M. Moniquet Marcel Didier Reliure Rigide Illustrée 235 pages illustrées en format 15 - 20 cm
Reference : 020621
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Henry Charlier
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, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2024 Hardback, 344 pages, Size:225 x 300 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 165 col., 2 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9781915487179.
Summary This book fills a significant gap in the literature on eighteenth-century art in Britain. Although immigrant Italian artists played a crucial role in the development of Britain's expanding art world over the course of that century, they have been largely overlooked in books on both British and Italian art. When mentioned in works on eighteenth-century British art, Italian artists are regarded as bit players who were tangential to the art world. Ingenious Italians seeks to correct this view, demonstrating the critical role played by immigrants who brought their skills and talents to a new country. In Britain, they established networks of Italian and British colleagues, cultivated new patrons and created innovative works for a growing market. In doing so, they influenced the development of art in British society. This little-explored facet of art history in Britain presents readers with a new perspective from which to consider the art of the era, highlighting the important work contributed by Italian artists in Britain. The book also contains an appendix of biographical information on the Italian artists working in Britain throughout the eighteenth century. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1: Early Arrivals: Verrio and the Venetians Chapter 2: Life in Britain Chapter 3: Innovative Italians: New Ideas for New Clients Chapter 4: The Impact of Italian Immigrants: 'Exciting a Spirit of Ardent Emulation' Conclusion Bibliography Appendix: Italian Artists Active in Britain 1700-1800 Index
London, Society of Antiquaries of London, 2009 Two volumes, linnen bound, 600 pages, 31 x 24.5 cm. EN. New!. ISBN 9780854312894.
The third volume in this massive project to create the first complete corpus of the Roman mosaics of Britain covers the areas of Britain that were first to come under Roman control and where some of Britain's most impressive mosaics are to be found - in Colchester, Silchester, London and Verulamium, and in villas and palaces at Brading, Bignor, Fishbourne and Rockbourne. In their introduction to the volume, the authors trace the origins of mosaic-making in Britain, and the development of colour palettes and motifs, from the mainly black-and-white geometric designs of first-century Fishbourne Palace, reflecting contemporary Gaulish fashions, to the more elaborate polychrome designs of the third and fourth centuries, featuring figures from classical mythology, some of which (like Brading's Orpheus taming the animals with his music, or Lullingstone's Bellerophon slaying the Chimera) had been invested with new meaning as symbols of Christianity. They consider too the types of buildings with which mosaics are associated, the functions of mosaic-decorated rooms, the materials from which they are made, the impact of mosaic discoveries on early antiquaries and the pioneering mosaic paintings of artists such as Richard Smirke and Charles Stothard, published in Samuel Lysons' Reliquae Britanniae Romanae (1817). The catalogue follows the format of earlier volumes in providing an account of each mosaic's discovery and locating the mosaic within its building plan. Every mosaic is described, with significant parallels and major references, and illustrated with the authors' own paintings, reproductions of historic engravings and photographs, taken in situ wherever possible, before lifting or restoration. The result is an unrivalled scholarly resource for anyone interested in Roman art, craftsmanship, architecture and social life, which will shortly be complete with the publication of the fourth and final volume on Western Britain, including Wales. About the Author: David S Neal, FSA (b 1940), was first introduced to Roman mosaics and archaeology at Verulamium in 1957 while studying graphic design at Watford School of Art. In 1961 he joined the Ancient Monuments Inspectorate of the then Ministry of Works as an archaeological illustrator and for almost fifteen years supervised the archaeological drawing office. In this period one of his tasks was to record mosaics found on excavations conducted, or sponsored, by the Government. From 1963 he began his own series of excavations on Roman villas in Hertfordshire and in 1975 became a full-time archaeologist with the Department of the Environment (later English Heritage). He is now a freelance consultant. He was made a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1971 and awarded a Doctor of Letters for his contribution to Romano-British villa studies in 1992. Stephen R Cosh, FSA (b 1950), studied archaeology at Reading University before embarking on a career in teaching. As with David Neal, his interests in art and archaeology led to the study of Romano-British mosaics which he has illustrated since the 1970s, soon adopting Neal's technique. He has written numerous articles on Roman mosaics, particularly the study of regional groups. He has been the Honorary Secretary of ASPROM (the Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics) since 1993 and was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 2002. The authors formally agreed to collaborate on the corpus in 1993.
London, Society of Antiquaries of London, 2010 Hardback with dustjacket, 480 Pages, 31 x 25 cm. NEW. EN. ISBN 9780854312948.
