Pocket 1999 315 pages in12. 1999. Broché. 315 pages.
Reference : 241788
ISBN : 2266090925
Très Bon Etat
Un Autre Monde
M. Emmanuel Arnaiz
Conformes aux usages de la librairie ancienne.
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 336 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 tables b/w., Language(s):English, French. ISBN 9782503602585.
Summary The Revelation of Jesus Christ, better known as the Apocalypse of John, or simply the Book of Revelation, has always fascinated its readers, both religious and non-religious. Its transmission and reception in a Christian context have given rise to a wide variety of interpretations and controversies. At the heart of this revelation are the enigmatic figures of a pregnant woman appearing in heaven and then fleeing into the desert, a prostitute appearing in the desert and riding a beast, and then the bride of the Lamb, as well as a great city called Babylon, Sodom, and Egypt. Cities, beast, and prostitute are usually interpreted as thinly veiled references to Rome and its empire, and in particular to the emperor Nero. However, this reading raises a number of interpretative problems concerning the relationship between these different female figures and their relation to the beast, which duplicates into a beast from the sea and a beast from the land, and concerning the city that lies beneath Babylon. Although they do not all share the exact same point of view on the Apocalypse of John and on the solutions to these interpretative problems, the contributions gathered in this volume all question the received ideas in one way or another. What they have in common is a regard for the Apocalypse of John as a text strongly rooted in the Judaism of its time, and they place great emphasis on interpreting the text through attention to its author's use of the Jewish Scriptures. TABLE OF CONTENTS Avant-propos (Edmondo Lupieri & Louis Painchaud) First Part: Context Of Beasts and Women: Progressive History, Tales, or What Else? The Revelation of John between Hegemony and Religious Cohabitation(s) (Luca Arcari) Second Part: The Women and the Cities Intertextuality in the Apocalypse: The Desert and the Woman (Stéphanie Audet) ?I Will Tell You the Mystery of the Woman? (Rev 17:7) (Edmondo Lupieri) Samaria, Jerusalem, and the Other Prostitutes: A Fictive History for the Etiology of a Disaster (Robert A. Di Vito) Jerusalem, Babylon, and Rome: A Tale of Three Cities (and More) (Iain Provan) Ierusalem (olim) regina: Jerusalem's ?Queenship' in Some Hellenistic Jewish Writers (Daniele Tripaldi) Third Part: The Dragon and the Beasts Dragon's Atonement: Eschatological Yom Kippur in the Book of Revelation (Andrei A. Orlov) The Dragon, the Beasts, and the Gold: The Number of the Beast in the Apocalypse of John. Part One: ?And It Stood on the Sand of the Sea? (Louis Painchaud) The Dragon, the Beasts, and the Gold: The Number of the Beast in the Apocalypse of John. Part Two: ?Its Number is Six Hundred and Sixty-Six? (Louis Painchaud) Fourth Part: The Reception, from Irenaeus of Lyon to William Blake The Reception of Babylon the Great Prostitute in Late Antiquity (Scott K. Brevard) Blake's Revelation: From Jezebel to the New Jerusalem? (Megan Wines) Indexes
CENTURION. 1966. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 258 pages - petit tampon sur les 2 premières pages de l'ouvrage.. . . . Classification Dewey : 200-RELIGION
Sommaire: constitution dogmatique sur la revelation divine, la revelation elle-meme, la transmission de la revelation, l'inspiration de l'ecriture et son interpretation, l'ancien testament, le nouveau testament... Classification Dewey : 200-RELIGION
Alain Le Boulluec, Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete, Andrei Timotin (eds)
Reference : 65839
, Brepols - Institut d'Etudes Augustiniennes, 2020 Paperback, 330 pages, Size:165 x 250 mm, Languages: French, Latin, Greek. ISBN 9782851213082.
