‎Traité des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs applications‎

‎Paris, Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1886, 1888 et 1891, in-8, 3 volumes, ,Tome I : VIII, 492pp. ; Tome II : (4), 660pp.; Tome III : XVI, 272pp, demi-basane de l'époque, dos à faux nerfs , titres et tomaisons dorés, Première partie : Théorie des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs développements en séries; Deuxième partie : application à la mécanique, à la physique, à la géodésie, à la géométrie et au calcul intégral. Troisième partie : fragments, publication faite par les soins de la section de géométrie de l'Académie des sciences, d'après les manuscrits laissés par M. Halphen qui vient en cette année de 1891 tout juste de mourir. Avec une notice/hommage sur l'auteur par M. E. Picard Couverture rigide‎

Reference : 92812

‎Bon 3 volumes, ,Tome I : VIII,‎

€180.00 (€180.00 )
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Reference : 2566

‎Traité des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs applications -- EDITION ORIGINALE -- 3 VOLUMES (COMPLETE SET)‎

‎P., Gauthier-Villars, 1886/1891, 3 volumes in 8,tomes 1 et 2 reliés en demi-basane noire (reliures de l'époque) (dos frottés), tome 3 broché, T.1 : 8pp., 492pp., T.2 : (2), 658pp., T.3 : 16pp., 272pp.‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- "A monumental treatise on elliptic functions". (DSB) ---- Le tome 3 a été publié par les soins de la section de géométrie de l'Académie des sciences avec le concours de M. Stieltges ---- "Halphen's last work was a monumental treatise on elliptic functions. He intended that it consist of three volumes, but he died before he could finish the last. The aim of the work was to simplify the theory of elliptic functions to the point where they could be put to use by the nonspecialist without losing any of the essential points. In the first volume he realized this aim, proving everything he needed without recourse to more general function theory. In the process Halphen not only simplified the theory but also eliminated much of the very cumbersome notation then in use. The second volume is concerned principally with applications from mechanics, geometry and differential equations. The problems solved are all difficult and are either new or show new insights. The third volume was to contain material on the theory of transformation and applications to number theory of transformation and applications to number theory. The amount and quality of Halphen's work is impressive, especially considering that his mathematically creative life covered only seventeen years. Why, then is his name so little known ? Perhaps with its inevitable revival, analytic geometry, will restore Halphen to the eminence he earned". (DSB VI pp. 75/76)**2566/CAV.E4‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR140.00 (€140.00 )


Reference : 2565

‎Traité des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs applications -- EDITION ORIGINALE -- 3 VOLUMES (COMPLETE SET) -- TRES BEL EXEMPLAIRE‎

‎P., Gauthier-Villars, 1886/1891, 3 volumes in 8 reliés en demi-chagrin marron, (reliures de l'époque), T.1 : 8pp., 492pp., T.2 : (2), 659pp., T.3 : 16pp., 272pp.‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- TRES BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- Le tome 3 a été publié par les soins de la section de géométrie de l'Académie des sciences avec le concours de M. STIELTGES ---- "Halphen's last work was a monumental treatise on elliptic functions. He intended that it consist of three volumes, but he died before he could finish the last. The aim of the work was to simplify the theory of elliptic functions to the point where they could be put to use by the nonspecialist without losing any of the essential points. In the first volume he realized this aim, proving everything he needed without recourse to more general function theory. In the process Halphen not only simplified the theory but also eliminated much of the very cumbersome notation then in use. The second volume is concerned principally with applications from mechanics, geometry and differential equations. The problems solved are all difficult and are either new or show new insights. The third volume was to contain material on the theory of transformation and applications to number theory of transformation and applications to number theory. The amount and quality of Halphen's work is impressive, especially considering that his mathematically creative life covered only seventeen years. Why, then is his name so little known ? Perhaps with its inevitable revival, analytic geometry, will restore Halphen to the eminence he earned". (DSB VI pp. 75/76)**2565/N6DE/N6AR‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR420.00 (€420.00 )
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