Hachette 1971 in8. 1971. Broché.
Reference : 175155
Très Bon Etat odeur de vieux livre
Un Autre Monde
M. Emmanuel Arnaiz
Conformes aux usages de la librairie ancienne.
Paris, Payot, 1950. In-8 broché, couv. ill., 478 pp.
Collection : Bibliothèque Historique. Histoire des vies de Jésus - Les témoignages non chrétiens sur Jésus - Le témoignage Paulinien - Les Evangiles - Les origines de Jésus - L'enseignement de Jésus - La crise Galiléenne - Le ministère Jérusalèmite - Le problème de l'histoire de la Passion - L'Evangile. Bon ex. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €)
Larminat Max-Henri de Diaz Marie-Jésus
Reference : 100088914
ISBN : 2914416083
Imaginayres 2001 24x26x2cm. 2001. Relié jaquette. 136 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
Fayard 1990 in8. 1990. Relié jaquette. 527 pages. Ce livre se veut une oeuvre de foi et aussi une oeuvre de science. Il raconte la vie de Jésus en le considérant comme le Dieu fait homme étudie ses actes et ses paroles sans douter de leur authenticité et en acceptant intégralement le message des Evangiles. Pour Jean-Paul Roux les grands thèmes évangéliques _ la conception miraculeuse la grotte l'eau le désert la montagne le feu la croix ... _ bien qu'ils n'aient aucun antécédent direct susceptible d'avoir été emprunté se retrouvent des les civilisations les plus diverses et relèvent donc d'achétypes et de symboles. De ces correspondances il conclut que Jésus pour être entendu de tous les hommes a employé un langage qui leur était familier. Le croyant verra ainsi dans ce livre que ses convictions découlent de la certitude de témoins oculaires et que malgré le recours au surnaturel qu'elles impliquent elles ne rencontrent aucun obstacle historique insurmontable. L'incroyant pourra y trouver outre le reflet de nombreuses pensées religieuses universelles l'histoire de la plus fascinante des figures du passé qui a marqué toute notre culture. Jean-Paul Roux directeur de recherche au CNRS professeur à l'Ecole du Louvre a publié de nombreux travaux d'érudition consacrés à l'histoire religieuse et des livres de synthèse dont La Religion des Turcs et des Mongols l'Histoire des Turcs Les Explorateurs au Moyen Age Babur histoire des grands Moghols Le Sang mythes symboles et réalités Bon Etat
, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 300 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503602561.
Summary This collection of essays aims to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to nineteenth and early twentieth century scholarship on Jesus and early Christianity, which illustrates the width and depth of the questions that critical reflections on the historical Jesus raised in and beyond the field of liberal theology. More precisely, it focuses on Jesus scholarship as practiced in various disciplines and fields that engaged with the academic study of religion. On the other hand, this volume aims for a comprehensive, multi-perspectivist historicization of this scholarship, considering the full range of religious, cultural, racial, political, and national dynamics that hosted the many controversies over the historical Jesus. Divided into five sections, the eleven essays in this book are organized according to guiding themes and a loose chronological structure. The first section revisits the roots of the Forschung in Liberal-Protestant Germany, and especially focuses on the maturation of historical-critical consciousness in the work of Reimarus (and his predecessors), Schleiermacher and Strauss. The second section is concerned with the rise of the ?oriental Jesus? against the background of the making of the academic, non-theological study of religion as a scientific discipline. The third section explores how themes related to the historical Jesus and the rise of Christianity were treated among different academic disciplines from the early second half of the nineteenth century onwards. The fourth section explores how the historical Jesus was at the same time further explored by the biblical scholars and theologians who integrated new comparative methods in their research. The fifth section, finally, highlights the cultural-political appropriations that were made of scholarly writings on Jesus, which not rarely constituted the bricks with which radical political movements built their houses. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction (Cristiana Facchini & Annelies Lannoy) Section 1: Disentangling the Jesus of History from the Christ of Faith 1. Reimarus' Dangerous Idea: Launching a Historical Research of Christian Origins in the German Enlightenment (Fernando Bermejo-Rubio) 2. Betwixt and Between: Fr. Schleiermacher's and D. Fr. Strauss's Contributions to the Paradigm of the 'Historical Jesus' in Early Nineteenth Century Theology as Prototypes of Post-Enlightenment Christology and Jesus Research (Eckart David Schmidt) Section 2: The Historical Jesus between Academic Scholarship and Public Debate 3. 'One Cannot Be a Good Historian and a Good Controversialist at the Same Time': The Politics of Historiography in Renan's Histoire des Origines du Christianisme from Jesus to Paul, 1863-1869 (Robert D. Priest) 4. An Eastern Story: Claude Reignier Conder and the Oriental Jesus (Michael Ledger-Lomas) Section 3: Jesus at the Crossroads of Disciplines 5. Early Christianity in the Framework of Roman Religion: Georg Wissowa (Elisabeth Begemann & J rg R pke) 6. The Passion as Purim Sacrifice: Jesus and Comparative Religion in the Dialogue between James G. Frazer and Salomon Reinach (Annelies Lannoy) 7. The Sociological Gospel of Shailer Mathews (1863-1941) (C. J. T. Talar) Section 4: The Comparative Jesus in Liberal Theology 8. 'Religionizing' History, or 'Historicizing' Religion? Johann G. Droysen's Hellenismus in Wilhelm Bousset's Works on Jesus and Early Christianity (Luca Arcari) 9. Danish Contributions to the Life of Jesus Literature (Mogens M ller) Section 5: Cultural Mythmaking on Jesus 10. Enlisting Religion: Franz Overbeck's Criticism of the Socialist and Nationalist Mythmaking on Jesus and Early Christianity (Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli) 11. The Historical Jesus at the Battlefield: Scholarship and Politics in Italy, 1900s-1920s (Cristiana Facchini) Names Index