Christie, Manson & Woods International Inc broché Couverture Illustrée New York 1978 catalogue de l' exposition du 23 mai 1978 - 69 pages en format 19.5 - 25 cm - nombreuses photographies de tableaux en couleurs
Reference : 025915
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Librairie Internet Antoine
Henry Charlier
accepte paiement par : PAYPAL Virements Européens Envois : Poste et MONDIAL RELAY
Grand-Hornu, Musee des Arts Contemporains, 2007 Hardcover, 400 pages, ENG, 350 x 220 x 40 mm,in Fine condition, illustrated in colour / b/w ISBN 9782930368214.
Using the format of a geographical atlas, the aim of this educational tool is to develop the interest of the public for contemporary art and to initiate dialogue between this art and other disciplines such as sciences, sociology, politics, etc. The book combines series of colour plates giving numerous historical, thematic and iconographic viewpoints with instructive texts - a mosaic of texts that take their inspiration from numerous quotes by artists, scientist and intellectuals, as well as encyclopaedia definitions, art reviews and short biographies. This English bilingual atlas, an initiative of the publishing section of the Museum of Contemporary Arts of Grand-Hornu (MAC's), compiled by Denis Gielen and with a preface by Laurent Busine, will be available in bookshops in spring 2007. One of the goals of any author of an atlas is probably - on occasions - to survey the world in order to better explore it, whether he or she is a geographer, historian, hiker, philosopher, amateur or art collector. Seeing, naming and discerning the ways of the world is just as imperative as seeking to define their meanings: some are diverse and unpredictable, others are manifold and disordered. This appears to be particularly true of contemporary art, in the sense that it confronts us with statements about a world to which we belong in the same way as the artist, in other words in a non-finite time. This book presents an alternation of illustrations, texts and synopses whose images and imaginative concepts all refer to one other. It is open to a multiplicity of inter-pretations, inviting confrontations and the discovery of similarities, relationships and analogies between works of art and various subjects of thought. To take stock of the field of contemporary art is to understand the movements and currents of which it is formed, but it also involves exploring the paths that interweave among them. Denis Gielen compiles facts, stories, art works and intentions, abiding by laws which, although they may not be universal, are nevertheless able to serve as our guide as we - author and reader - roam together along the meandering paths of creation, following the trails which unite the works and visions of our contemporaries. Thought and emotion carve out a sinuous and curious path here, even though this book is in principle open to the pursuit of all kinds of journeys. The Atlas of Contemporary Art can therefore be used by everyone, for it rejects no one. New book.
Shanghai, Museum of Contemporary Art, The Koera Foundation, 2012. In-4 broché, couv. rempliée ill. en coul., 169 pp., très nb. reprod. photogr. en n/b. et en coul., texte en chinois sur 2 colonnes, traduction en anglais in fine, bibliographie des artistes.
" Cette exposition est organisée avec le dévouement total de Kim Sun-hee, conservateur représentatif du monde de l'art asiatique. Elle présente les œuvres de 14 artistes de Chine, de Taiwan, de Corée et du Japon, et s'efforce d'approfondir la prospérité du partenariat et des échanges culturels entre les trois pays d'Asie de l'Est à travers l'art contemporain. L'espoir est que de nouvelles perspectives puissent s'ouvrir dans l'art contemporain chinois grâce à cela. Cette exposition exprime la nostalgie de l'art traditionnel qui s'est perdu dans l'art contemporain d'Asie de l'Est au cours de sa croissance, sous l'influence de l'art moderne occidental. [...] " ( Comme neuf - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)
Kiel, Kunsthallen Brandts Klaedefabrik, 2005 Hardcover, illustr. boards, 356pp., 23.5x31.5cm., 110 col. ills., new. ISBN 9783936636413.
This extensive catalogue documents the international exhibition project Shadow Play ? Light and Shadow in Contemporary Art. On occassion of Hans Christian Andersen's 200th birthday the danish museum Kunsthallen Brandts Klaedefabrik brought together literature and fine arts. The center of the project was ?The Shadow? from 1846/47. Andersen accomplishes a phenomenology of shadows, assimilating the various physical manifestations of shadows literarily and creating great psychological pictures. Today in the age of disembodiment of information and image the shadow gets a new definition. The catalogue connects the immense selection of motifs of the narration with international contemporary art. It collects 30 internationally working artists, among them Christian Boltanski, Olafur Eliasson, Fred Eerdekens, Dan Graham, Marcel Duchamp, Rebecca Horn, Per Kirkeby, Shirin Neshat, Sigmar Polke, Wolfgang Tillmans. With video art, film, sound art, photography and paintings the whole range of contemporary art is represented. Text in German, English and Danish.
Reference : albde954059b06faa74
Analytical Review of the Russian Contemporary Art Market InArt 2016. Analytical Report of the Russian Contemporary Art Market In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Analiticheskiy obzor rossiyskogo rynka sovremennogo iskusstva InArt 2016. Analytical Report of the Russian Contemporary Art Market. Analytical Review of the Russian Contemporary Art Market InArt 2016. Analytical Report of the Russian Contemporary Art Market We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbde954059b06faa74
Reference : 46785
, Lannoo, 2009 Softcover, 256pp., 21.5x26.5cm., richly illustr. ibn col. Good copy. Tekst in English and dutch. ISBN 9789020983180.
Does art have or give a meaning? Can contemporary art be a free haven of spirituality and enchantment in a time that is characterised by an increasing need for giving meaning in a globalised and sometimes virtual world? Answers to these questions are being given by 5 internationally acclaimed curators. Illustrated with the works of dozens of contemporary artists this publication attempts to shed light on the contemporary art world. Artists of this title included: Al + Al, Annie Cattrell, Camilla Low, Eva Berendes, Francesco Gennari, Gabriel Kuri, General Idea, Goshka Macuga, Harald Thys, Jimmie Durham and many more.