P., Hermann, 1935. In 8 broché, quelques mouillures dans les marges, 308 pp. En frontispice un portrait plus une planche.
Reference : 1863
LAM. Livres Anciens et Modernes.
M. Gilles Hassan
16 rue de Claret
34070 Montpellier
P., Hermann, 1935, un volume in 8, broché, couverture imprimée, 1 portrait, 1 planche frontispice, 308pp.
---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- "From 1928, Jeans occupied himself with the popularization of science... He gave series of radio lectures which served as a source for The Universe Around us (1928)... The red lecture in 1930 led to The Mysterious Universe... Further works followed : The Stars in Their Courses and Through Space and Time, popularizing astronomy and The New background of Science, treating modern physics, all written in Jeans's fluence and exciting style. His final books, Physics and philosophy (1942) and The Growth of Physical Science (1947), were written in a more historical and restrained manner". (DSB VII p. 86)**2821/8319/K4-CAV/F2
,Paris, Hermann 1935, 308 pp., 1 vol. in 8 br. dos scotché,défr.
Paris, Hermann et Cie, 1935. In-8 rel. demi-basane, 308 p. Traduit de l'anglais. Très bon état.Ouvrage de vulgarisation sur la physique théorique.
Paris, Hermann, 1935. 16 x 25, 308 pp., broché, partiellement non coupé, bon état.
"Traduit de l'anglais par A. Lalande; en frontispice : portrait de Sir James Jeans."
P., Hermann, 1935, in-8, br., non coupé, 308 pp., 2 planches hors-texte, index. (GN1C)