This volume brings to a triumphant conclusion this monumental project to catalogue, describe and illustrate every Romano-British mosaic. The area covered by the fourth and final volume in the corpus is one of the richest regions of Britain in economic as well as architectural and artistic terms and this is reflected in the quantity and quality of the region's mosaics, which include the largest figured mosaic ever found in Britain - the Woodchester Orpheus pavement - which was perhaps the inspiration for the other famous Orpheus mosaics of the Roman Cotswolds. At the heart of this affluent region is Cirencester, Roman Britain's second largest town, represented here by more than sixty mosaics, the second-century examples being the most exquisite in the country. There are also many fine mosaics from the region's highly ornate villas, as well as from the towns of Gloucester, Caerwent and Wroxeter. The catalogue follows the format of earlier volumes in providing an account of each mosaic's discovery and locating the mosaic within its building plan. Following the description are notable parallels and major references. Many of the illustrations are by the authors, with additional ones by Luigi Thompson, as well as photographs and historical engravings, a high proportion of the latter by Samuel Lysons whose home was in Gloucestershire where he did much of his pioneering work in archaeological excavation and illustration. Brief biographies of Lysons and all the other artists whose work grace all four volumes appear at the end of this volume. As with previous volume the work is preceded with a substantial introduction. This deals with the history and topography of the region, buildings and rooms, an assessment of regional workshops, and schemes, ending with a consideration of mosaics in relation to the end of Roman Britain.
Reference : alb3975d21a932e414d
Debrett John The Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In English (ask us if in doubt)/Debrett Dzh. (Debrett John) The Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Book of Peers of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (in English a complete compilation of the coats of arms of all Peers Counties Bishops etc. Part 1 Great Britain) London Stationers Hall 1809. 464 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb3975d21a932e414d
1746 Printedand fold by J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lion, in Ludgate-street. In the vulgar year of Masonry 5746 [1746]. Un volume petit in-4° (149 x 192 mm) de X+[2]+230+[2] pages; les pages 217-22 (cahier Ff) sont en double exemplaire, strictement identiques. Reliure de lépoque en veau marron, encadrement à froid sur les plats et filet doré le long des charnières, dos à nerfs orné de filets, pièce de titre en maroquin rouge, tranches mouchetées de rouge (dos anciennement remplacé et coins émoussés). Contenu : - Dédicace de louvrage au Prince de Galles Frédéric-Louis, par James Anderson; bandeau gravé avec les armes du prince, signé John Pine (pages III-VI).- «The author to the reader», et plan de louvrage, le tout daté de «Greter Court, Strand, 4 Nov. 1738» et signé James Anderson (pages VII-X). - «The sanction», i.e. approbation de louvrage par «John Rebis, secretary», «Caernarvon, Grand Master, John Ward, Deputy Grand Master, George Graham [&] Andrew Robinson Grand Wardens» (page 1 sans no).- planche gravée avec deux figures: lune représentant Hiram montrant le plan du temple au roi Salomon, dessin du frère J[ame]s Thornhill Esq. gravé par John Pine; lautre, anonyme, portant les armes et titres du marquis de Carnarvon, grand-maître en 1738 (page 2 sans no).- «The Constitutions Part I: The History of Masonry from the creation throughout the known earth; till true old architecture was demolishd by the Goths and at last revived in Italy », en sept chapitres: I. From the creation to Grand Master Nimrod, II. From Nimrod to Grand Master Solomon, III. From Solomon to Grand Master Cyrus, IV. From Cyrus to Grand Master Seleucus Nicator, V. From Seleucus to Grand Master Augustus Caesar, VI. From Augustus till the havock of the Goths, VII. The revival of old architecture, or the Augustans Stile»(pages 1-54). - «The Constitutions part II: The History of Masonry in Britain, from Julius Caesar, till the union of the crowns, 1603», en sept chapitres: I. From Julius Caesar to the first arrival of the Saxons in Britain, II. From the first arrival of the Saxons, to William the Conqueror, III. Masonry in England from William the Conqueror to King Henry IV, IV. Masonry in England from Henry IV to the Royal Tewdors, V. Masonry in England from King Henry VII till the union of the crowns, A. D. 1603, VI. Masonry in Scotland till the union of the crowns, VII. Masonry in Irland till Grand Master Kingston A. D. 1730» (pages 55-96). - «The Constitutions part III: The History of Masonry in Britain, grom the union of the crowns to the times» en sept chapitres: I. The Augustan stile in Britain, from the union of the crowns 1603, till the Restoration 1660, II. From the Restoration 1660, till the Revolution 1688, III. From the Revolution to Grand Master Montagu 1721, IV. From Grand Master the Duke of Montagu to Grand Master Richmond, V. From Grand Master Richmond to Grand Master Norfolk, VI. From Grand Master Norfolk to Grand Master Craufurd, VII. From Grand Master Craufurd to the present G. Master Caermarthen [biffé et remplacé par: Carnarvan]» (pages 97-142).