Cotta'scher verlag 1849 in8. 1849. Relié.
Reference : 100115464
couverture frottée tranche ternie rousseurs à l'intérieur papier collé sur la garde
Un Autre Monde
M. Emmanuel Arnaiz
Conformes aux usages de la librairie ancienne.
Venice, Luca Olchiense, 1517 8vo. In contemporary full vellum. Title-page with woodcut vignette, rapaired at bottom, not affecting text or vignette. Three small holes to title-page and round stamp to lower part of title-page and last leaf, not affecting text or vignette. Small repair to lower part of M1, not affecting text. 112 ff.
Rare second latin edition of Savonarola's perhaps most famous and influential work, his spiritual masterpiece, essentially a celebration of the victory of the Cross over sin and death and an exploration of what it means to be a Christian. On 12 May 1497, Pope Alexander VI excommunicated Savonarola and threatened the Florentines with an interdict if they persisted in harbouring him. On 18 March 1498, after much debate and steady pressure from the government, he withdrew from public preaching. Under the stress of excommunication, Savonarola composed the present work. ""In his religious treatise, The Triumph of the Cross, Savonarola draws on classical triumphal imagery and the tradition of Florentine pageantry, as he allegorically depicts the triumph of Christianity in the form of a triumphal procession. Since it is difficult for the human mind to imagine the supernatural and invisible works of Christ, the friar argues, they need to be presented and visualized in metaphorical form. The image of the triumphal chariot serves this purpose well."" (Uppsala Universitet, Renässansen - mellan medeltid och modernitet).Luca Olchiense was active as printer for a very short period of time (1517-18), and the present work is one of the few he managed to complete. Adams S520
Reference : albe2b83d70876f5fd3
Pasquale Villari. Girolamo Savonarola and his time. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Paskvale Villari. Dzhirolamo Savonarola i ego vremya. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Savonarola's early poems reveal his concern for the moral corruption of the epoch and the corruption of the church. Subsequently in his sermons criticizing the church he found many enemies in Florence who reinstated against him the Pope filled with Savonarola's terrible prophecies and harsh denunciations of the scandalous behavior of the inhabitants of the Vatican. Savonarola was eventually excommunicated from the Church executed and his body burned. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbe2b83d70876f5fd3
Presso Domenico & Gio. Battista Guerra Venetia 1576 Libro della natura et virtu delle cose che nutriscono & delle cose non naturali. Con alcune osseruationi per conseruar la sanità, & alcuni quesiti bellissimi da notare. Raccolto da diuersi auttori Greci, & Latini, & Arabi, prima per M. Michel SAVONAROLA medico padoano: Poi di nuouo con miglior ordine riformato, accresciuto, & emendato, & quasi fatto vn'altro per Bartolomeo BOLDO MEDICO BRESSANO.In-8 carré ( 210 X 150 mm ) de 5 ffnch.-299 pages, plein vélin ivoire, dos lisse titré à l'encre noire ( Reliure de l'époque ). Il manque la page de titre et les 6 feuillets préliminaires de privilège. Mouillures marginales, bon exemplaire malgré les défauts, de cet ouvrage très rare. Durling, 4078 Vedova II, 223 Wellcome, 5794 Vicaire, 771.* Erreurs de pagination: - Pages 26 et 27 numérotées 27 et 28.- Page 115 numérotée 515.- Page 279 numérotée 276.Giovanni Michele SAVONAROLA ( Padoue 1384? - Ferrare 1462? ) Médecin et professeur de médecine, auteur d'importants traités. - Philosophe. - Grand-père de Jérôme SAVONAROLE. A aussi écrit en latin.Le fameux traité de diététique signé par le padouan Michele SAVONAROLA, ancien médecin personnel de Niccolo III et en activité à partir de 1441 à la cour d'Estense. Imprimé pour la première fois à Venise en 1508, luvre eut un grand et durable succès, comme le montre cette dernière édition vénitienne, éditée et complétée par le médecin de Brescia, Bartolomeo BOLDO. Cet ouvrage illustre, en vingt-six chapitres, la nature et les propriétés des aliments, avec des références nombreuses et précises à Galen et à Avicenne et des observations vivantes sur les utilisations alimentaires répandues à Padoue et à Ferrare. Sur le modèle du régime sanitatis de la Schola Salernitana, les derniers chapitres incluent les Règles visant à préserver la santé du corps humain. Durling, 4078 Vedova II, 223 Wellcome, 5794 Vicaire, 771.
Firenze Editore Leo S. Olschki 1952 245 pages in-8. 1952. broché. 245 pages. Grand In-8 broché (250x176 mm) 245 pages. Texte en italien. Volume II : L'influenza del savonarola sulla letteratura e l'arte del quattrocento - Bibliografia ragionata. Avec 6 planches en noir hors-texte. Couverture en bon état général avec des brunissures. Intérieur propre. Poids : 530 gr
"""Scheller A.K. (Mikhailov A.) Savonarola. His Life and Social Activities In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sheller A.K. (Mikhaylov A.) Savonarola. Ego zhizn i obshchestvennaya deyatelnost. Biographical Essay. With a portrait of Savonarola engraved in Leipzig by Gedan. Series: JZL The Lives of Wonderful People; F. Pavlenkovs Biographical Library of St. Petersburg: The Printing House of the Partnership for Public Usefulness 1893 78 2 p. SKUalb299ea291c66740e8."""