At San José, British Honduras Washington, Carnegie Institution 1939. Grand in-4° broché XI + 292 pages.
Reference : LIQ-5540
Très nombreuses planches photographiques en noir hors-texte et nombreuses illustrations dans le texte.
Librairie In-Quarto
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, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2007 softcover. VI 309 p., 359 b/w ill., 210 x 295 mm, Languages: English, French, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9782503518121.
The third volume about the Euro-Syrian excavations at Tell Beydar constitutes the progress report of the 2000 to 2002 seasons of excavations and the 2003 - 2004 (springtime) seasons of architectural restoration. The central acropolis is currently almost completely uncovered, revealing the Early Jezirah IIIb administrative centre of the ancient city of Nabada. Immediately S of the acropolis, three temples (B, C and D), workshops and storerooms are located in a specific quarter. Soundings have been initiated below the floors of the EJ IIIb Palace and Temple A, reaching official architecture from the EJ IIIa period. B Field has been extended, providing more private houses. Private houses were discovered as well in Field Q. A new area of excavations (P) is scheduled to survey the E part of the city. W of Temple C, a new area of excavations (M/O) reaches a quarter of the city seemingly devoted to handicraft and economical purposes. The hellenistic building of Area A provides clues about architecture, pottery and stratigraphy of a poorly documented period in Upper Mesopotamia. In 2003 a large programme of architectural restoration has been launched, having as main priority the preservation of the EJ IIIb official buildings of the central acropolis. The methods of consolidation/restoration/reconstruction are detailed in the volume. The hellenistic building of Area A has been restored as well.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2003 softcover. 2 vol., 620 p., 44 colour ill., 210 x 297 mm, Languages: English. ISBN 9782503991177.
This volume is the progress report of three further seasons of excavations at Tell Beydar (Syria, 1995-1997). The excavations at the central acropolis of the the IIIrd Millennium tell revealed most important Early Jezirah III and IV official buildings, including an official block (EJ III) and a series of temples (EJ III-IV). Deep soundings (fields G and I) brought much informations about the early levels of the Kranzhugel. The E field granary is fully published and adds considerable knowledge about the debated question of storage facilities in Upper Mesopotamia. The discovery of several levels of inner fortification walls proved the strategical importance of this town in the third Millennium. A considerable amount of stratified evidence is presented and helped in setting up the periodization of this urban centre, the ancient name of which was probably Nabada. Evidence from the hellenistic levels from the Upper Town enlightens the stratigraphy of this poorly known period in Upper Mesopotamia. Subartu IX includes a preliminary report of excavations at Beydar III, a Late Chalcolithic settlement.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2004 Hardcover. X 420 p., 60 colour ill., one Cd-Rom, 210 x 295 mm, Languages: English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9782503991207.
Due to an important number of salvage projects and rescue excavations in Northern Syria, Southern Turkey and Northern Iraq, the archaeological records documenting Upper Mesopotamia drastically increased these last decades. More than 300 regular or rescue preclassical excavations have been registered in Upper Mesopotamia so far. This Atlas of Preclassical Upper Mesopotamia is the result of a systematic examination of the published evidence. More than 100 collaborators have contributed to set up an analytical repertory, summing up the available data through a standardized file. This repertory enumerates each site and reports topography, dimensions of the settlement, geographical location, data on the excavations, periods of occupation (A to Z), environmental and archaeometrical studies, material culture (72 entries), 14C samplings and bibliography. All these ancient settlements are carefully located in new 4-colour maps. Subartu XI includes an updated bibliography, to be considered as the Supplement to Subartu I.
Government Press. Cairo / Bulâq in folio. Sans date. Broché. Excavations at Gîza - 4 VOLUMES: VOL. III. 1931-1932 + VOL. V 1933-1934 + VOL. VI Part II: The Offering-list in the Old Kingdom + Part III: The Mastabas of the Sixth Season and their Description / Service des antiquités de l'Egypte -
couvertures défraîchies rousseurs et ternissures sur tranche dos et premier plat abîmés (déchirures) sur le VOLUME V. couverture maintenue par son papier de soie intérieurs globalement propres cependant présence de rousseurs ou ternissures par endroits les planches du VOL. VI. part III sont marquées d'écorchures suite à des adhérences certaines planches sont très endommagées mouillures sur le haut des planches
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, xiv + 270 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:161 b/w, 6 col., 43 tables b/w., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503609393.
Summary The Early Bronze Age site of Jebel al-Mutawwaq, located on a hill overlooking the Zarqa River in Jordan, was a thriving centre of population from the second half of the fourth millennium into the third millennium BCE. During this time, the settlement developed both in population and social complexity, undergoing the beginnings of an urbanization process that fundamentally changed the relationship between this community of the Transjordanian Highlands with the surrounding landscape, until it was completely abandoned around 2900 BCE. This volume offers a new assessment of the site by combining data from the first surveys of the site, under a Spanish team led by J. A. Fernandez-Tresguerres, with the new results from six seasons of excavations led by teams from Perugia in Italy, and San Esteban in Spain. In doing so, this work sheds new light on this walled settlement and its huge megalithic necropolises, and offers a fresh understanding of the site. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations An Introduction to the Volume ANDREA POLCARO & JUAN RAMON MUÑIZ 1. Jebel al-Mutawwaq: History of Investigations JUAN RAMON MUÑIZ 2. The Historical Framework: EB I in Jordan ANDREA POLCARO 3. The Site of Jebel al-Mutawwaq: Architecture, Settlement Planning, and Space Organization ANDREA POLCARO & JUAN RAMON MUÑIZ 4. The Pottery: Function and Typologies ELOISA CASADEI & JOAQUIM DEL RIO 5. The Lithics: Function and Typologies ALESSANDRA CASELLI 6. Biomolecular Archaeology: Preliminary DNA Analysis of Skeletal Remains from Jebel al-Mutawwaq CHIARA PANICUCCI, SARA SILVESTRINI, GIORGIO GRUPPIONI, DONATA LUISELLI, ELISABETTA CILLI & PATRIZIA SERVENTI 7. The Development of Olive Growing at the Jebel al-Mutawwaq Site: Preliminary Data ALESSIA D'AURIA & GAETANO DI PASQUALE 8. Conclusions: The Importance of the Jebel al-Mutawwaq Settlement at the Beginning of the First Urbanization in the Southern Levant ANDREA POLCARO Works Cited