New Delhi, Indian National Science Academy, 1971, in-4, XVII-[1]-689-[1] p. 3 cartes, 89 ill. dans le texte, 9 pl. dont certaines en couleurs, pleine toile verte de l'éditeur sous jaquette, Jaquette usée avec manques. Couverture rigide
Reference : 76074
Bon XVII-[1]-689-[1] p. 3 cartes,
Librairie Alain Brieux
Jean Bernard Gillot
48, rue Jacob
75006 Paris
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Vente aux conditions habituelles de la Librairie
New Delhi, Indian National Science Academy, 1971, un fort volume in 8 relié en cartonnage éditeur, 17pp., 689pp.
---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- A survey of source materials - Astronomy - Mathematics : metrology and computations in Prehistoric times - Mathematical knowledge as revealed in the Samphitas, the Brahmanas, the Vedangas and related literature - Jaina mthematics - Mathematics of the Period Second to eighteenth century - Sudy of arabic and persian mathematics in India - Interrelationship between Indian and greek, arabic and chinse mathematics - Medecine : Origin and Antiquity, Indian medicine in the Vedic Period, The special treatises, Theories and concepts - Chemical practices and alchemy - Agriculture - Botany - Zoology - The physical world : views and concepts - Western science in India up to the end ot the nineteenth century - etc**CAV.E2