- «The Old charges of the Free and Accepted Masons, collected by the author from their old records, at the command of the Grand Master the present Duke of Montagu. Approved by the Grand Lodge, and ordered to be printed in the first edition of the Book of Constitutions on 25 March 1722», en six articles : «I. Of God and religion , II. Of the Civil magistrate supreme and subordinate, III. Concerning lodges, IV. Of Masters, wardens, fellows, and prentices, V, Of the Management of the craft in working », VI. Concerning Masons behaviour, [soit] 1) In the Lodge before closing, 2) After the Lodge is closed and the Brethren not gone, 3) At meeting without strangers, but not in a formed Lodge, 4) In presence of strangers not Masons, 5) At home and in your neighbourhood, 6) Towards a foreign Brother or stranger, VII. Concerning Law-suits. The ancient manner of constituting a Lodge (pages 143-151).- « The general Regulations of the Free and Accepted Masons. Compiled first by Brother George Payne [] A. D. 1720, []. Next by order of the Duke of Montagu when Grand Master, the author James Anderson []and the Grand Lodge having revisd ans approvd them, order em to be printed in the Book of Constitutions on 25 March 1722», en 39 articles traitant de lorganisation interne de lordre (pages 152-176), suivis de «New regulations» jusquen 1736 (pages 176-178).- «The Constitutions of the Committee of Masons charity first proposed at the Grand Lodge on 21 Nov. 1724» (pages 178-184).- «A list of the Lodges in and about London and Westminster» (pages 184-190).- «Deputations of several Grand Masters, to Wales, the country of England, and foreign parts» (pages 190-198). « The approbation of this Book of the Constitutions» par les dignitaires de la Grande Loge, datée du «25th January 1737/8 in the vulgar, year of Masonry 1737/8» (page 199). - « The Masters song [] by the author of this book[Anderson]», en 6 couplets (pages 200-201).- « The Wardens song [] by the author of this book [Anderson]» en 2 couplets (page 202).- « The Fellow-craft song, by Brother Charles De La Fay Esq » en 6 couplets (pages 203-204). - « The Enterd Prentices song, by Brother Mr. Matthew Birkhead » en 7 couplets (page 204-206).- «The Deputy Grand Masters song», en 7 couplets (pages 206-207).- «The Grand Wardens song, by Brother Oates», en 4 couplets (pages 207-208).- «The Treasurers song» en 4 couplets (page 209).- «The Secretarys song» en 4 couplets (page 210).- «The Sword-bearers song» en 4 couplets (pages 211-212).- «An ode to the Free Masons» en 2 couplets (page 212).- «An ode an Masonry, by Brother J. Bancks» en 12 couplets (pages 213-215).- «A defence of Masonry, publishd A. D. 1730, occasiond by a pamphlet calld Masonry dissected» (pages 216-226). - «Brother Euclids letter to the author against unjust cavils» (pages 226-228).- liste des Frères et des Loges qui ont «encouragé» lauteur (pages 229-230).- «Corrigenda» (page 1 sans no).- Catalogue des libraires Caesar Ward et Richard Chandler (page 2 sans no).
RARE REEMISSION DE LA SECONDE EDITION (1738) des Constitutions dAnderson sous une page de titre renouvelée. ce texte fondateur de la maçonnerie spéculative moderne fut rédigé en 1721-1722 par James Anderson (ca 1678-1739) - peut-être avec le concours de John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683-1744), mais la chose est aujourdhui contestée - à linitiative de John, 2eme duc de Montagu (1690-1749), grand-maître de la Grande Loge de Londres et de Westminster, afin de réguler des pratiques traditionnelles mais mal fixées. Si les Constitutions de 1723 ont été rédigées à lexpresse demande du groupement des loges créé en 1717, les Constitutions de 1738 relèvent dune initiative propre dAnderson, qui prit de grandes libertés doctrinales par rapport au texte primitif; de ce fait cette version ne fut jamais été reconnue comme officielle par la Grande Loge de Londres et de Westminster «et il a fallu plusieurs mises en vente avec de nouvelles pages de titre et frontispices pour en achever de vendre le stock» (Philippe Langlet: Les Constitutions de 1723 et leurs traductions en français). Ajoutons que la réémission de 1746 ne présente pas de frontispice du tout.