‎Perret Jacques‎
‎Latin et culture‎

‎Desclée de brouwer 290 pages in12. Sans date. Broché. 290 pages.‎

Reference : 272595

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‎Marie Berthelier, annie collognat bares‎

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‎Salve ! Cahier de Latin 5e - culture, etude de la langue, ateliers de traduction - faites aimer le latin a vos eleves- 6 escapes games pour retenir autrement, dialogues pour animer la classe, 150 textes et images pour decouvrir le monde romain‎

‎MAGNARD. 2022. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 111 pages. Quelques illustrations en couleurs, dans le texte. Couverture à rabats.. . . . Classification Dewey : 372.65-Livre scolaire : langues‎

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‎PERRET, Jacques.‎

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‎Latin et culture.‎

‎ Bruges, Desclée de Brouwer sans date, vers 1950, 200x130mm, 287pages, broché. Bon état. ‎

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‎Scott Bruce (ed)‎

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‎Litterarum dulces fructus. Studies in Early Medieval Latin Culture in Honour of Michael W. Herren for his 80th Birthday‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 511 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:18 b/w, 1 col., Language(s):English, German. ISBN 9782503589763.‎

‎Summary Drawing inspiration from the scholarship of Professor Michael Herren, founding editor of The Journal of Medieval Latin, this florilegium of studies advances our understanding of the dynamics of Latin and vernacular literature and learning in the early medieval world. Taken together, the papers gathered in this volume cast light on authors, poets, glossators, and compilers at work as they grappled with linguistic and literary ambitions and challenges, while negotiating their use of ancient authorities to address contemporary concerns. TABLE OF CONTENTS Scott G. Bruce (Fordham University), "Michael W. Herren: An Appreciation" Alexander Andr e (University of Toronto), "Ad utrumque paratus: The Medieval Latinist and the Classical Tradition" Walter Berschin (Ruprecht-Karls-Universit t Heidelberg), "Iohannes Scottus Eriugena, Honorius Augustodunensis und die karolingisch-neuplatonische Naturphilosophie im Bild (Paris, BNF Latin 6734)" Scott G. Bruce (Fordham University), "The Redemption of Flavius Josephus in the Medieval Latin Tradition Brigitte Bulitta (S chsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig), "Ein Heiliger als furcifer: Zur Glossierung von latineisch glisis durch fr hmittelhochdeutsch ouenkere in einem Fuldaer Handschriftenfragment der Vita Wilhelmini confessoris aus dem 12. Jahrhundert" Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann (Universit t Z rich), "The Whole and Parts of Adhelm's De metris et enigmatibus ac pedum regulis (Epistola ad Acircium) Scott Gwara (University of South Carolina), "Pioneer Connoisseurship in Upper Canada: Henry Scadding's 1901 Bequest of Early Manuscripts at the University of Toronto in 1901" Justin Haynes (Georgetown University), "Roger Bacon's Reading of Aethicus Ister in His Opus Maius" Michael Lapidge (University of Cambridge), "Poetic Compounds in Late Latin and Early Medieval Latin Verse (300-900)" Patrizia Lendinara (University of Palermo), "Medieval Versifications of Lists of Animal Sounds" Tristan Major (Qatar University), "The Number Seventy-Two in Early Anglo-Latin Literature" Haruko Momma (New York University) "'Element by Element': Glosses, Loan Translations, and Lexical Enrichment in Old English." Joseph Falaky Nagy (Harvard University), "A Future for the Beholder's Eye" Sinead O'Sullivan (Queen's University Belfast), "The Practice of 'Alignment' in Medieval Ireland" Jennifer Reid (University of Winnipeg), "Patrick and Social Identity at the End of Roman Britain" Peter Stotz (University of Zurich), "Iam satis blando satiate Iusu: Eine bisher unbekannte Ode eines Humanisten auf die Jungfrau Maria" Mariken Teeuwen (Utrecht University), "I2's Interest in Music: Two Manuscripts that Witness His Knowledge and Scholarship" Benjamin Wheaton (University of Toronto at Mississauga), "Nicetius of Trier's Letter to Justinian and the Aphthartodocetic Controversy" Dylan Wilkerson (University of Toronto), "Filologos ration<is> uel uerbi amatores: Interpretive Strategies of a Medieval Philologist Preserved in the Corpus Glossary"‎


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‎M. Herren , C. McDonough, R.G. Arthur (eds.); ‎

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‎Latin Culture in the Eleventh Century Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Medieval Latin Studies Cambridge, 9-12 September 1998,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2002 Paperback, 2 vol., XXIV+1039 p., 16 x 25. ISBN 9782503512556.‎

‎Latin Culture in the Eleventh Century is a collection of approximately sixty papers presented at the Third International Conference on Medieval Latin Studies held at the University of Cambridge in September 1998. The collection embraces a wide range of fields related to Medieval Latin, including poetry, hymnology, music, theology and philosophy, historiography, and inscriptions, in addition to Latin linguistics and metrics. Contributions are drawn from leading scholars from many European countries as well as from North America and Australia. The volume should prove invaluable to all students of this period. Languages : English, Latin.‎


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EUR104.50 (€104.50 )


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‎LE PAPYRUS REVUE DES ETUDIANTS EN FRANCAIS LATIN ET GREC DE LA SORBONNE N°1 JANVIER 1947 - sous le feu du rasoir - plaidoyer pour le latin - anatole france et la culture latine - epitaphe - philologie - le coin du cuistre etc.‎

‎LE PAPYRUS. 1947. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Agraffes rouillées, Intérieur acceptable. 20 pages dactylographiées agraffées.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues‎

‎Sommaire : sous le feu du rasoir - plaidoyer pour le latin - anatole france et la culture latine - epitaphe - philologie - le coin du cuistre etc. Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues‎


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