Fratelli Fabbri Editore Couverture Illustrée à Rabat Milano 1965 16 reproductions en couleurs en format 26 - 35 cm
Reference : 029815
Bon État
Librairie Internet Antoine
Henry Charlier
accepte paiement par : PAYPAL Virements Européens Envois : Poste et MONDIAL RELAY
Points 1981 1981. Leonardo Sciascia - Candido / Points 1981
Etat correct
Rome, Tipografia delle belle arti, 1854 in-8, VIII-400 pp., avec un frontispice, demi-veau blond, dos lisse orné de filets et pointillés dorés, pièce de titre prune, tranches mouchetées (reliure de l'époque). Dos passé, rousseurs.
Baldassare Boncompagni-Ludovisi, prince de Piombino (1821-1894), de la famille du pape Grégoire XIII, se spécialisa dans l'histoire des mathématiques. De 1850 à 1862, il produisit pas mal d'études sur les mathématiques au moyen âge, et spécialement sur Leonardo Fibonacci (vers 1175 - vers 1250, auquel il conserve ici son appellation contemporaine de Leonardo Pisano), célèbre pour avoir été en Occident l'introducteur de la notation indo-arabe, qui devait remplacer les chiffres romains, ainsi que de la comptabilité fondée sur le calcul décimal.Seulement quatre exemplaires au CCF (BnF, Saulchoir, Sainte-Geneviève et Strasbourg). - - VENTE PAR CORRESPONDANCE UNIQUEMENT
1983 1983. Leonardo Dal Maso: La Rome des Césars/ Bonechi-Edizioni 1983 . Leonardo Dal Maso: La Rome des Césars/ Bonechi-Edizioni 1983
Très bon état
, Yale University Press 2001, 2001 Paperback, 328 pages, English, 195 x 125 mm, book is in good order, with illustrations in b/w from the Master, . ISBN 9780300090956.
Leonardo's writings on painting-among the most remarkable from any era-were never edited by Leonardo himself into a single coherent book. In this anthology the authors have edited material not only from his so-called Treatise on Painting but also from his surviving manuscripts and from other primary sources, some of which were here translated for the first time. The resulting volume is an invaluable reference work for art historians as well as for anyone interested in the mind and methods of one of the world's greatest creative geniuses. Highly readable. . . . Also included are documentary sources and letters illuminating Leonardo's career; the manuscript sources for all of Leonardo's statements are fully cited in the notes. The volume is skillfully translated and is illustrated with appropriate examples of drawings and paintings by the artist. -Choice Certainly easier to read and . . . more convenient than previous compilations. -Charles Hope, New York Review of Books A chaotic assemblage of Leonardo da Vinci's writings appeared in 1651 as Treatise on Painting. . . . [Kemp] successfully applies . . . order to the chaos. -ArtNews
1) O’MALLEY, C. D.: Leonardo’s Legacy. An International Symposium. 1969, VIII + 225 p.,richly ill. with sketches and drawings, half-cloth / 2) SANTI, Bruno: Leonardo Da Vinci. 1981, 80 p., richly ill. in full colours and in b/w., wrappers ill. colours / 3) da Vinci, Leonardo: Anatomical Drawings from the Queen’s Collection at Windsor Castle. 1976, 60 p., richly ill. with drawings in b/w and 1 in colour, wrappers / 4) Leonardo. Hommage an Leonardo Da Vinci von IWC und Daimler/Chrysler. 58 p., ill., wrappers / 5) CLARK, Kenneth: The Drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle. Second Edition. Revised with the Assistance of Carlo Pedretti. 1969, XI + 277 p., ill. with 151plates, cloth, orig. ill. jacket.
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