Corgi Books 1997 540 pages 17 2x10 6x3 6cm. 1997. Broché. 540 pages. Trapped in a snowbound cabin or on a long flight there's nobody more reliable than Forsyth for guaranteed diversion. His narrative engine is one of the best in the business; his characters spring quickly to life; he blends research and imagination into high drama. Icon is set in the Russia of 1999 where an ultra-nationalist zealot you might recognize from Nightline is about to become head of state. When his dangerous agenda leaks out no Western government wants to take action -- so a private task force including ex-CIA agent Jason Monk is sent in to derail the demagogue. It's all in the grand tradition of previous Forsythe winners from The Day of the Jackal The Odessa File and The Dogs of War through The Fourth Protocol and The Deceiver
Reference : 115166
ISBN : 0552139912
Bon Etat
Un Autre Monde
M. Emmanuel Arnaiz
Conformes aux usages de la librairie ancienne.
Reference : alb1e78c39d67bc3077
Stroganov Icon Original. Stroganov Icon Face Original (late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Stroganovskiy ikonopisnyy podlinnik. Stroganovskiy ikonopisnyy litsevoy podlinnik (kontsa XVI i nachala XVIIstoletStroganov Icon Original. Stroganov Icon Face Original (late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Stroganovskiy ikonopisnyy podlinnik. Stroganovskiy ikonopisnyy litsevoy podlinnik (kontsa XVI i nachala XVIIstoletiy).Published since 1869 M. Ecology and Education 1991 (ISBN: 5-85730-001-1 5857300011) The reissue of the Stroganov Icon Face is intended to familiarize Orthodox clergy iconographers Sunday school teachers and the public with this remarkable monument of Russian culture thereby contributing to the revival of Russian iconography We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb1e78c39d67bc3077
Reference : alb8d430a66ee246df4
Komashko N. I. Russian Icon of the 18th Century: Capital Icon Provincial Icon Peoples Icon In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Komashko N. I. Russkaya ikona XVIII veka: stolichnaya ikona provintsialnaya ikona narodnaya ikonaM. Agey Tomesh 2006. 340 p. SKUalb8d430a66ee246df4.
Reference : albef4c78063f667124
Tarasov O.Yu Icon and Piety. Essays on Icon Affair in Imperial Russia In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Tarasov O.Yu. Ikona i blagochestie. Ocherki ikonnogo dela v Imperatorskoy RossiiM. Progress-Culture 1995 496 and 63 Colors. The very titles of this books sections Icon and Peace Controversy over Signs Controversy over Faith Face and Face Word emblem heraldry Stopping the Middle Ages speak to a fundamentally new culturological approach to the study of the icon We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbef4c78063f667124
Spira, Andrew: The Avant-Garde Icon: Russian Avant-Garde Art and the Icon Painting Tradition. Aldershot: 2008. 224pp with 90 colour and 40 monochrome illustrations. Paperback. 26x23cms. Begins with the origins of the avant-garde movement in the 1870s and ending in the 1950s with the death of Stalin in particular demonstrating the influence of traditional Russian icon painting on the art of this time.
Begins with the origins of the avant-garde movement in the 1870s and ending in the 1950s with the death of Stalin in particular demonstrating the influence of traditional Russian icon painting on the art of this time. Text in English
Reference : bd-4ac9eeca9685761c
Assumption, V.I. Essays on the History of Icon Writing./Uspenskiy, V.I. Ocherki po istorii ikonopisaniya. Uspensky, V.I. Essays on the History of Icon Writing. 1. Icon Writing in Ancient Rus. 2. Features of Western European Religious Painting and Traces of Foreign Influences on Russian Icon Writing. St. Petersburg: Synodal Type., 1899. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd--4ac9eeca9685761c.