‎Chaponnière Paul‎

‎B.arthaud 1931 178 pages in8. 1931. Broché. 178 pages. plusieurs photographies noir et blanc‎

Reference : 127794

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€10.00 (€10.00 )
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Un Autre Monde
M. Emmanuel Arnaiz


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5 book(s) with the same title

Reference : 55331BB


‎Appendix to the Case (presented on the part of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty to the Tribunal of Arbitration (in Geneva) constituted under Article 1 of the Treaty concluded at Washington on the 8th May, 1871, between Her Britannic Majesty and the United States of America). - Vol. II: Correspondence respecting the "Sumter", "Nashville", "Bermuda", "Hector", "Alexandra" and other Vessels.‎

‎(London. s.n., 1872). 32,7x21 cm. XXIV, 741 S. Roter Chagrinlederband mit goldgeprägtem Rückentitel, Rückenvergoldung, reicher Deckelfiletierung, Steh- und Innenkantenvergoldung sowie Ganzgoldschnitt.‎

‎Einer von 9 Dokumentenbänden für das Genfer Schiedsgericht über finanzielle Ansprüche Englands durch die amerikanischen Beschlagnahmungen während des Nordamerikanischen Bürgerkrieges, den sogenannten "Alabama Claims". - "Am 15.9.1872 verurteilte ein in Genf tagendes Schiedsgericht Grossbritannien zur Zahlung einer hohen Entschädigung an die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, weil es im Sezessionskrieg seinen internat. Verpflichtungen zur Einhaltung strikter Neutralität nicht nachgekommen war. Gemäss Urteil beging die brit. Regierung eine schuldhafte Nachlässigkeit, indem sie zuliess, dass von ihrem Territorium aus zwanzig bewaffnete Schiffe -- darunter die Korvette "Alabama" -- an die aufständ. Südstaatler geliefert wurden. Der Genfer oder (geläufiger) Alabama-Schiedsspruch verdankt seine Bekanntheit einerseits seiner Bedeutung als Beispiel einer friedl. Konfliktregelung zwischen zwei Grossmächten. Zum andern stand bei dieser Affäre, die in den Vereinigten Staaten nach Beendigung des Bürgerkriegs hohe emotionale Wellen warf, für beide Länder polit., rechtl. und hinsichtl. des nationalen Prestiges sehr viel auf dem Spiel. Aus Schweizer Sicht ist erwähnenswert, dass der Schweizer Schiedsrichter, alt Bundesrat Jakob Stämpfli, im Schiedsverfahren eine entscheidende Rolle spielte und dass die Schlichtung dieses heiklen Streitfalls der Entwicklung Genfs zu einem internat. Forum förderl. war." (HLS). - Der vorliegende Band, aufwändig gebunden, vereinigt einen Teil der Korrespondenz zwischen einem Teil der Schiffe und der englischen Admiralität. - Titel mit gelöschtem Stempel des Schweiz. Bundesarchivs. Kanten leicht berieben. One of 9 volumes of documents for the Geneva Arbitration Court on the financial claims of England by the American seizures during the North American Civil War the so-called "Alabama Claims". - On 15.9.1872, an arbitral tribunal meeting in Geneva ordered Great Britain to pay high compensation to the United States of America because it had failed to meet its international obligations during the war of secession. It had failed to comply with its obligations to maintain strict neutrality. According to the judgement, the British government committed culpable negligence by allowing twenty armed ships -- including the "Alabama" corvette -- to rebel from its territory. Southerners were delivered. The Geneva or (common) Alabama arbitral award owes its fame on the one hand to its importance as an example of a peaceful, peaceful and peaceful world. Settlement of conflicts between two major powers. On the other hand, in this affair, which in the United States, after the end of the civil war, caused high emotional waves, a great deal was at stake for both countries politically, legally and in terms of national prestige. From a Swiss perspective, it is worth noting that the Swiss arbitrator, former Federal Councillor Jakob Stämpfli, played a decisive role in the arbitration process and that the arbitration of this delicate dispute has helped Geneva's development into an international centre of excellence. Forum." (HLS). The present volume, lavishly bound, unites part of the correspondence between some of the ships and the English admiralty. - Title with deleted stamp of Switzerland. Federal Archives. - Edges slightly rubbed.‎


Phone number : +41 313 123 711

CHF450.00 (€482.34 )

‎SPON, Isaac‎

Reference : 134981aaf

‎The History of the City and State of Geneva, from Its First Foundation to this present Time. Faithfully Collected from several Manuscripts of Jacobus Gothofredus, Monsieur Chorier, and Others.‎

‎London, printed for Bernard White, MDCLXXXVII., (1687), in-folio, engraved frontispice-title with view of Geneva + (VI) = 3 leaves (printed title - preface) + 250 p. + (VI) = 3 leaves (table) + 5 engravings. 1): map of Buildings of old Geneva - 2): 6 images with coins - 3): birds eye view of the country around Geneva (folded) - 4): View of Geneva with 19 indications of interest - 5): half-page engr. in-text: Ancient inscription Duke of Rohan, stamped „Holbrook library. Pacific school of religion“, small ink stain in lower margin of front & titlepage, contemporary calf, both covers loose, illustrated spine on 5 bands with title. (copy needs to be rerstored).‎

