Penguin Books Ltd 1973 112 pages in12. 1973. Broché. 112 pages.
Reference : 100110100
ISBN : 0140036911
couverture défraîchie tranches fânées intérieur assez propre
Un Autre Monde
M. Emmanuel Arnaiz
Conformes aux usages de la librairie ancienne.
Michael Depreter, Jonathan Dumont, Elizabeth L'Estrange, Samuel Mareel (eds)
Reference : 65159
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 475 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:61 b/w, 44 col., 2 tables b/w., Language(s):French, English. ISBN 9782503588087.
Summary Mary of Burgundy (r. 1477-1482) occupies an important place in the history of late medieval and early modern Europe, yet her life and principate have received relatively little scholarly attention. They are, however, key to the history both of the Low Countries and of Europe, since her marriage to Maximilian of Austria united the Habsburgs with the Valois-Burgundy dynasty, giving them vast territories on the borders of France. In this book, some of the best specialists in the field contribute to a better understanding of Mary's principate, its features, and its long-term perception. In the first part, the authors address the issue of Mary's contested legitimacy as a late medieval female ruler: law, literature, visual arts and theatrical representations are examined as means of communication, strengthening or weakening her authority. In the second part, the authors examine some of Mary's governmental tools and the agents behind them. Finally, the last part questions the ways in which Mary's power and her principate have been represented and reinterpreted in subsequent eras, often with political or social intent, beginning with Maximilian's long regency and reign immediately after her death, right up to modern-day Belgium. Marie, duchesse de Bourgogne (r. 1477-1482), occupe une place essentielle entre Moyen ge et premi re Modernit dans l'histoire des Anciens Pays-Bas et d'Europe. Alors que son mariage avec Maximilien d'Autriche unit la dynastie des Valois-Bourgogne celle des Habsbourg, laquelle s' tablit alors durablement aux fronti res de la France, la vie et le bref principat de Marie restent peu tudi s. Visant comprendre cette p riode de transition et ses ressorts, tant l' poque que dans le temps long, ainsi qu' tablir un bilan et lancer de nouvelles pistes de recherche, cet ouvrage r unit plusieurs des meilleurs sp cialistes actuels autour de trois questions essentielles. Dans un premier temps, la l gitimit contest e de ce pouvoir f minin est abord e sous diff rents angles : le droit, la litt rature, les arts visuels et les spectacles publics qui sont tudi s en tant que moyens de communications renfor ant ou affaiblissant l'autorit de la duchesse. Ensuite sont mis en lumi re les agents et les outils gouvernementaux au service de ce pouvoir. Enfin, les contributeurs s'interrogent sur la mani re dont ce pouvoir et ce principat furent (re)lus et repr sent s aux poques ult rieures en fonction d'agendas politiques volutifs, du long r gne de Maximilien de Habsbourg la Belgique contemporaine. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Mary of Burgundy. Agency, Government, and Memory Michael Depreter, Jonathan Dumont, Elizabeth L'estrange & Samuel Mareel Construire l'autorit et la l gitimit d'une princesse naturelle / Building the Authority and Legitimacy of a Natural Princess 2. Galans de Picardie, de Flandres et d'Artois? La po sie de circonstance sous le r gne de Marie de Bourgogne Jean Devaux 3. Construire la l gitimit d'un pouvoir f minin. Marie de Bourgogne dans le M moire de Jean d'Auffay Jonathan Dumont & lodie Lecuppre-Desjardin 4. Pour la preminence de la Couronne et l'evidente utillit de la Chose Publique du royaulme. The Medieval French State versus Mary of Burgundy Kathleen Daly 5. Gendered Political Ideology in Late Medieval Bruges. Mary of Burgundy as City Maiden in the Manuscripts of the Excellente Cronike van Vlaenderen Lisa Demets 6. Panthasilia virgo in civitatem Tryona amicabiliter recepta fuit. La Joyeuse Entr e de Marie de Bourgogne Bruges en 1477 Olga Karaskova 7. Rulership, Ridership, and the Perils of Sealing Andrea Pearson 8. Evidencing the Right to Rule. Mary of Burgundy and the Tombs of Isabella and Jacques of Bourbon Ann J. Adams 9. Beauty and the Beasts. Rereading the Hours of Mary of Burgundy Sherry C.M. Lindquist 10. Mothers and Daughters. Isabella of Bourbon in the Vienna Hours of Mary of Burgundy Erica O'Brien Cour, conomie et institutions / Court, Economics and Institutions 11. Des conseillers protecteurs ? L'entourage politique de Marie de Bourgogne Jean-Marie Cauchies 12. L'h tel de Marie de Bourgogne d'apr s l'ordonnance de cour du 26 mars 1477. Continuit s et adaptations Val rie Bessey 13. Mary, a ?Diplomatic Weapon of Universal Value? for Charles the Bold Sonja D nnebeil 14. The House of Cro and Mary of Burgundy. Or How to Keep Noble Elites at the Burgundian-Habsburg Court (1477-1482) Violet Soen 15. Les arm es bourguignonnes apr s Nancy. Ruptures et continuit s structurelles d'un instrument politique Michael Depreter 16. Le r gne de Marie de Bourgogne et l' conomie des Pays-Bas dans la seconde moiti du XVe si cle Jean-Marie Yante 17. Entre continuit dynastique et pouvoir du luxe. La Petite Italie de Marie de Bourgogne Federica Veratelli 18. Le nord en M diterran e. Influx franco-bourguignons la cour des Este entre Charles le T m raire et Marie de Bourgogne Giovanni Ricci M moires contest es d'une princesse bourguignonne / Contested Memory of a Burgundian Princess 19. L'ultime voyage de Marie de Bourgogne. Des fun railles de duc ou de duchesse ? Alain Marchandisse, Christophe Masson & Bertrand Schnerb 20. L'h ritage de Marie de Bourgogne dans les collections et les commandes artistiques de Marguerite d'Autriche Pierre-Gilles Girault 21. La disparition du cercueil pr sum de Marie de Bourgogne l' poque de la R volution fran aise. Enqu te sur le vol d'un effet appartenant la R publique Emmanuel Berger 22. La m moire de Marie de Bourgogne dans les anciens duch et comt de Bourgogne (XVIe-XIXe si cle) Dominique Le Page 23. Les al as d'une Iphig nie bourguignonne . M moire, culture et historiographie de Marie de Bourgogne en Belgique Gilles Docquier 24. Conclusions: Triste plaisir. Mary of Burgundy in a Turbulent Era ric Bousmar & Jelle Haemers Index Nominum Planches en couleurs / Colour Illustrations
London : T.Fisher Unwin, 1903 - In-12 cartonné pleine percaline imprimée et dorée (cartonnage de l'éditeur), 303 pages - bon état - Edition originale - 12mo editor cardboard, top edge guilt, original edition - good copy -
Mary Robinson (1857-1944) est poète, critique, essayiste connue également sous le nom de Mary Darmesteter et Mary Duclaux.
