Houghton Mifflin Company Jaquette en très bon état Boston 1987 304 pages en format grand -8 - photographies en noir hors texte - reliure rigide en percaline grenat au dos avec titres en dorure
Reference : 024349
Très Bon État
Librairie Internet Antoine
Henry Charlier
accepte paiement par : PAYPAL Virements Européens Envois : Poste et MONDIAL RELAY
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 264 pages, Size:178 x 254 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503581231.
Summary The oeuvre of Marc Boone (Ghent, 1955) has become standard reading for specialists of medieval European towns and cities, as well as for those interested in the history of state building - most notably that of the Burgundian polity. Honoring Ghent University's venerable tradition of medieval studies begun by Henri Pirenne and building upon the work of his Doktorvater Walter Prevenier, Marc Boone also investigated taxation and the history of government spending, popular protest, and the persecution of "deviant" sexuality. Over the course of his rich career, he served as president of the European Association of Urban History and as dean of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of Ghent University. For more than twenty years, he taught the introductory course on historical criticism to every first-year student of the faculty, and thus had a major impact on the pens e critique of generations of young minds. Upon the occasion of his retirement in 2021, his former students have compiled this collection of some of his best historical essays, half of which have been translated from French and Dutch into English. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Marc Boone, Man and Historian Bibliography of Marc Boone (1977-2021) List of Coinages and Abbreviations Finance and Fiscality Triumphant Private Initiative versus Hesitant Government Action? On Indirect Tax Farming in Late-Medieval Cities Gifts and Bribes, Aspects of Urban Sociability in the Late Middle Ages The Case of Ghent during the Burgundian Period Fiscal and Financial strategies of the Urban Elites and the Nascent Burgundian State in the Ancient County of Flanders(from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Centuries) In Defence of a Medieval Banker Tommaso Portinari and the Burgundian State Modernity, Space, and Conflict Rulers, Patricians and Burghers The Great and the Little Traditions of Urban Revolt in the Low Countries (co-authored with Maarten Prak) Destroying and Reconstructing the City The Inculcation and Arrogation of Princely Power in the Burgundian-Habsburg Netherlands (Fourteenth-Sixteenth Centuries) Cities in Late Medieval Europe The Promise and Curse of Modernity Urban Space and Political Conflict in Late Medieval Flanders Private Life and Sexuality The Discreet Charms of the Bourgeoisie in Ghent around the Mid-Fifteenth Century Simon Borluut's Financial Account Book (1450-63) State Power and Illicit Sexuality The Persecution of Sodomy in Late Medieval Bruges Tabula Gratulatoria
Paris Domino Press. 1931 In-4 Cartonnage illustré éditeur
Premier tirage des illustrations de Fedor Rojankovsky (1891-1970), lithographies en couleurs enluminant l'histoire de Daniel Boone, célèbre pionnier américain avait publié ses exploits en 1784. Impression de Coulouma pour le texte et Mourlot pour les estampes. Rousseurs sur certaines pages, mais bon exemplaire portant l'étiquette de relais Fischbacher masquant le nom de l'éditeur. 16 pp. Très bon 0
Reference : alba84e1c8bd2bae64d
Averill Esther. Daniel Boone. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Averill Ester. Daniel Bun.Illustrations by Fyodor Rojankovsky: In English Esther AverS.Pb.Daniel Boone / Illustrations by Feodor Rojankovsky. New York. London HarperBrtandrs. 1945. 56 2 p.: il. 1 p. SKUalba84e1c8bd2bae64d.
P., Domino Press, Esther Averill and Lila Stanley, 1931, In-4, album cartonné éditeur, dos toilé bleu, [16 pp.].
Edition originale . "Daniel Bonne ne trouvant pas d'éditeur aux Etats-Unis, Esther Averill, jeune journaliste américaine séjournant à Paris, fonda sa propre maison d'édition, Domino Press et publia simultanément Daniel Boone en français à Paris et en anglais à Londres et à New York (1931). " Petits Français illustrés de Cl.-A. Parmegiani. 30 superbes lithographies de Rojankovsky tirées chez Mourlot ornent cet ouvrage; une belle réalisation artistique. Le texte, imprimé par Coulouma, relate l'existence aventureuse de l'éclaireur Daniel Boone, fondateur du premier établissement permanent au Kentucky.