Summary Following the studies of Pierre Hadot, we know that the main approach to philosophy in Late Antiquity takes the form of an exegesis of authoritative texts, not without altering their primary aim. As soon as the texts come to be perceived as the products of a divine revelation, the hermeneutics applied to them are indistinguishable from a theology. Reading and commenting on the revelatory texts imply an almost religious adherence to their doctrinal content, which is close to being understood as articles of belief. These two complementary aspects were accentuated in a complex relationship of rivalry with Christianity. The gradual transition from a philosophical to a religious conception of the world in Late Antiquity, from the first to the sixth century, has not been sufficiently analysed. This book aims to help fill this gap. It brings together the perspectives of various specialists - historians of ancient philosophy, religions in the Graeco-Roman world, and patristics - around three specific themes: the place of theological revelations within the philosophical discourse in Late Antiquity, the exegetical approach as a source of philosophical and theological dogmas, and the role of polemics in the establishment of a new relationship between beliefs and philosophy. Depuis les études de Pierre Hadot, on sait que la démarche philosophique à la fin de l'Antiquité prend principalement la forme d'une exégèse des textes faisant autorité, non sans altérer leur visée première. Dès lors qu'ils sont perçus comme l'objet d'une révélation divine, cette herméneutique est indissociable d'une théologie. La lecture et le commentaire des textes impliquent une adhésion quasi religieuse à leur contenu doctrinal, lequel est près d'être assumé comme un ensemble d'articles de foi. Ces deux aspects complémentaires se sont accentués dans une relation complexe de rivalité avec le christianisme. Cette transition progressive d'une conception philosophique du monde à une perception religieuse dans l'Antiquité tardive, du Ier siècle au VIe, n'a pas été suffisamment analysée. Le présent livre veut contribuer à combler cette lacune. Il fait se croiser les perspectives de divers spécialistes - historiens de la philosophie ancienne, des religions du monde gréco-romain et de la patristique - autour de trois thèmes de réflexion précis?: la place des révélations théologiques dans le discours philosophique de l'Antiquité tardive, la démarche exégétique comme source des dogmes philosophiques et théologiques, ainsi que le rôle de la polémique dans l'instauration d'un nouveau rapport entre croyances et philosophie. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Une exégèse fondée sur l'accord entre la théologie de Platon et les théologies orphique et chaldaïque dans les Écoles d'Athènes et d'Alexandrie (Luc Brisson) Oracles and Revelations as a Philosophical Mannerism (Menahem Luz) Exégèses des Oracles chaldaïques de Porphyre à Pléthon: le fr. 110 des Places (Helmut Seng) Le "signe démonique" de Socrate dans la tradition platonicienne, de l'exégèse à la croyance (Andrei Timotin) Prière et appropriation des dogmes dans le stoïcisme impérial: vers une conversion philosophique de nature religieuse? (Jordi Pià) À la recherche des uiri noui: stratégies de la réfutation et enjeux polémiques chez Arnobe (Chiara O. Tommasi) Les arguments de Porphyre ont-ils joué un rôle dans la constitution des doctrines chrétiennes? (Sébastien Morlet) Le Diptyque des Nicomaques et des Symmaques au coeur de la polémique pagano-chrétienne (Stéphane Ratti) Les "mystères" chez Eusèbe de Césarée: entre débat philosophique et polémique religieuse (Francesco Massa) Métaphysique et Révélation: le débat entre Eunome de Cyzique et Grégoire de Nysse (Laurent Lavaud) "Et l'homme tout entier devient dieu": la déification selon Origène à la lumière des nouvelles Homélies sur les Psaumes (Lorenzo Perrone) Le rôle de l'exégèse pour la formation du dogme chrétien dans la polémique antijuive: le cas de la théophanie de Mambré (Gn 18) (Marie-Odile Boulnois) La conception augustinienne de la uisio dei: de la polémique au dogme (Giovanni Filoramo) Écritures, christologie et (un peu de) philosophie dans la révélation sibylline (Nicoletta Brocca) Usages divinatoires du livre: une "anti-exégèse"? (Aude Busine) Index Table des matières
Turnhout, Brepols, 2006 Hardback, XII+474 p., 6 b/w ill., 175 x 255 mm. ISBN 9782503522968.
This edition contains two texts by Julian of Norwich (c. 1343-c. 1416): A Vision Showed to a Devout Woman and A Revelation of Love. Julian of Norwich (c. 1343-c. 1416) is the earliest woman writer of English we know about. Although she described herself as 'a simple creature unlettered', Julian is now widely recognized as one of the great speculative theologians of the Middle Ages, whose thinking about God as love has made a permanent contribution to the tradition of Christian belief. This book presents a much needed new edition of Julian's writings in Middle English, one that makes possible the serious reading and study of her thought not just for specialists but for all medievalists. This edition includes separate texts of both Julian's works, A Vision Showed to a Devout Woman and A Revelation of Love, with modern punctuation and partly regularized spelling; a second, analytic edition of A Vision printed underneath the text of A Revelation to facilitate study of the relationship between the works; facing-page explanatory notes, with translations of difficult words and phrases, cross-references to other parts of the text, and citations of biblical and other sources; an appendix of life-records and early responses to Julian's thought; and an analytic bibliography. The volume also provides an accessible introduction to Julian's life and writings. Languages : English, Middle English.
Editions Beauchesne. Février 1978. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 158 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 260-Théologie sociale chrétienne
Sommaire : L'autorité de la Révélation et des expériences nouvelles par Edward Schillebeeckx et Bas van Iersel, La révélation administrée, le rapport entre l'église officielle et l'expérience par Peter Eicher, L'expérience a l'époque de la raison par Werner Schneiders Classification Dewey : 260-Théologie sociale chrétienne