Reference : alb4f79f51c24b24b10
Mary Magdalene-7 Volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Mariya Magdalina-7 tom. M. S.-P. Ast Keeper Exmo All the World Eurasia. 2006-2009 605 and 352 and 370 and 189 and 169 and 202 and 220p. 1. Hoskins Susan. Mary Magdalene. Important historical facts. 2. Picknett Lin. Mary Magdalenes Code. A sensational version of the emergence of Christianity (The Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations. Documentary thriller-series). 3. Margaret Starbird. The Myth of Mary Magdalene. 4. Herman Bart D. Peter Paul and Mary Magdalene. Jesus s followers in history and legends. 5. Yuro Roland. Jesus and Mary Magdalina. 6. De Bor Esther. Mary Magdalina. Behind the veil of Myth. 7. Herman Bart. Mysteries of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. SKUalb4f79f51c24b24b10.
Reference : alba8a7c01d1f3beb73
Travers P.L. Mary Poppins in Book 4. Mary Poppins Book 2 Mary Poppins Returns Book 3 Mary Poppins opens the door to Book 4 Mary Poppins in the Park. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Trevers P.L. Meri Poppins v 4 kn.Kn.1 Meri Poppins Kn.2 Meri Poppins vozvrashchaetsya Kn.3 Meri Poppins otkryvaet dver Kn.4 Meri Poppins v parke.. Translation of Rodina I. Illustrations by Popova V. M. Kronos.Sovyazh Bevo. 1994. 220 and 304 and 256 and 268 s. SKUalba8a7c01d1f3beb73.
, Brepols, 2025 Paperback, 189 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:31 b/w, 39 col., 1 maps b/w, Language: English. *new ISBN 9782503608853.
Summary Between the thirteenth and the sixteenth centuries, the cult of the Virgin Mary underwent significant changes, a shift clearly revealed by an increase in artistic representations of Mary, as well as a flourishing devotional literature in her honour, written in both Latin and the vernacular. One aspect of this change was a broader attention to Mary's genealogical line, and in particular to her relationship with St Anne. The result was not only a renewed focus on the vita Annae, but also a significant overlap in how these two women were represented, juxtaposed, and perceived. This volume traces the often significant iconographic flexibility in terms of both how the Virgin Mary and Saint Anne were presented and perceived, and what can be termed a permeability between visual representations of the two saints. Focusing on the multiple readings, layers of meaning, and the visual interplay between the vita Mariae and the vita Annae, the chapters gathered here explore the overlap and influence between different iconographic motifs, and how these were used to advance political, religious, and social ideologies at the time of their creation, as well as exploring representations across a range of different media, from sculptures and frescoes to panel paintings, and manuscript illuminations. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations List of Contributors List of Abbreviations Representations of the Virgin Mary and Saint Anne from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period: Iconographic Flexibility and Permeability Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky 1. The Panel of the Virgin and Saint Anne from the Church of the Archangels in Iprari: Iconographic and Ideological Aspects Nina Chichinadze 2. The Anna Selbdritt and the Cult of the Three Maries: An Early Fourteenth-Century Wall Painting in the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary Mihnea Alexandru Mihail 3. The Pregnancies of Mary-Anne in Fifteenth- to Sixteenth-Century Franco-Flemish Manuscript Illuminations: Between Iconographic Appropriation and Iconographic Development Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky 4.'Worthy Vestment for the Sovereign Priest': Matriarchal Priesthood, Marian Allegory, and the Amiens Confraternity of Notre-Dame de Puy Elliott D. Wise 5. In Mente Dei, in Gremio Annae: The Source and the Receptacle of Marian Immaculacy in Sixteenth-Century Piacenza Fiammetta Campagnoli 6. Moving with Saint Anne: Representations of Anna Selbdritt between Central Europe and the Tyrolean Region Stefanie Paulmichl 7. Images of Saint Anne in the Ionian Islands (Fifteenth - Eighteenth Centuries) Eirini Panou 8. Arbor Anna Fructuosa. Apropos of an Image of Saint Anne and the Fruits of Redemption Let cia Martins de Andrade Conclusions Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky Appendix 1: Saint Anne - Primary Sources Appendix 2: Family Tree Appendix 3: Map Appendix 4: Short Timeline of Mariological Doctrines and Debates