Société française d'éditions d'art 1900 in12. 1900. Relié.
Reference : 100123626
Bon état de conservation intérieur propre bords un peu frotté
Un Autre Monde
M. Emmanuel Arnaiz
Conformes aux usages de la librairie ancienne.
Kristiania, Cammermeyers Forlag, 1906. Samtidigt hldrbd. Lille rift ved øvre kapitæl. XI,780 pp. Rigt tekstillustr.Indvendig ren.
Stockholm, Lars Salvius, 1760. Uden omslag som udkommet. Titelbladet med kobberstukket illustration. 31 pp. På skrivepapir.
Reference : 29385
Kbh., 1930. Lille folio. Indb. i et nydeligt samt. hldrbd. af rød maroquin. Indeholder det orig. egenhændige manuskript til teksten af Seedorf, orig. egenhændige tegninger af Nygaard, Orig. egenhændige noder af Clemmensen samt 1. prøvetryk af musikken og teksten, indeholdende adskillige egenhændige rettelser.
Yderst interessant originalt manuskript, af hvilket det bl.a. fremgår, at Seedorf havde påtænkt værket titlen ""Styrmand Andreasson og Konsorter"". Der findes adskillige andre kuriositeter og morsomheder, såsom kommentaren ""Her har/ du overset/ den manglende/ Tankestreg/ mellem Stud og med/ Ha! Ha!"" på 1. prøvetrykket af noderne til ""Bedæk med friske Krandse"", hvoraf det desuden fremgår, at den oprindelige titel var ""Trøsterig Vise for bedragne Ægtemænd.""Manuskriptet bærer en egenhændig dediktion til Karen Else (Seedorfs hustru, også kendt som ""Spindevinde""): ""Som Hans siger:/ Vor Moders Navn ved et Anker, boys,/ og saa Navnet paa hende, I veed!/ Din hengivne Ven/ Niels Clemmensen."" Manuskriptet bærer Karen Elses ex libris. Vedlagt et eksemplar af den trykte originaludgave.
, Flammarion , 2011 Hardback, 270x215mm, 256p, 350 colour illustrations, English edition . ISBN 9782080301451.
Interior design guru Axel Vervoordt shares his latest inspirations for the home. Axel Vervoordts intense curiosity has fueled his work as an interior designer, spurring him to explore and draw inspiration from cultures around the globe. He was first exposed to Eastern art and philosophy years ago, but today it has become the guiding principle in his work, particularly the concept of Wabi. Developed in the twelfth century, Wabi advocates simplicity and humility, the rejection of all that is superfluous or artificial. Through extraordinary photographs from Japan and Korea to Belgium and Switzerland, Vervoordt invites us to explore the elements that inspire him: natural materials and timeworn objects that evoke the essence of Wabi. Today, together with the Japanese architect Tatsuro Miki, Vervoordt carries the principles of Wabi into his remarkable interiors. As Vervoordt reveals how he infuses his current creations with a fundamentally oriental approach, interiors devotees will gain new insight from this tribute to the designers latest sources of inspiration for the home.
Axel Vervoordt, Sven Duprez, Romy Cockx, Paul Huvenne, Taro Miki Design
Reference : 52011
, MER. Paper Kunsthalle , 2018 Softcover / 96 pages / 19 x 25 cm. ENGLISH ISBN 9789493045040.
DIVA will be inviting renowned designers and curators for a contemporary interpretation of the Wunderkammer, a chamber exhibiting a collection of art and curiosities, objects from every corner of the globe. The Wunderkammer stems from Antwerp's illustrious past, for until the middle of the seventeenth century the city led the way in the production and distribution of art and luxury goods. Silverware, jewellery, precious stones and exotic curiosities like coconuts, shells and coral were highly sought-after. Axel Vervoordt, after his famous series of biennal exhibitions at the Palazzo Fortuny in Venice, will take the lead. The catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition 'Axel Vervoordt, Wonderkamer 1' at the new Diamond Museum Antwerp is the 2nd issue of an affordable series of DIVA 'magazines', opening and sharing the reclused world of luxury arts and crafts. Axel Vervoordt (? 1947, Antwerp, Belgium) has earned renown as a collector, antiquarian, interior designer and, most recently, curator. Counting among his clientele royalty, rock stars, financiers, tech tycoons and artists, he is one of the world's foremost tastemakers. Inquiries into the nature of being and concepts of time and space are what most compel him; he conveys his views through his inspired arrangements of objects and interiors. To some, expressing the lofty in the material might seem contradictory, but Vervoordt believes that, as in a Zen koan, truth can be contained in paradox and ambiguity.