetry, pyroelectric phenomena and an account of the discovery of radium. The laudatory introduction by Marie Curie gives some interesting bits of family history" - Honeyman N° 791**6083/M1-7876/L6AR-7874/PLAC