‎ Image disp.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF750.00 (€803.90 )


Reference : 1154317

‎Christie's, Geneva. 13/11/1995. Jewels from the Personal Collection of Princess Salimah Aga Khan. Monday, 13 November, 1995. Hôtel Richemond, Geneva.‎

‎Genève: Christie's, 1995 in-4, 230 pages, vente de 261 bijoux somptueux tous illustrés en couleurs. Broché.‎

‎Christie's, Geneva. 13/11/1995. Jewels from the Personal Collection of Princess Salimah Aga Khan. Monday, 13 November, 1995. Hôtel Richemond, Geneva. (Genève: Christie's, 1995) [M.C.: catalogue de vente / auction catalogue, bijoux]‎

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎[Keystone View Company] - ‎ ‎KEYSTONE‎

Reference : 47453


‎Lot de 21 vues photographiques stéréoscopiques de Suisse [ Keystone View Company - 21 Stereoviews ] Numéros 1501 : Castle of Chillon, Geneva - 10707 : Her Favorite Little Swiss girl on the Mountains Grindelwald - 10711 : Overlooking Lauterbrunnen from Wengen - 10719 : Interlaken, Looking toward Lake Thun - 10726 : The City of Geneva - 10744 : A view of the Aare Gorge, Showing Iron Galleries, Meiringen - 10747 : Winter in the Valley of Lauterbrunnen - 10757 : A view of the snow mountains from Rigi-Kaltbad - 10759 : Tells'Platz, Altdorf - 10766 : Zermatt and the Matterhorn - 10770 : To the Clouds by Rail, Mt. Pilatus - 10771 : Montreux - 10773 : Approach to Murren, The Mittaghorn, Grosshorn and Breithorn - 10775 : The Eiger and Monch from Murren - 10776 : In the Bernese Oberland Brienzer Rothhorn Railway - 10777 : Market Day at Unterseen, Interlaken - 10793 : Goods for the High Alps, near Zermatt - 10795 : An Apline Waterfall, The lonely Reichenbach - 10797 : Lauterbrunnen Valley from the Old Trall to Wengen - 11574 : The lovely Jungfrau Glittering in its Dazzling Vesture of Snow and Ice - 11576 : Through Sunny Meadows and shady forests to Wengen‎

‎21 vues stéréos format 18 x 9 cm, tirage albuminés, Keystone View Company, Meadville, Pa, St Louis Mo, Copyright 1901 by B. L. Singley, s.d. (circa 1901) Numéros 1501 : Castle of Chillon, Geneva - 10707 : Her Favorite Little Swiss girl on the Mountains Grindelwald - 10711 : Overlooking Lauterbrunnen from Wengen - 10719 : Interlaken, Looking toward Lake Thun - 10726 : The City of Geneva - 10744 : A view of the Aare Gorge, Showing Iron Galleries, Meiringen - 10747 : Winter in the Valley of Lauterbrunnen - 10757 : A view of the snow mountains from Rigi-Kaltbad - 10759 : Tells'Platz, Altdorf - 10766 : Zermatt and the Matterhorn - 10770 : To the Clouds by Rail, Mt. Pilatus - 10771 : Montreux - 10773 : Approach to Murren, The Mittaghorn, Grosshorn and Breithorn - 10775 : The Eiger and Monch from Murren - 10776 : In the Bernese Oberland Brienzer Rothhorn Railway - 10777 : Market Day at Unterseen, Interlaken - 10793 : Goods for the High Alps, near Zermatt - 10795 : An Apline Waterfall, The lonely Reichenbach - 10797 : Lauterbrunnen Valley from the Old Trall to Wengen - 11574 : The lovely Jungfrau Glittering in its Dazzling Vesture of Snow and Ice - 11576 : Through Sunny Meadows and shady forests to Wengen‎

‎Bon état pour ces belles photographies stéréo de Suisse. La plupart des cartes proposent un important texte explicatif au verso. Prix du lot, non séparable.‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR250.00 (€250.00 )


Reference : RO20158468


‎CATALOGUE DE VENTE AUX ENCHERES - APRIL/MAY 1988/sotheby's in europe monaco: the taigny collection of galle glass by philippe garner, geneva: european silver by harry charteris, geneva: the happy instrument of providence by julia clark / TEXTE EN ANGLAIS.‎

‎SOTHEBY'S PREVIEW. 1988. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. CATALOGUE - 75 pages - photos en noir et blanc et en couleurs - dimension - prix.. . . . Classification Dewey : 708-Galeries, musées, collections d'art‎

‎Publication mensuelle: sotheby's in europe monaco: the taigny collection of galle glass by philippe garner, geneva: european silver by harry charteris, geneva: the happy instrument of providence by julia clarke, the estate of belle linsky, clare boothe luce: la luce americana by john d. block.....TEXTE EN ANGLAIS. Classification Dewey : 708-Galeries, musées, collections d'art‎


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